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For those of us showing up without a 4 man team, will there be an opportunity to pull together a scratch team prior to the team shoot on the last day?  Aside from the guy I'm riding with, not sure who all else is shooting this match so kind of hard to form a team when we're the only two from our local group coming to play.  I'd hate to miss out on the extra team shooting.  

See everyone in a few days!  


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46 minutes ago, Fullauto_Shooter said:

For those of us showing up without a 4 man team, will there be an opportunity to pull together a scratch team prior to the team shoot on the last day?  Aside from the guy I'm riding with, not sure who all else is shooting this match so kind of hard to form a team when we're the only two from our local group coming to play.  I'd hate to miss out on the extra team shooting.  

See everyone in a few days!  


You might want to do, what I did above.

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Guns clean, ammo loaded and ready, zero's will be checked in the morning. basepads painted. Will there be a station where we can pre-check our gear to make sure its all legal and good to go if we are shooting a SOF class?

Edited by DocMedic
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The first day is in the bag.

The stages are VERY different to anything you would expect at a "modern" 3-Gun match, but refreshingly so. The stage designs are fiendishly clever, with a big element of decision making. WSBs are rudimentary to say the least. Big emphasis on accuracy. Low/limited round counts. NO hosing so far. To my surprise, I am liking the "no walk through" and the surprise nature of the stages... it is somehow relaxing not to be fretting over my footwork, reloads, target engagement order etc., and the target layouts are simple enough that you can work it out on the clock without being disadvantaged.

You definitely need to check your ego at the door at this match. To quote Dirty Harry: "A man's got to know his limitations"  :devil:


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I'm having some fun RO'ing as well! Again, a little bit different attitude!

I get to yell, and it's a GOOD THING!

The no walk through means they really just need to keep their head on a swivel and shoot. We give them hints on where to look for targets if they can't find them! I got to call people maggots today! :PThey didn't give me a stick! :( (Someone told me, they used to yell "take cover" once at SOF and then prod you a little with a stick...well they said hit, but someone else said they didn't beat people! :roflol:

It's pretty interesting and just a whole different mindset! A LOT less "gaming"...no planning of steps...just move and go where you're told! Semi-surprise. They have a brief in their packet, but they have to wait until they get there, and the field courses, you shoot one at a time...so you don't get to walk through and figure out where the best place to shoot things is. This really slows down rifle, as you haven't planned your best shooting position...you just get there and shoot it the best way you can...

Good job from everyone today on A4.

Thanks to the gang for putting this on! Thanks to JP Enterprises for their title sponsorship and a fun, cool range!

See you all tomorrow!

:wub:...I mean...You will do what I tell you tomorrow, too...maggots! :sight:

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The main match is in the record books (just the team match finals tomorrow).

JP, Jimmy, Eric, Kurt and the Competition Dynamics team REALLY hit it out of the park. This match was everything I expected it to be and much, much more. The shooting challenges were extreme - accuracy, timing and thinking on your feet were all tested to the max. With no walk-throughs, there was less stress, which actually made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable. Everyone I met was sportsmanlike and friendly - the very best ambassadors for the 3-gun sport.

In the spirit of the original SOF matches, we came well equipped:



The MRE lottery was as much fun as the shooting - close your eyes and pick a meal out of the brown box.:



The match t-shirt was awesome:



The side-bets spiced things up a bit:



Jon earned his Ranger Tab:



Stats was old-school:



Warriors coexisted harmoniously with Gamers:



Ol' Glory flew proudly:



Overall, Team Rio Salado acquitted itself well:



With apologies to William Shakespeare, this sums it up for me:

...The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires.
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from Enos.
God's peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more methinks would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Brian, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man's company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call'd the feast of Resurgence
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd,
And rouse him at the name of Resurgence.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say "To-morrow is Resurgence."
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say "These wounds I had on Resurgence day."
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words— Keith and Jon, Kelly and Gary —
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Resurgence Annivarsary shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that dumped brass with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in Enos now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That competed with us upon Resurgence day.


