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Single wing vs. Dual wing interrupter


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I hear that some people think that the dual wing interrupters are better.

Is this a majority opinion, and if so, why?

It seems to me to be kind of random whether a specific gun comes with a dual or single wing... kind of like one piece vs. two piece sears. Never know what to expect in a new gun until you open it up...

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My LimPro has 2-wing, and Stock 2 has 1-wing. I honestly like the trigger feel on the LimPro better, but it's hard to quantify why. It just feels crispier, or, maybe less stacking on the DA. I agree the difference is very small, but I definitely can tell the difference firing them blindly.

BTW - I have identical polishing and internals on those 2, except the interrupters.

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  • 2 years later...

Anyone with input on tanfoglio 1 wing vs 2 wing interruptor if wanting to stay with factory?

Factory 1 wing is on the left, patriot defense bolo is on the right, any particular reason for this?

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I want the 3 wing one I seen.  I heard Ben Stoeger uses it. 


Ok,... I'm trolling. 



Seriously, I'd buy the cheaper if the two. I'm with Memphis, I doubt it matters. 


I've had both in CZ's. I can't say I remember a difference. 

Edited by B_RAD
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I believe I've read that the one sided has less surface area/contact so theres less friction. Which means less force/lower pull weight. 


That was in the manufacturers description. So,... Creative marketing or legit?

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1 hour ago, yigal said:

for 1 000 000 eu. per y. it  would not mind.?


Ah that makes no sense. Just for funsies, the math...


1,000,000 euro per year = ~$1,165,000 usd. That means Ben would have to sell approximately 3,000 guns per year for Tanfo to break even. So  yeah, makes no sense.

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12 minutes ago, SCTaylor said:


Ah that makes no sense. Just for funsies, the math...


1,000,000 euro per year = ~$1,165,000 usd. That means Ben would have to sell approximately 3,000 guns per year for Tanfo to break even. So  yeah, makes no sense.


He’s jokingly talking about how much CZ would be paying Eric Grauffel to jump ship. ;) 


The rest of the world doesn’t give a rip about Stoeger, they care about Grauffel. Le Freug moves a lot more Tanfos than Ben does.


Edited by MemphisMechanic
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