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Atlas Gun Works Titan


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5 hours ago, motosapiens said:



ours only have about 8k on them, but they are as tight and accurate as when new. they'll have 10k rounds in a month or so.


thanks! any other users with over 20k / 30k? 

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7 hours ago, geraldskip said:

Be sure to post a review of that Hyperion when you get it finished. Really curious to see their new models.

Will do, it's about 90 days out but I'll circle back after the first thousand or so rounds....



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19 hours ago, Avenida said:


thanks! any other users with over 20k / 30k? 

Yes, I have over 20k on my Atlas Titan.

It's been a good gun. Was reliable and accurate from the day I got it.

I got mine a while ago (sub 100 serial number). I have had a couple friends who have gotten them recently and it seems like they are growing faster than they can keep up with quality control. Both of these guys have had to send their guns back basically as soon as they received them. It's unfortunate, because I think part of the reason they got them was the fact that they shot mine and saw that it was a very reliable gun.

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1 hour ago, davidb72 said:

Yes, I have over 20k on my Atlas Titan.

It's been a good gun. Was reliable and accurate from the day I got it.

I got mine a while ago (sub 100 serial number). I have had a couple friends who have gotten them recently and it seems like they are growing faster than they can keep up with quality control. Both of these guys have had to send their guns back basically as soon as they received them. It's unfortunate, because I think part of the reason they got them was the fact that they shot mine and saw that it was a very reliable gun.


That is what I have heard and why I ended up buying an sti. Cost me less too and it has been good, however, I understand it is not the same and wouls prefer something bettee as I can appreciate the quality of a semi custom. My next one is going to be a custom that is for sure.


Too bad for atlas, and thanks for your input 

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15 hours ago, davidb72 said:

Yes, I have over 20k on my Atlas Titan.

It's been a good gun. Was reliable and accurate from the day I got it.

I got mine a while ago (sub 100 serial number). I have had a couple friends who have gotten them recently and it seems like they are growing faster than they can keep up with quality control. Both of these guys have had to send their guns back basically as soon as they received them. It's unfortunate, because I think part of the reason they got them was the fact that they shot mine and saw that it was a very reliable gun.

Could you elaborate a bit on the kind of problems your friends had? I have a Titan coming soon and have high hopes as it will be the most expensive firearm purchase I’ve ever made.

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First time poster here.


I bought an Atlas Titan in 9mm along with a STI Marauder and a STI DVC 3 Gun a couple of months ago.  The STIs have run without any issues with all of my brand new gen 2 STI mags (four 126 mm, six 140 mm, three 170 mm).  The Titan experiences FTF with all of the 170 mm and FTE with one of the 140 mm mags.  I personally find the DVC to be the best value among the three (great trigger, accurate, well balanced for fast transitions, reasonably priced for what you get); in fact, just bought another one as my back up.

Edited by Firebull
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1 hour ago, Firebull said:

First time poster here.


I bought an Atlas Titan in 9mm along with a STI Marauder and a STI DVC 3 Gun a couple of months ago.  The STIs have run without any issues with all of my brand new gen 2 STI mags (four 126 mm, six 140 mm, three 170 mm).  The Titan experiences FTF with all of the 170 mm and FTE with one of the 140 mm mags.  I personally find the DVC to be the best value among the three (great trigger, accurate, well balanced for fast transitions, reasonably priced for what you get); in fact, just bought another one as my back up.


Was the OAL of your ammo tuned to each gun or are you simply running the same ammo in both guns and expecting it to magically work properly? Every 2011 requires the OAL of the ammo to be adjusted to the proper length to ensure reliable mechanical feeding.

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2 hours ago, Bluemooncricket said:

Could you elaborate a bit on the kind of problems your friends had? I have a Titan coming soon and have high hopes as it will be the most expensive firearm purchase I’ve ever made.

I have had a Titan Operator since September and it has been flawless. I have not had any issues with feed our extraction. I have been using strictly factory ammo, Speer Lawman 124gr and Speer Golddot 124gr. I have one 124mm and 3 140mm mags from Atlas. The fit and finish was superior when I received it. This is my primary duty weapon and I would not carry it if I had any concerns. I did have to return the slide for a lower front sight but that is part of tweaking the gun to me. Adam turned it around in two days.


I think the biggest problem people are running into is tuning the gun for the ammo they have or working up a round for the gun. Adam and I discussed what ammo I would be shooting the most of and he built and tested the gun for it. Because of that, it runs like a top. 2011s need tuned to the ammo.

