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If any of you remebers the Open SVI/Springfield Gun - It has now gotte


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As I spent the 2015 just shooting Open Division in quite alot of matches, in total probably 42 Level III stages, and 60+ Level II, when the season ended I felt it was time to update the old beast - Heresy, I know!

Either way, a friend was over to the states for work, so I ordered a new steel grip for the frame after consulting with the guys and gals over at SVI and a months or so later it was back in my firm Vikingish - Swedish hands.

Fitment was really easy, a testament to the things SVI manufactures - 20 year old frame, grip manufactured a month ago, no biggie, just a bit time consuming. I also swaped out some older internal bits that felt like it was time since I had run at least 3000 Open+ through it during the season.


First it was time to strip it, probably for the first time in ages. Thanks to excellent videos made by Mats "Dalmas" Backstrom, a Swedish team Inifinty shooter it was a breeze. I spent a full night just making it clean and shiny again.


I borrowed a huge set of tools from the mechanical shop at work and started working on the fitment. This took about 3 days since I used very fine filing tools, rather bad too remove to much material. A black marker was an excellent way to see where more material needed to be removed. Have about a metric ton of these pictures so one is more then enough.


...And then everything went back into place :) Trigger & Reset as short and crisp as before, everything working as intended. After a quick visit to the range, the added weight vs the old plastic grip was an improvment. Despite defiling a rare piece of history, I see it as a upgrade totally worth it.

Also, it felt alone in my gunsafe so I had to get him a buddy... A 5" SVI Sight tracker in 9x19, just because two is more fun then one! :)


Looking forward to this season to really start ^^

Edited by czbeardly
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Do you know if the STI mags 140&170 work with SVI IC grips? I'm looking to get IC grips but wasn't sure if STI mags work? Thanks


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Not sure, both my bigsticks are SPS mags (and quite old at that, only takes 24rnds), but they work without a problem. I can check with my clubmate who runs STI with STI bigsticks, and see how they work, but that could be a few weeks out.

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