Video to follow


Edited by StealthyBlagga
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Had a great time.  Great people, great stages, great host.  The roots of 3Gun have now been seen and enjoyed by those willing to step out and put their shooting skills to the test.

Thanks to JPRifles, Blue Steel Ranch and Competition Dynamics!  Thanks to all of the staff that worked for us, without shooting the match.

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Adrenalin pumped, Humbling, Exciting, Frustrating. Unable to put into words what goes on in your head during a semi Blind/ Surprise stage.

Waiting for the Shadow of Kurt Miller? You know what I'm saying!

Eric Miller, Giving the match a life! That makes you laugh and makes your Soul happy to be a 3 Gunner.

Having Denise politely call you a Maggot! JJ. I know he gets Joy, out of the Surprise stage. he has that lil JJ evil Grin! 

Scott Hawkins and Wife. Running good stages. Who doesn't want a Special Forces CSM Yelling at you. "" Get back to the line and shoot that plate!!!!!!!!!!!""  I'm sure it was just me, Hmmmm Hmmmm.

It has taken 30++ years, for the opportunity to shoot a SOF 3 Gun.  A personnel quest. All Joking aside.

I can't thank JP enough for making  this happen. And My dream come true.

I'll be looking for the next Resurgence 3 Gun (SOF).

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A small bit of reflection...

I guess if I had to use a phrase to describe Resurgence, it would be this...Fundamentals stressed in a fluid environment.

There were plenty of stages that had Virginia counts and par times, unknown target locations and distances added to the stressors.  If your equipment, fundamentals and ability to think, process and adapt on the clock were not solid the penalties and misses came quickly.  But no walkthroughs...YES.  No "I'm special" shooter bogarting the walkthrough time was refreshing, even more so, no trying to find the loophole and arguing with the RO. :).  Full power ammo, managing pace and making sure the sights were on target for every trigger squeeze.

The first day was a disaster on my scoresheets.  I got some adrenaline dumps and butterflies I have not experienced on the clock in several years.  Knocking off the rust (Have not been able to shoot much this summer) and adapting my mental processes took several stages to revert back to fundamentals and let the time be where it ends up.  Day two was better and Day three, I finally got it hooked up and shot well.  I expected to be challenged in a few areas that I was not and I was challenged in a few areas I did not expect.  I think that is really the beauty of this match.  Pick your tools and when they say go, figure it out and execute the fundamentals, not a choreographed drag race.  With several Mil/LE guys shooting the match and watching them respond, I can see why SOF was THE match for these professions that rely on firearms in potentially lethal situations...you just have to figure it out.  Loved that aspect.

The people were amazing.  John of JPRifles and his company promote the sport so much and were exceptionally generous and gracious as hosts.  While I know most of the people who were running and ROing the match, their character and passion came out much more in the high desert of the Blue Steel Ranch.  I felt like I was among family the whole time, a feeling I have lamented being lost in 3Gun from when I first started working/shooting 3Gun at Rocky Mountain 3Gun about 10 years ago.  Jimmy, Zak, Kurt, Eric, and all of the rest of staff did a great job.  The scoring was fast and accurate.  While there were some "in character" comments and answers, you always knew that they wanted to see their customers enjoy the experience and do their best.

If any of that sounds good to you, or if you chickened out, come be deplorable with us in 2017!

Thanks to JPRifles, Blue Steel Ranch, Prime Ammunition and Lapua for the prizes I was given.  I did well enough that the exact prizes I wanted were still there when I walked the exceptionally generous prize table.

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18 hours ago, MarkCO said:

We shot a fun and challenging match devoid of shenanigans.  The old is harder than the "new". ?


I think this response sums it up perfectly. The prize table was awesome, but any prize table would have been dwarfed by the match experience itself. Each of us felt the pride of rising to the challenge, and the sting of having our weaknesses exposed for all the world to see. In either case, we walk away from this event stronger than when we arrived.

If you want to measure yourself against the highest of standards, and identify areas for self improvement, this is THE match for you.

If instead your self-worth is defined by how far up the results table your name appears and the dollar value of the merchandise you drive home with, then there are many other 3-Gun events that would suit you well.

