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Rules for milling slide


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May have been covered.can I still shoot production with my 34 if I get it milled for a dot. I seen co rules u can added slide serration in co division as long as no slide cuts. With this done will it still be production legal.

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Get the MOS cover plate and have the machine shop make it for that and the MOS plates

NO - Slide cuts other than the MOS optic cut and you MIGHT get by , not away, with it


anybody who knows Glocks will be able to tell by where the rear sight is positioned.


Seems like Mike Foley is a fan of CO so good chance it will last through the provisional period.

I think its fun and I like shooting it indoors during the winter so I don't have to hear my open gun indoors!

Just one guys opinion

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I contacted him wait till Monday. I'm a limited guy idk why I care. Just want to give it try. I shot one match in open an stunk it up. Shot whole stage never seen the dot. Before I dump change on a open gun like to see if I can get better with the dot.say I'll never shoot production again.yes open indoors sucks, but take one out there's 14 more in my squad 

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1 hour ago, Sarge said:

"Should"? Be careful because "should" is not binding.

True sarge. I'm  limited guy just something to play with. Probably never shoot production again any way, that said I would like to have it legal if my kids want to play some day

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More an more I think on it might just take the 17 I have for a bed side gun.might be better with optic any ways. An keep 34 in tack. I'm just trying to get better with the dot anyways. Shot whole stage in open once an never seen the dot. Before I dump the change on a open gun thought I'd try this.plus new round count is cool also

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