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What would be your 9mm wet dream load?


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My dream cartridge would hit the A zone every time with powder puff recoil allowing .15 splits out of my Production gun, making PF every time, at zero cost to me.

Practically, though, it's whatever bullet/primer/powder/case combination that gets me, first, stone cold reliability, followed by good accuracy, decent price and reasonable availability.

For instance, I used to shoot Hornady hollowpoints over N320 and Federal primers in new Starline brass. Now I shoot better (because of my gradually becoming a better shooter) with Bayou coated bullets over N320 in sorted multifired range brass of whatever HS I happen to find the most of, over Winchester primers. For major matches I will indulge my big match mindset with Federal primers and once fired brass, but have to admit that they probably don't hit the target any different.

Quality is partly the components, but also how well they are put together, what gun the rounds go through, and the particular strengths, weaknesses and preferences of the shooter using them.

Edited by kevin c
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Lapua brass, 115 gr hornady XTP, HS6 or 3n37, federal primer. Everyone so far in this thread is just talking small, if I'm a gazillionaire then I'm gonna be shooting those!

Probably not though, but I bet that would be pretty accurate.

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Lapua brass, 115 gr hornady XTP, HS6 or 3n37, federal primer. Everyone so far in this thread is just talking small, if I'm a gazillionaire then I'm gonna be shooting those!

Probably not though, but I bet that would be pretty accurate.

Finally someone caught on.

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Lapua brass, 115 gr hornady XTP, HS6 or 3n37, federal primer. Everyone so far in this thread is just talking small, if I'm a gazillionaire then I'm gonna be shooting those!

Probably not though, but I bet that would be pretty accurate.

Finally someone caught on.
I should probably amend that to say federal gold medal match primers, for maximum consistency.
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Ammo loaded by a team of ballisticians who I pay 100k per week for perfect ammo. Delivered in my helicopter by my 3 favorite strippers with a pillow case full of a magical super focus energy powder, who then attend to me the whole match, stroking my.......... Fragile ego.

With a thread title like this, you gotta think big.

Happy springtime shooting fellas!

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Federal SPM primers VV N330 powder, New Winchester brass and the only dream bullet on the market(but to damn high priced) Remington 147gr Match FP

When they were not so high , that combo won me one GSSF match after the other and it was the best of powder-puff loads

the above combo with 3.5 grs N330 !

Oh and Ill go with the Dillon girls to, But I want one for each day of the week !!

The rem 147 match is the only bullet I have found that are very consistent , as far as weight , diameter ! That was back in the day (2000 to 2007) don't know how they are now since I haven't shot any of those bullets since 2010

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Ammo loaded by a team of ballisticians who I pay 100k per week for perfect ammo. Delivered in my helicopter by my 3 favorite strippers with a pillow case full of a magical super focus energy powder, who then attend to me the whole match, stroking my.......... Fragile ego.

I want to shoot in his squad. :)

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Lapua brass, 115 gr hornady XTP, HS6 or 3n37, federal primer. Everyone so far in this thread is just talking small, if I'm a gazillionaire then I'm gonna be shooting those!

Probably not though, but I bet that would be pretty accurate.

I'm with this guy, except that I shoot Production, so I'd go with 124 XTPs and VV N320, but otherwise we're on the same page, you know, presuming we're gazillionaires. :)

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