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39 minutes ago, CHA-LEE said:


Was the OAL of your ammo tuned to each gun or are you simply running the same ammo in both guns and expecting it to magically work properly? Every 2011 requires the OAL of the ammo to be adjusted to the proper length to ensure reliable mechanical feeding.

Just running factory Blazer CCI 115gr, I don’t reload.  Maybe the STIs are built with higher tolerance but they run fine with the ammo.

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responding to this week's comments:

agreed with Chalee, every gun is different, especially in the 1911/2011 category. They're not glocks, you can't just use 1 size ammo or 1 bullet profile and call it good.... at least, you can't assume it works until you try.


Similar situation to the titans above: I bought a 9mm chaos right when they started their 90 day turn around campaign 2 years ago? I literally had nothing but problems with it for a solid year.


Since it wasn't a custom, I was given no instructions on what the "gun liked" as far as ammo, springs, power factor, etc... I checked enos, youtube, etc... for suggestions.

Found out my chaos does not like precision delta's sharp bullet profile. I had constant failure to feeds. Also found out my gun likes to be loaded short, around 1.15-1.16 (this is the opposite of what Adam suggested to me  months later. He says he only runs PD's in his guns and he loads long to 1.17)

It likes montana's and everglade's bullet profile. Once I got that sorted out, the gun ran maybe 80% reliably.


About halfway through my first year everything went bad. Had an issue with the trigger sticking back and both FTF and FTE. At one point I literally ran a 20+ round stage pulling the trigger forward to reset with my right hand trigger finger while simultaneously racking every spent casing out with my left hand.  

Adam suggested sending it back. He explained mbx mags are junk and I bent the trigger bow by pulling too hard? So ordered 3 svi mags and a new trigger + install from him, which totalled 700$+


That still didn't fix all the problems.

turns out I had a cracked extractor. I had been experiencing the symptoms of both a tight and loose extractor for months... a local smith swapped it out and fit me an extra as backup.

I could maybe have caught it sooner but I was totally new to the 2011 platform when I bought the chaos, I didn't know to look for such a thing.


Edit: my deltapoint fell off twice last year... after the second time, I had order a new mount because the threading on atlas’ mount was stripped.


Also edit: my comp is a little loose. Doesn’t effect my accuracy. the little set screw holding the comp stripped. And I shoot so much, even hi-temp loctite with primer causes it to come loose over time. Cat said to send it back and they’ll pin and weld the comp for free.... but paying fedex shipping back and forth has me holding out for now. Maybe if I ever sell it, I’ll get this done first.


Finally after swapping all my mag springs out and running an actual 8lb recoil spring measured with a spring tester, (even though I like the recoil of a 6.5 - 7lb) the gun runs 100% with any mag brand or follower. (as long as I use the correct bullet profile and length) I wouldn't doubt that I had a bad extractor from day1 and that's what caused all my feeding or extracting issues. Sad part is, it wasn't caught by Atlas and had to be found by me/my local buddy 12+ months later.


It was a rough 12+ months but at least I can say I know how to maintain a 2011 now, having disassembled it many many times.

goodluck to everyone on their first 2011. I hope your experience goes smoother than mine.





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I had previously decided that I want to save up for an Atlas this year. These recent posts have me worried about that decision. Maybe I should look elsewhere for a 2011? I've only heard good things about Atlas guns until recently.

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I had previously decided that I want to save up for an Atlas this year. These recent posts have me worried about that decision. Maybe I should look elsewhere for a 2011? I've only heard good things about Atlas guns until recently.

I do not bad mouth atlas for my problems. Stuff sneaks past QC every once and a while I’m sure with all companies.

Yea I have been frustrated for a long time, and my akai owner friends give me s#!t constantly... but, my issues might have been resolved more quickly if I had known the platform before I ordered my chaos, or if I had more open/2011 shooter buddies who lived near me.
I live in a small town where I have to drive 2 hours to a decent match. Our local stuff barely qualifies as practice for USPSA.

Instead of always googling the problem, a more experience person might have known what to look for whenever a problem arose.

I’ve always been an advocate of buy once, cry once.
An atlas was double the price of an sti but their quality/fit/finish is way better... so I don’t regret my decision.

