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9 hours ago, kurtm said:

Second, sometimes people do stuff that startles an R.O. and they yell at you. It is his perception at the time, right or wrong, and it is probably best handled by talking to the R.O. one one one after all involved have calmed down rather than broadcast your general displeasure to all within ear shot.....especially when the R.O. is still within ear shot.


Kurt, keep digging that hole.  Aren't you the guy that wasn't at the match? You are dead wrong again.  The competitor walked away in silence when the RO yelled...it wasn't that big a deal.  The situation deteriorated when the RO sought out the competitor...and deliberately started messing with the competitor...yelling at the competitor to "PICK ONE!!!" (a random stage briefing card).  Who does that kind of thing? He also had words for one of the greats and a guy with no hands...they also didn't do anything unsafe, just something that he didn't like.   He loves power...we have all seen RO's like that.  He labels himself in his post...not sure why it should make you more uncomfortable than him...in fact, I am not sure why you keep bringing it up...you weren't even at the match.

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Jesus H. Christ....Talk about digging a hole....


Actually, when I "sought out the competitor...and deliberately started messing with the competitor", she was quietly sitting on a Unicorn (it could have been a zebra painted to look like a Unicorn - I have such a bad memory) and wearing a fetching Antebellum style ball gown.....


....and my story contains as much truth as yours....MEOW!




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So...what actually happened anyway?  The whole vague I said this person said something about some one else smacks of High School BS.  We're all big boys and girls.  I've never had any trouble fighting my own battles and I'm sure if someone was really offended they could feel free to let Eric know.  He's not hard to get a hold of.  I'm more confused than I was before I started.  

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Whoa Chuck! I am not in anyway part of nor connected to C.D.


Eric, Eric, Eric, it was Outzen in the fetching antebellum dress. SOOOOO HOT!!!???:wub:

Mark97se whom ever you might be, my last statement could and does fit a myriad of situations that I have observed at matches all across the world, why must you make it all about you or someone you feel was treated unfairly? It happens, be adult about it or seek the discount. ;)

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11 minutes ago, kurtm said:

Whoa Chuck! I am not in anyway part of nor connected to C.D.



Well you are kind of related to Eric aren't you?  I mean Miller is a fairly common name, but you guys have that same weird look about you.  Isn't one Miller the same as all the rest? 

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All Miller's must hang!:D

Careful though, Mom's maiden name was Anderson so we could be related Chuck. That would make you as culpable as any other.

All that aside do you have any Unicorn feed? I hear it's hard to come by and it seems someone is in need!

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Full memory dump from my perspective:


  • My stage had a cowboy storefront with a porch about 10' deep, door in the middle, 4 windows, 2 on each side of door which were for carbine shooting, cross range shooting was possible and permitted, movement allowed on the porch area. Stage brief was that no one approach past the rear of the porch while shooter was shooting.
  • While RO'ing a shooter shooting carbine through the windows, my peripheral vision detected Becky Yackley on the left side moving up past the back of the porch. I motioned with my arm and yelled "get back". Becky moved back. Becky was not a shooter on the current squad shooting the stage.
  • Shooter finished, we cleared the stage and went down and scored the stage (all paper).
  • As we came back, Becky was waiting in the doorway on the stage. Since this was a random draw stage brief (3 possible), and to show I wasn't mad, I asked her to "pick one, please". I was not yelling and had lifted my earpro.
  • Becky ignored my request and asked me rather brusquely "why did you feel you had to yell at me?"
  • I told her that she was moving up past the safe line established by the stage brief.
  • Becky turned and walked away approximately 10 yds or so off the stage to an individual (I did not notice who).
  • I heard Becky say "That guys a F%cking a_-hole" to that individual (I had my earpro lifted and could hear just fine).
  • Now it was my turn to be mad and offended and I yelled to her "Yeah...I'm a f%cking a_-hole who's trying to keep everybody safe."
  • Becky left the stage. The match director came to the stage and asked me about what happened and said Becky wants an apology. I refused, saying she can apologize to me for her behavior.
  • We finished the shooting squad.
  • Next up was Becky's squad. Before the brief and walk-through, I walked up to Becky and asked "Are we good?". Becky did not speak and would not look at me.
  • I turned the clock over to my ARO, he became RO for that squad and I was ARO.
  • I have no recollection whatever about having "words" for Hunter Cayll or anyone else on his squad. Kay's handgun came closer to the edge of the table than any before but there was no problem. I was adamant about muzzle control as the shooter retrieved the carbine and might have said "muzzle" a couple of times for that squad - I can't recall (only said it about 20 times or so in the whole match)

The film crew from Jerry Springer wasn't following me that day, so we'll just have to see what happens by tuning into this forum.




