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Dealing with trash talkers


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No one in a squad wants to hear that, unless he is doing it for a specific audience. I never hear trash talk except when three or more of them come together.

Most of those guys need someone else to show them how to shoot a stage, since they don't spend enough time thinking about it.

If you can get a majority of your squad to agree, go ahead to the stage CSO and explain the problem and suggest he be called first on that stage (and every stage until he stops).

The trashtalker shouldn't have a problem showing everyone else how to do it right?...since he is obviously superior to everyone else.

After a few stages of that, he'll be complaining so much about being singled out that he won't be trashtalking anymore.

It may work...it may not, but it's worth a try and would be memorable.

...or the drain plug thing....

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Im generally not a trash talker. But if someone really seams to be going above and beyond in this regard during a match I will generally address it by short and quick mental jab. Then let them crash their own ship in to the rocks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I am just lucky, but I have never encountered this in IPSC or USPSA matches previously. I find most shooters are respectful and friendly. This is what I have always enjoyed about the shooting sports, and what makes me continue to be a shooter.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/14/2015 at 11:25 AM, FTDMFR said:

It is best in life.

Glad to see there are Conan fans here.. lol


But one thing.. ask the dude if there was a reason he is doing what he's doing? It puts them in a position where they need to articulate an answer... it might defure it.. 

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  • 1 month later...

I skipped ahead and didn't read but my coach always told me that nobody would trash talk unless they felt inferior to you and needed to get an edge.Since he told me that,every time I hear it my way I look upon them as weak.

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On 11/10/2016 at 8:51 PM, abb1 said:

Maybe I am just lucky, but I have never encountered this in IPSC or USPSA matches previously. I find most shooters are respectful and friendly. This is what I have always enjoyed about the shooting sports, and what makes me continue to be a shooter.

This for me as well.  Generally speaking, shooting folks are among the best people I know.

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  • 1 month later...

If the CSO allows that type of behavior, your in the wrong squad. I participate in this sport to have fun, I certainly won't make a living doing it. With that in mind, I would expect the "official" to handle the issue before it becomes a safety concern.

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On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2015 at 1:39 PM, FTDMFR said:

How do you guys deal with someone on your squad talking trash, not in a screwing around kind of way, but with genuine malice, trying to screw up your shooting? Like saying shit to you as you LAMR. Assuming you're stuck on a squad with them.

My current approach is to ignore them and shoot how I shoot, but sometimes I do let it affect my performance.

I've considered going full-on a_-hole mode and throwing it back x10, which would probably be fun, but it might also affect my performance.

What do you guys do?

Be better at talking trash than them. I typically don't even talk when I am in a squad...but if I have someone like that? I will embarrass them and make it very uncomfortable for them and everyone else until they shut up, or go home.


I really do enjoy confrontation, so being an a_-hole actually helps me relax lol


I know that my way is totally not the best way to handle it...but its all I got!


the bench

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8 hours ago, MMC said:

If the CSO allows that type of behavior, your in the wrong squad. I participate in this sport to have fun, I certainly won't make a living doing it. With that in mind, I would expect the "official" to handle the issue before it becomes a safety concern.

I had a guy try to fight me at a sporting clays shoot not that long ago because I wasn't watching him shoot to verify a hit when the RO called it a miss. I simply said "Sorry man, I wasn't looking" and he immediately started screaming at me and tried to challenge me to a fight.......the RO walked away..apparently he isn't the confrontational type..all it took was me getting off of my golf cart and asking the tough guy if he was serious, and the situation was deflated. 


it didn't amount to anything, but goes to show you that the RO will not always regulate..


the bench

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On ‎5‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 8:47 AM, robport said:

No one in a squad wants to hear that, unless he is doing it for a specific audience. I never hear trash talk except when three or more of them come together.

Most of those guys need someone else to show them how to shoot a stage, since they don't spend enough time thinking about it.

If you can get a majority of your squad to agree, go ahead to the stage CSO and explain the problem and suggest he be called first on that stage (and every stage until he stops).

The trashtalker shouldn't have a problem showing everyone else how to do it right?...since he is obviously superior to everyone else.

After a few stages of that, he'll be complaining so much about being singled out that he won't be trashtalking anymore.

It may work...it may not, but it's worth a try and would be memorable.

...or the drain plug thing....

if I am in a squad with nothing but buddys? the trash talking never ends!


the bench

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  • 2 months later...

another long thread and I didn't read all responses, but in IDPA a person taunting you while shooting with the intent to mess up your game (which also may give him a "competitive advantage") is subject to a 20 point FTDR penalty.  IDPA rules 5.3

I personally would ask them once to not do it, 2nd I'd bring the MD over and request it if it happens again and 3rd time - make the MD enforce it.

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Its funny you brought this up....one time at a match I had a wise guy on the squad behind mine crack a sarcastic comment not once, not twice but 4 times. By the 3rd time my leg started shaking from agitation and I walked right up to his face in front of his cackling cronies ( who scattered ) and asked him if I am here for his entertainment or what is so hilarious ??? He cowered and apologized saying he was just kidding and tried shaking my hand and i just said mmmmmm turned and walked back to my squad.

I am always polite, easy going and give people the benefit of the doubt until someone gives me a reason not to.



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26 minutes ago, tattooo said:

Its funny you brought this up....at my last match I had a clown on the squad behind mine crack a sarcastic comment not once, not twice but 4 times. By the 3rd time my leg started shaking from agitation and I walked right up to his face in front of his cackling cronies ( who scattered ) and asked him if I am here for his entertainment or what is so hilarious ??? He cowered and apologized saying he was just kidding and tried shaking my hand and i just said mmmmmm turned and walked back to my squad.
I am always polite, easy going and give people the benefit of the doubt until someone gives me a reason not to.

Its a shame it came to that for you.  Colorado's front range area has a very strong shooting community.  I see lots of trash talk but its mostly friends giving each other crap at the weekend Level 1 matches.  Overall, its a very cool, welcoming environment.  Most of the ROs I know and ALL of the MDs would have warned the guy your describing once.  After that, they would have bagged him out, escorted him to his car and told him not to come back.  Ever.  Leadership sets the standards and the culture.

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I agree .....it was a shame. All the guys we shoot with all kid with each other and most people are friendly. But sometimes you get that one. I never even saw the guy in my life. Wish someone would have said something for me.

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1 minute ago, tattooo said:

I agree .....it was a shame. All the guys we shoot with all kid with each other and most people are friendly. But sometimes you get that one. I never even saw the guy in my life. Wish someone would have said something for me.

There is always that "one".

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I only shoot local matches and can happily say I've never run into the "jerk" trash talker. Usually it's just a bunch of friends teasing (and helping) each other while we all have a good time. But if I ever did encounter a jerk trash talker I think I'd politely ask him to stop. I just can't imagine that not working, but if it didn't work I'd grab the timer to run the next shooter and establish myself as the RO and issue him a warning that if he didn't stop I would DQ him for unsportsmanlike conduct. Then it would be up to him if he wants to stay and play or go home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 3 months later...

In a situation like what the OP posted, I have only had to deal with it once. I asked the RO to take care of it and it has handled at that instant. After I went back and told the guy that I love trash talking as much as anyone else when it is good natured and silly, but when I am on the line about to shoot he needs to shut his pie hole. 


That said, when the entire squad is made up of my closest friends the trash talk is pretty funny. But, we also are pulling for each other to finish well so it is no big deal. We are very respectful of anyone that got squadded with us though. 

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