When you have 2 working guns at 2 diff prices ranges, it becomes obvious which performs better...
It’s only when 1 works and the other doesn’t that you start to question your decision.
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I have a buddy who has posted on here about his Titan that he had no issues with.  I shot his gun numerous times and it led me to get a Nemesis.  I have had no issues with my gun at all.  A couple guys recently purchased Titans.  One had his gun delivered past the advertised (at the time) 60 day guarantee.  He ordered 6 mags and 4 of them literally (i am not exaggerating) did not fit in the gun.  How on earth a firearm can leave the shop with mags not even fitting in the gun is beyond me.  He sent the gun back and the problem was rectified.  Another friend from the cub just received his Titan last week.  We had it to the range this weekend and the grip safety, although pinned, had a significant amount of movement.  He was having issues (purely personal preference) with the new atlas safety, which has a wider ledge.  He would upon reloading bump the safety up.  I witnessed on two occasions that when he pushed the safety back down it dropped the hammer, without him pulling the trigger.  He has since repeated this phenomenon on video, however i will not post it without his approval.  The hammer fell, when pushing the safety off  without pulling the trigger.  He filled out the online warranty form and they sent him a shipping label and it is back at Atlas now.  Now i have a bunch of other friends that have Atlas Titans, Nemesis' and Chaos' and have had no issue.  I too, have not had any issues with my Nemesis.  But it is concerning that two of my friends that recently received their Titans, have both had to send it back within days of receiving it for issues.  Personally, at this time I would get another Atlas, but know other guys at my club that were thinking of getting them have now decided not to.

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These same type of "Gun Issue" stories can be found for any manufacture or high end gunsmith. The mixture of custom built guns, random magazine configurations, reloaded ammo, random maintenance practices and limited platform knowledge is not a guaranteed recipe for success. Any 2011 or 1911 built with the purpose of competition use WILL require more care and proactive maintenance than an off the shelf plastic fantastic gun. I believe this is the number one issue new custom 2011/1911 owners find out the hard way. Just because you pay a premium for a custom gun doesn't mean that you can ignore all of the required supporting elements needed to keep it running reliably. 


The easiest way to to put this into perspective is comparing custom 2011/1911's to high performance race cars and off the shelf plastic fantastic pistols are daily commuters. You absolutely can't expect a Baja 1000 Trophy Truck to perform reliably if its used and maintained like an F150 Farm Truck. But this is exactly what a lot of new custom 2011/1911 owners expect to happen.

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1 minute ago, CHA-LEE said:

These same type of "Gun Issue" stories can be found for any manufacture or high end gunsmith. The mixture of custom built guns, random magazine configurations, reloaded ammo, random maintenance practices and limited platform knowledge is not a guaranteed recipe for success. Any 2011 or 1911 built with the purpose of competition use WILL require more care and proactive maintenance than an off the shelf plastic fantastic gun. I believe this is the number one issue new custom 2011/1911 owners find out the hard way. Just because you pay a premium for a custom gun doesn't mean that you can ignore all of the required supporting elements needed to keep it running reliably. 


The easiest way to to put this into perspective is comparing custom 2011/1911's to high performance race cars and off the shelf plastic fantastic pistols are daily commuters. You absolutely can't expect a Baja 1000 Trophy Truck to perform reliably if its used and maintained like an F150 Farm Truck. But this is exactly what a lot of new custom 2011/1911 owners expect to happen.


I agree with that totally...however, i think we can all agree that the issues i described from my friends were straight from the shop and not after a few months of use.  When mags don't even fit halfway into the grip that is not user error.  That is lack of attention to detail.  

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4 hours ago, Bluemooncricket said:

Could you elaborate a bit on the kind of problems your friends had? I have a Titan coming soon and have high hopes as it will be the most expensive firearm purchase I’ve ever made.

JJB05 is a friend of mine and described the two issues.

Luckily enough for me my gun has been great - reliable and accurate and works with any old mag I put in it whether it be a new tuned SVI from Atlas or an old STI one that I had been using with my Edge.

Maybe Atlas has grown so quickly that they are struggling to keep their QC up as they try to meet the demand? The biggest issue I have had with them is their 60 day delivery guarantee (or 90 day depending on what day of the week it is). They missed the deadline on my gun which caused me to not shoot a sectional match. They also missed (by a wide margin) the deadline on another friend's gun. I don't know why they persist with these deadlines. I think they would do better to just be honest and tell folks that the guns will be sent out when they are done.