Edited by StealthyBlagga
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Ok so the Resurgence... I came into the match not having a clue what this match was about, typically if I shoot a new match I'd do some research before hand to see what type of style of shooting I would expect, but since SOF was shot back in the 90's where Camcorders were VHS and Youtube didn't exist all I could get for information was hearsay... and hearsay from EricM is like pulling teeth. So I didn't know if I was going into a Tough Mudder 3gun event since they highly stress retention ( I thought I read something about crawling under razor wire???), a super high precision 3gun match based on some of the match staff, or if it was going to be like Rocky Mountain since that is what SOF became after it went away. What we ended up with was completely different then I'm used too, and I'm glad as Resurgence had its own flavor of the sport.

In the past I've been burned heavily on Blind-stages thanks to TPC matches. ( I saw the MD tell a RO he needed to shoot the Blind stage.. after that RO has been working on that stage all day... not cool.) So I came into the match with a little bias against blind stages, but the blind/semi-blind stages where ran very well. Outside of ONE target.. All the targets where easily visible from the designated shooting area once you got in position. Not getting a walkthrough is surreal to me, even though you could kinda see where the shooter ahead of you would stop and shoot you where to far away to make any mental landmarks and no way in hell could you see the targets so you came to each stage line cold and you better be ready to start shooting when that buzzer goes off as there wasn't a lot of preparatory commands given. Kurt got me good on the rifle standards as I was the first shooter on the line, he just comes over to me says "Ok Curtis... Beep." :o. No stage brief, no "are you ready" just GO. (rifle was preloaded with the rest of the shooters on the line)

I absolutely enjoyed both the pistol and rifle standards, and at first I was really upset that I bought my .45 XDM, as I seen a lot of people bringing STI .40cals for the match, I thought my pistol choice was going to screw me as I can only get 13 rounds in my Mags vs those with 20+, but it turns out It did not hurt me at all (Even killed the pistol standards) and the reality of it is you could have brought a 1911 in .45 and be just as fine (I would bring 10round magazines as 8 would be pushing it.) Rifles standards was a blast although I would probably had dropped my UBR stock for something lighter in favor of a bipod as my rifle wouldn't make weight otherwise. None of the shots were hard as you could go prone, but you only get a set number of shots and in the case of one of the long range stage, you only got ONE shot per steel Make them count.

Shotgun shooting was fun, and not reload intensive, I had too to (because I suck at aiming) load in a field course from a dump pouch weak hand 1 or 2 rounds at a time while on the move and I didn't feel disadvantaged doing so, it actually helped out as you really need to keep your head up and on a swivel to find those damn targets.

Penalties are terrifying.  What other match can you go to and your whole shotgun run ends in 3secs on a 50+ sec stage because you hit the "hostage". Or a mandatory 20 second penalty if you miss the slug gong at 75 yards that you are allowed only one shot. This is one of those matches you want to side with caution rather then being on the razor edge of your abilities that's for sure.

At first I didn't like the fact that the side matches where part of the main match timeline since none of the side matches counted for score, but what end up happening was since two squads where at the side match stages it turned out to be one of the best times I had at the match as everyone was trying to one up each other on how fast they could shoot the steel. At a dollar per pop, I probably spent more money then I care to admit for reshooting the all shotgun speed shoot.

I thought the team match was pretty great, and I don't say that because my team won :P

All in all I really enjoyed this match, I wasn't trying to hate on it but I'd figured it be one of those matches you try and go "huh and that's why 3gun is what it is now" but really I like to format of this match, every stage had its own flavor like a mini match within a match and all the stages where pretty rememberable. I would definitely add this to the MUST SHOOT AGAIN list. 

Thank you to JP for being the Title Sponsor for the match, and bringing some of the biggest Cash prizes I've seen in 3gun in a while and as well donating into the prizetable as deep as you did, finishing 7th and still getting a kick ass JP rifle, that's awesome! also you can't forget the other sponsors for the match either as they put some loot down for this match. Thanks to Jimmy, Zak and the rest of the CD / Resurgence RO and staff for running a great and remarkable match.

This is a MUST SHOOT for next year.

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