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MBX and STI Mags in an SVI hitting the ejector


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I did do a search and found a couple of threads about this, but nothing really directly addressed the issue.  I have 3 STI and a boat load of MBX mags and all of them hit the ejector when inserted. Is the solution in the ejector, magazine, mag catch, or a combination of the 3?





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3 hours ago, echotango said:

file your ejector as shown. 


Is that actually beveled or is it just filed flat? Would you have a picture of it head on? Or potentially a picture with the slide off with the mag inserted? Thanks.



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I understand the potential problems with "slamming" a magazine into the ejector and possibly breaking it. Any potential problems with just running any of these mags with a "normal insertion"? Function doesn't seem to be an issue.

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As others have said, an extended ejector will break if the mag can bounce against it.  

A couple months ago I had to replace a broken ejector in an SVI gun because it wasn't properly fitted so the mags wouldn't hit and the ejector broke when I was running dummy rounds through it to verify the extractor.  I saw a little black piece fall out of the ejection port onto the floor and knew it was the ejector nose.  Replaced it with a wilson combat which has a shorter nose and clears the mags and all is good again.

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1 hour ago, Bamboo said:

As others have said, an extended ejector will break if the mag can bounce against it.  

A couple months ago I had to replace a broken ejector in an SVI gun because it wasn't properly fitted so the mags wouldn't hit and the ejector broke when I was running dummy rounds through it to verify the extractor.  I saw a little black piece fall out of the ejection port onto the floor and knew it was the ejector nose.  Replaced it with a wilson combat which has a shorter nose and clears the mags and all is good again.

So let me ask the question yet another way; can you only run SVI mags in an SVI lower or is there a modification to the ejector, i.e. shortening, filling diagonally, etc. that will allow the use of STI or MBX mags in an SVI lower?

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2 hours ago, Bamboo said:

As others have said, an extended ejector will break if the mag can bounce against it.  

A couple months ago I had to replace a broken ejector in an SVI gun because it wasn't properly fitted so the mags wouldn't hit and the ejector broke when I was running dummy rounds through it to verify the extractor.  I saw a little black piece fall out of the ejection port onto the floor and knew it was the ejector nose.  Replaced it with a wilson combat which has a shorter nose and clears the mags and all is good again.

So let me ask the question yet another way; can you only run SVI mags in an SVI lower or is there a modification to the ejector, i.e. shortening, filling diagonally, etc. that will allow the use of STI or MBX mags in an SVI lower?

Edited by redfisher
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There are two issues you have to think about.  First is ejector length.  You tune your ejector to toss the empties out at an angle that works for your gun.  This is particularly important if you shoot an Open gun with a frame mounted dot.  In a Limited gun, it is not so critical.


The second is the mag release.  You can buy mag releases that let the mags sit lower in the frame.  That may or may not affect feeding.


If you are happy with your ejector length now, file it to look like the Brazos.  If that doesn't work, try shortening it.  As a last resort, try a different mag release.


My Open guns have STI frames and the both work with MBX and SVI mags and a "relatively" short ejector.  Brass flies straight out to the side and clears the optic frame mount.

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I'm not an authority on SVI frames and their differences compared to STI, etc.  But, I can say that the SVI I replaced the ejector on will use MBX or STI mags just fine now that there is clearance for the top part of the mag.  Actually, it worked fine before as the mag was just a few thousands away from the ejector and I think between insertion and the mag  banging against it while firing it cracked and finally let go while I was using dummy rounds.


But, I also have STI and Caspian framed guns and had to put a chamfer on the side of the ejector as shown above by EchoTango to make sure the mag didn't bang against it.  So, the issue isn't unique to the SVI frame. 

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So as an aside, the MBX website says that their mags are made for STI pattern grips and may not work in other manufacturers grips (plagiarized not exact words) love to hear from someone who actually runs MBX mags in their SVI Gun.

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21 minutes ago, redfisher said:

So as an aside, the MBX website says that their mags are made for STI pattern grips and may not work in other manufacturers grips (plagiarized not exact words) love to hear from someone who actually runs MBX mags in their SVI Gun.

I run an mbx mag in my svi but only the 170 so I do t reload to an mbx. I've noticed no matter what I do or how much I file, any mag will touch the ejector in my gun if pushed hard enough on an open slide. So I switch my mag I reload to, to a new style SV 140mm mag. It still hits but it fits better than the mbx or old style SV mags I've tried. Now inserting a loaded mag with the slide shut, I don't think you have to worry about over inserting because you have that buffer of the top round and the slide.  It may touch the ejector but now enough to bend it. I had ejector issues because mines was bending because of age. I threw a new SV ejector and it's been fine since. I reload my new SV mag hard and has not bent the ejector at all. You should be fine just keep an eye out for bending when you clean the gun. And keep track of the ejectors age. The do become weak over time. Hope this helps. 

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