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JJB05> I can totally agree with you on that as well. Fundamental build quality should happen from the manufacture or gunsmith. No argument there. What comes into play in that situation is how well the manufacture or gunsmith handles the issues. The way I see it, buying a custom gun should have two major factors considered. The first factor is the gun and the second is the customer service. We have to accept the fact that no matter what a business claims their product reliability or quality will be, there will always be exceptions to those claims. Stuff breaks, people screw things up, and unforeseen situations happen. Such is life in everything we do. What really matters is how the business handles these unfortunate situations. Do they make it right or do they leave you high and dry? I am yet to see Atlas Gunworks leave customers high and dry. They usually go above and beyond in helping customers through issues even when the issues are not caused by their products.

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1 minute ago, CHA-LEE said:

JJB05> I can totally agree with you on that as well. Fundamental build quality should happen from the manufacture or gunsmith. No argument there. What comes into play in that situation is how well the manufacture or gunsmith handles the issues. The way I see it, buying a custom gun should have two major factors considered. The first factor is the gun and the second is the customer service. We have to accept the fact that no matter what a business claims their product reliability or quality will be, there will always be exceptions to those claims. Stuff breaks, people screw things up, and unforeseen situations happen. Such is life in everything we do. What really matters is how the business handles these unfortunate situations. Do they make it right or do they leave you high and dry? I am yet to see Atlas Gunworks leave customers high and dry. They usually go above and beyond in helping customers through issues even when the issues are not caused by their products.


Once again, I totally agree and to my knowledge any issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of the customer.  I believe what my friends and the other people at my club have issues with are "minor" details that should be rectified before the gun ever gets to the end-user, although the hammer dropping without the trigger being pressed is definitely a safety issue.  Personally, i have no issues with my gun or Atlas in general.  Adam, from Atlas has always taken the time to talk to me about everything associated with my gun and I would get another one.  Just that 2 out of 2 of my friends that recently purchased had to send back within a day or two of getting theirs and it has soured numerous members of my club.  

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12 hours ago, CHA-LEE said:

JJB05> I can totally agree with you on that as well. Fundamental build quality should happen from the manufacture or gunsmith. No argument there. What comes into play in that situation is how well the manufacture or gunsmith handles the issues. The way I see it, buying a custom gun should have two major factors considered. The first factor is the gun and the second is the customer service. We have to accept the fact that no matter what a business claims their product reliability or quality will be, there will always be exceptions to those claims. Stuff breaks, people screw things up, and unforeseen situations happen. Such is life in everything we do. What really matters is how the business handles these unfortunate situations. Do they make it right or do they leave you high and dry? I am yet to see Atlas Gunworks leave customers high and dry. They usually go above and beyond in helping customers through issues even when the issues are not caused by their products.


You guys shouldn't worry.  Atlas makes a great gun and will stand behind their product.  I got a Nemesis last August and I too sent it back a few days later for a safety that came loose.  I was annoyed, but they took care of it and had it back to me before the next weeks match.  The gun just runs and runs.  What's more is I run 180gr Blue Bullets at 1.195 with Prima SV (cuz CHA-LEE said so) and it works 100% of the time.  I've got maybe 10k blues through it now. Quite a few other folks shoot Titan's locally and they run 100%. 


Lastly, shout out to CHA-LEE.  If you haven't read his "Path to Focused Effort" book you should.  I've won, combined, the last 3 club matches Ive shot since November.  A little bit of Atlas and his book goes a looong way.  

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I bought both a 40 and a 9 Nemesis last fall. The 9 only has about 4000 rounds on it but its been perfect. The 40 is about 8000 and will be my primary USPSA gun. The 40 has also been perfect. These are my first 1911 design guns. Up until now I've shot several different CZ's.


I had no CZ problems and still own several. However the Atlas guns are like Cadillacs versus the Chevrolet CZ's. I'll never go back and I will keep buying from Atlas. They answer any question I have and treat me like a customer likes being treated. 


I am more than pleased with Atlas guns and Atlas itself.

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My Atlas has been flawless since I shortened my OAL on my reloads. If using coated Bullets the OAL needs to be short or it will not fully go to battery 100% of the time. Using jacketed or played allows the longer OALs. But since it runs 100% near factory OAL with coated there is no reason to go longer for me.


The fit and quality of the finish is also top quality.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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1 hour ago, Balakay said:


 The Internet is a double edged sword. Reputations can be made or lost. Let the games begin.

Agreed, but at least so far, this discussion appears to be fair and without agendas.

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