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Hello I just bought a new hunting rifle chambered in 300 win mag. The only problem I am having is when I go to close the bolt fully with a round in the chamber it is tight like very tight. But after I get the bolt to close and the round is seated in the bolt face on the extractor I pull the bolt back a inch or so and when I push it in again after it is seated it goes right in not sure if it is an extractor problem or chamber

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10 minutes ago, ThatBucksLeaking said:

Hello I just bought a new hunting rifle chambered in 300 win mag. The only problem I am having is when I go to close the bolt fully with a round in the chamber it is tight like very tight. But after I get the bolt to close and the round is seated in the bolt face on the extractor I pull the bolt back a inch or so and when I push it in again after it is seated it goes right in not sure if it is an extractor problem or chamber

You sure the ammo isn’t too long?

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