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Throwing magazine


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While watching a shooter at classifier stage he has bad run couple no shoots fumble reload on 90 point stage. To make ready for second string,,he takes mag from gun throws it at targets,( does not hit targets )

Reloads full mag shoots second string.

Question is it unsportsmanlike conduct,,or you just let it go with warning..I was not RO..

Or just pay no attention and score targets...

Rule 10.6----10.6.1

Edited by EEH
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Just shrug it off and score targets. And of course remember them so you can avoid them in the future if possible. I was told once by an RMI there only a handful of unsportsmanlike DQ's total. It's pretty rare so I would imagine throwing a mag probably doesn't merit one.

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Just shrug it off and score targets. And of course remember them so you can avoid them in the future if possible. I was told once by an RMI there only a handful of unsportsmanlike DQ's total. It's pretty rare so I would imagine throwing a mag probably doesn't merit one.

Option 3 at Nationals.

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For me it would be determined by how he did it. If he had really lost it and threw it in a fit of uncontrolled (or improperly controlled) rage, then yes, I think it merits a DQ. I don't want people who can't handle some misfortune without losing it. What is going to happen on the next stage when Bubba in the crowd unexpectedly burps right before the start signal? Does he warrant a two-alpha?

OTOH, if it was done in a joking manner, I have no problem with that. I would think it was kind of funny if someone took the mag out of their gun and tossed it back into a trash barrel.

Edited by High Lord Gomer
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I once loaded a shell in my shotgun tube backwards and caused a death jam. While struggling to clear it I felt the urge to grab shells off my belt and "engage" the last two targets with them, partly out of rage but mostly to provide some comedic relief. But a little voice in my head wasn't sure about the rules regarding this so I refrained.

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Now if it's clear they are thrown AT the target does this count as engaging? I've ran out of ammo right at the last target and got a fail to engage deduction, I probably could have it it with my mat. Of course it was empty so would that matter? :-)

If it was funny I'd just enjoy the show


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While I agree it is not good sportsmanship, I would not think it is a DQ worthy behavior.

In my opinion, if he throws it over the berm, it is mine. :P

Sometimes our shooters tend to act like spoiled children. Unless they throw it at me or another RO/ Shooter then we might have an issue, otherwise I will respectfully laugh at their childish behavior.

Seen D shooters thru GMs do it. Like it is the poor mags fault?


Edited by JayWord
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I ran out one time shooting a revolver and the last target needed one more round. So I pulled out my knife and scored an A. But the RO still gave me a mike. I was trying to improvise, adapt and overcome. Oh well.

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For what it's worth...

This is a hobby sport. We all have families, mortgages. Stressful jobs and all too often resentful wives.

What I see as a frustrated mag toss, someone else may see as inappropriate rage. Let's be our brothers keeper, if a guy acts out in frustration, perhaps because he failed to meet his own expectation in the only thing he feels he can control in this world, let's look after him. I don't think that tossing a mag in frustration equates to a serial madman that we need to DQ. How about putting an arm around the guy and saying " I get it bro! " of course a reminder that we need to be in control and what the expectations are is in order.

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For what it's worth...

This is a hobby sport. We all have families, mortgages. Stressful jobs and all too often resentful wives.

What I see as a frustrated mag toss, someone else may see as inappropriate rage. Let's be our brothers keeper, if a guy acts out in frustration, perhaps because he failed to meet his own expectation in the only thing he feels he can control in this world, let's look after him. I don't think that tossing a mag in frustration equates to a serial madman that we need to DQ. How about putting an arm around the guy and saying " I get it bro! " of course a reminder that we need to be in control and what the expectations are is in order.

Good point but do we really need to cater to a hothead?

I don't want my daughter to be subjected to things like that.

Suck it up buttercup, you had a bad stage, so what, it's a game, it doesn't matter.

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Iron Anchor

I am sure she will but she doesn't need to see an adult acting like a crybaby because he didn't have a good stage.

I would like her to have positive experiences at matches not negative ones.

She will hear cussing too in other places, does that mean it's ok for people to cuss at the range in front of women and children?

Yesterday we had a 9 year old girl on a squad, I hope the other Shooters watched their language around her and her mother.

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I agree with bret in that cursing and carrying on like a bad sport should not be acceptable, especially when children are around. Considering how hard it is to attract new folks to our sport, I think we should always be minding our manners. I got upset one time on a stage and said a more subtle curse word, but it was cursing nonetheless and very loud. Although it was a couple of years ago, I still feel bad about it to this day. I know we had a couple of spectators and possibly one new shooter in our squad. I can imagine what an impression I made on them.

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