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New Winchester 572 Powder


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Anybody have any first hand experience with it or know anything solid about it?

The chatter on the interwebs is that it is a replacement for SR4756, but I can't find anything about burn rate or any first hand accounts of anybody using it for pistol.

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been thinking about your post.

If powder were cheap... I would not be too concerned about giving it a try.

but the lowest amount you can buy is a pound and that will cost

most of a tank of gas in my world

it is not a dear sum, but I'd definitely not want to toss that much

coin out the window.

If you can get the powder, why not give it a trial

and let us know how it went?

it is hard to put a price on glory.


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I saw the load data, but like to hear/read about the experiences of others. Still haven't found the bulk density or any burn rate chart with it listed (just to get an idea of how it compares to SR4756). Looking at the hogdon site it seems like it may be a little faster (less powder to yield same velocity) than SR4756. SR4756 was in my top three favorites for making major w/124grainers in 38 super and would be happy to discover it shoots like SR4756 in 38 super.

Agreed - If i see a pound locally I'll probably get it and try. Just haven't seen it locally, yet.

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