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Despite what appears to be a lot of discord in here, I would unhesitatingly urge everyone to sign up for this match next year.  I am confident that new people will be involved in running the match and that it will rapidly become a must-shoot event.  I was blown away by the hospitality shown by the Governor's office and the work that they put into this.  Gov Matt Mead wasn't looking for a photo op...he walked-the-walk and tried to put on a major shooting competition.  The Governor himself stood there and went through the list, thanking all the sponsors!!!  For his part, he hit it out of the park.  His other initiative, the grass-roots Wyoming 100 competition is a great way to get people moving toward practical shooting.  Magpul and several other companies put out a great prize table.  Many aspects of this match deserve to be supported by the industry and every competitor out there.


Unlike the people in here throwing stones at anyone that wasn't happy...myself, my family, Alma, Andy, the Marines, and others stayed up late on Sat and woke up early on Sun to help plan a shoot-off stage, put it on the ground, and run it for Gov Mead to watch when he arrived(it replaced CD's cancelled team match).  All those people were just there to shoot, but we wanted the match to be a success...we didn't use words...we worked and made it happen.


As for CD, this will be my first and last time attending one of their matches.  And that has nothing to do with any surly ROs.  We have shot over 175 major matches from one end of the country to the other.  There are too many great match directors and matches out there to spend my $ on anything less than 1st rate offerings.  The CD guys have a different flavor...a flavor that I have never seen before.  If you like stages where they deliberately make sure that you can't hear the timer beep, where a physical challenge might take up 80% of the stage, where you have to teach the RO's how to call long range hits and give them your spotting scope to use(and this from a PRS match director?), where the "team side match" was going to be 8 shots total with no movement and cost $40, where the staff refuses to let a TV show film (great coverage for a 1st year match), where the staff is more concerned about being right than getting the scores right, where there is weird/slow paper scoring, where the people in charge give the distinct impression that they don't care, etc, etc, then they might be the guys for you.  I could go on for awhile with this, but I think I may have reached the limit for this type of forum.  By way of fairness, I will also unhesitatingly say that CD put on one of the most organized and orderly prize tables that I have ever seen.  Kudos!


If you think this post is just my style, then you don't know me.  You can comb through enos forums...you won't find another like it.  No more back-and-forth internet commando stuff...if CD or anyone else really wants to hear the full version or has a problem with what I said above, please message me and we can talk it out on the phone like adults. 


As I said above, despite all this, I would encourage EVERYONE to SHOOT THIS MATCH NEXT YEAR!  If I can schedule vacation for the match, I will be there. 

When a politician wants to partner with us to make a great competitive shooting event, we need to step up and make it happen.  This is about much more than a simple shooting match!!!


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1 hour ago, ericm said:





On the first day of the match I remember that you turned me away when I asked about the stage, directing me to find all of the stage descriptions printed out by the sign in tables. As I turned to walk away you got may hopes up when you called out to stop me, but then said something else (that I can't recall) which also wasn't the stage description. This left me shaking my head and walking away to the pavilion in shame. :(


Thankfully I found you to be very pleasant when it was my squads turn to shoot on Sunday morning. You were light hearted and showed flexibility with our squad. You did, however, traumatize a few shooters by proclaiming that specific targets were "dead" and stated that was a good thing. :o


It ended up being a very enjoyable stage experience overall despite the obvious frustration of having to read a half page of text on the clock to decipher which targets were shoot, and which were no shoot. I ended up with a very good time on that stage which I think means that I read faster, not that my shooting was better in any particular way.


Thank you for being out there all week to work the stage. I hope to see you next year.  

Edited by alma
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Errbody knows you have to be most vigilant on Sunday mornings around the Embassy....Errbody!!!!  ;)


....but...but....I also said "he's alive...that's good" about specific targets, so that should've offset the bad news a little....




ericm (Acting Station Chief, Temporary Consulate, Al Qatar, Libya)

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1 hour ago, ericm said:

Errbody knows you have to be most vigilant on Sunday mornings around the Embassy....Errbody!!!!  ;)


....but...but....I also said "he's alive...that's good" about specific targets, so that should've offset the bad news a little....




ericm (Acting Station Chief, Temporary Consulate, Al Qatar, Libya)

And Academy Award Nominee 

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Nephi from the Governor's office sent to everyone today a survey through email. 


If you would like to weigh in on the match then please look for that email and provide your feedback to make this match better for next year. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

All in all, I had a great time at the Governors Match. Some of the stages were unconventional, but that was some of the fun, some of the challenge. Despite some contrivance there wasn't a single stage that was easy for me, and yes, some of the physicality was a departure from the typical USPSA-influenced matches we normally attend. A lot of the targets (both pistol & rifle) required accuracy, more so than in our local matches that usually have a hoser stage or array. 


The props and scenarios were definitely interesting and provided a cool alternative to traditional stage elements. Personally, I thought shooting out of the turret of the MRAP was pretty awesome, and shooting carbine to almost 400 yds was a technical challenge. I did the WY 100 side match and the transition side match. Both were totally fun and added to the round count. 


Lastly, speaking as a middle of the pack shooter, the prize table was great. I think I walked with $400+ in goodies. Last time I shot a major match (USPSA Nationals), I got a mag pouch. I hope to shoot this match again next year. 

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