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Carver 3 or 4 port comp


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I have a Carver 3 port comp for an open G17 build I completed last year with the thoughts of running open minor for steel. Well I am now entertaining the thoughts of running major as well and was wondering if the 4 port Carver or 11 port SJC comp would be more beneficial. Does anyone have any side by side comparisons between the two? Are there any comps for the Glock that seem to perform exceptionally? Thanks for the feedback.

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The 3 port Carver would probably work for major as well as minor with just a change of recoil spring. It may be a little jumpier than the 4 port, but not a lot. Try it before buying another comp.

I have an SJC 11 port on a 9 major g17 and it works well, but it is much longer than the Carvers!!! Take a look before you buy one to see if it is too long for your needs. I also have the Carver 4 port on a .40 cal G22 and it works well for major with 135 gr Rainiers. You really have to have a lot of gas generated to really work the SJC 11 port, so choice of powder is critical. Also take a look at the 4 port Jager comp. It works well for major in my experience. Note - the 11 port SJC is also more expensive than the Carvers or the Jager, but not prohibitively.

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I just finished testing loads for 40 Open Major. My comp choices are limited because of the gun I shoot. Basically, the only one I can use is a modified Tanfo 3-port comp. Initially, I could not find a powder/load that worked the comp to my satisfaction and still made Major. So I started modifying comps. Finally, after enlarging the first top port and having two side bleeders machined into the sides of the second and third ports, I had a comp that worked with Autocomp and HS-6. There are still not enough ports to exhaust slower powders like N340.

So I agree with the opinion that you have to consider the comp and powder choice together. I'm finding out that 135gr 40 Open loads and 9mm Major loads have a lot in common. If you want to dump boatloads of really slow powders into 9mm Major with light bullets, go with the 11-port comp. If you want to stick with something like 124gr and HS-6 the 3 or 4-port will do, but I'd go with the 4, just in case.

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