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Sti mag


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So recently ordered 1 new 170 9mm mag tube and a new 140 tube.I know they might need some work right out of the box the 170 was perfect,worked flawless now the 140,the grams guts would not even fit follower will get stuck in the body 3/4 inch down from feed lips, mag tube will not seat in the gun or drop free mac catch hole is .030 lower than the other and body dementions are .040 different wtf realy!!!!

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Tried mbx mags feed lips are to short in length and my gun does not feed reliable from the mbx mag sent it back and got sti tubes have never had an isue with them and y should I have to buy a 100$ kit to make a 100$ mag fit in the gun have never once had a problem with a glock mag or springfield mag or cz mag doesn't make sence to me

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I just sent 12 9mm bodies back to STI. Not one would run without nose diving (Grams or STI guts). They seem to have a problem in the transition area from double to single where the rounds under the top round are straight, instead of angled up. I tried a new SV tube and after a bit of fitting, it ran flawless, so I picked up a full set of SV tubes. Every one of them runs perfect. Also tried a friends MBX mags and they ran good as well.

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