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2016 Missouri 3-Gun Championship presented by Black Dawn Guns and AR15

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Gentlemen- you did an excellent job of providing a challenging shooting competition, and thank you for that. This match certainly tested the competitor's skill with all three firearms. Stages were long enough to provide everyone a good value (and plenty of opportunity for rounds down range) too.

The match ran smooth, facilities are great, food vendor served excellent sandwiches, the stage props and targets held up very well. Every plate I reset made me appreciate them even more.

Almost 200 shooters through 10 stages in 2 days is an aggressive schedule, and you guys made it happen. Thanks to all the match management, ROs, sponsors, etc.

Here's my video of stage 9.

Edited by Bryan 45
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This match was deceptively difficult...but fun. Hard to imagine how well things ran on time getting through 10 stages in two days when other matches get behind and have nine in three days!

Good job guys!

Thanks for the Compliments.

I've been to enough events that are unorganized and behind schedule(back in our racing days) that we try to be on time.

Worst one was I took off a whole day of work because the event was "supposed to start" at 10 AM, 7 hours later, yep 7 hours, we started hot laps. No reason except they didn't know what they were doing.

Edited by toothandnail
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Matt and Josh. Your hard work really showed. U know what u are doing for sure.

I agree with Dillen. Difficulty was up there. Lots of places to get hung up. I found a few hang ups myself.

Looking forward to next year.

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Matt and Josh. Your hard work really showed. U know what u are doing for sure.

I agree with Dillen. Difficulty was up there. Lots of places to get hung up. I found a few hang ups myself.

Looking forward to next year.

Thanks, we want a challenging match, trying to not get it impossible. :devil:

Our thinking is a Major 3 gun match should push nearly everybody out of their comfort zone somewhere. Realizing some more so than others.

We have been to a "major " match that we could have shot all 10 stages easily in 1 day, many were in the 20 second range.

Come to one of our matches you will get our $$'s worth of shooting. :D

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Matt and Josh. Your hard work really showed. U know what u are doing for sure.

I agree with Dillen. Difficulty was up there. Lots of places to get hung up. I found a few hang ups myself.

Looking forward to next year.

Thanks, we want a challenging match, trying to not get it impossible. :devil:

Our thinking is a Major 3 gun match should push nearly everybody out of their comfort zone somewhere. Realizing some more so than others.

We have been to a "major " match that we could have shot all 10 stages easily in 1 day, many were in the 20 second range.

Come to one of our matches you will get our $$'s worth of shooting. :D

Come on!!! Make me feel worse for missing this!!! :surprise: I really hope we make it next year!

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That is the best-valued match I've ever shot! Ten stages with 50-100 seconds each for the average shooter, done in two days fairly easily?!?! That's amazing! Those knock-over targets were a godsend. The quick turn-around between the last shooter and the awards was unheard of and is always appreciated. The stages were fun and well-designed, everything was close (on the range at least). I will say the prize table was nothing to brag about considering how many people shot the match, but then again, we don't shoot for the prize table and this wasn't an expensive match relatively speaking. Thank you to all the sponsors, it certainly looked like everyone walked away with several things, and I fortunately picked up a nice ADM mount for my new JP LRP-07.

Next year just make sure it's not miserably cold please! Us southern boys don't deal with the wind too well.

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This was a great match 10 stages and all had their own challenge. Thanks to everyone at Lead Farm for all the hard work poured into the match that was the best overall match I think I have shot

and for sure the most difficult.

If you ever feel that you need a change of pace in 3 Gun this match is for you it will test you, Chew you up and spit you out.

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Excellent job once again, Matt and Josh! This match has quickly become one of the "must-shoot" matches. It was very technical and definitely challenged every skill necessary to perform well in our sport. The match flowed seemlessly and nothing ever seemed rushed. The match staff and RO's were fantastic and proved once again why my favorite part of this sport is the people. Thanks again for a very memorable match!

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Now that the match is over I had to know if anyone shot a clean match. Those of you who shot the match know it was very technical and challenging. We had 2 out of 210 that shot the match clean. That in itself was an amazing feat. Congrats to Nathan Payne and Tim Yackley I am truly impressed.

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That is the best-valued match I've ever shot! Ten stages with 50-100 seconds each for the average shooter, done in two days fairly easily?!?! That's amazing! Those knock-over targets were a godsend. The quick turn-around between the last shooter and the awards was unheard of and is always appreciated. The stages were fun and well-designed, everything was close (on the range at least). I will say the prize table was nothing to brag about considering how many people shot the match, but then again, we don't shoot for the prize table and this wasn't an expensive match relatively speaking. Thank you to all the sponsors, it certainly looked like everyone walked away with several things, and I fortunately picked up a nice ADM mount for my new JP LRP-07.

Next year just make sure it's not miserably cold please! Us southern boys don't deal with the wind too well.

We would welcome any help/ suggestions on how to get it better, we contacted well over 250 companies in and out of the sport. First in Sept/Oct follow up in Dec/Jan. and again in Feb.

Any volunteers to handle that aspect would be welcomed.

It's MISSOURI what did you expect ? ? ? Heck it was 68 yesterday, and 78 today, the weather we ordered came 2 days late.

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Miserable cold? We had double digits, I don't consider that miserable. The Brazilians probably did though. :). Warm and sunny would have been fine too, but it's still better than sitting inside and watching basketball.

Prize table awesomeness? Guys- I hate to tell you, but we as shooters have as much to do with prize table as the match management. Send a bunch of email, or even better snail mail, to those companies that support the match. Tell them thank you! Tell them you appreciate their support and will be buying products from them in the future.

Support those sponsors that support good matches like Missouri 3 Gun (and many others). And let them know throughout the course of the year that's why you're buying from them.

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Now that the match is over I had to know if anyone shot a clean match. Those of you who shot the match know it was very technical and challenging. We had 2 out of 210 that shot the match clean. That in itself was an amazing feat. Congrats to Nathan Payne and Tim Yackley I am truly impressed.

AMEN, impressive.

There was a lot going on in those stages.

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If you've got pics or video post'em up I'd like to see what you got.

Also send us any feed back on how to improve for next year. We have some range upgrades planned, more gravel in the walking/driving areas, some traffic/parking directors to name a few . And kicking around a few other things, but would like to hear your input.


Edited by toothandnail
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Please don't take my gripes as me bitching too much. As I stated, it's a very well valued match, and the fact that it was so smooth, challenging, and fun makes up wonders for any prize table. I am used to shooting the Pro-Am, Regionals, Ft. Benning, etc. where I have been a bit spoiled. I really appreciate all of the sponsors that come on board and donate their products in the hopes we will support them. For those who do donate, know that we DO notice and do appreciate it. I personally do my best to support companies that support the sport over ones that don't.

As for how to make it better, I have no experience with running a match, so I couldn't help you a lot there. I do know there are matches out there that do it well, so the knowledge on how to get massive sponsor support is out there. There are a couple of things that I personally enjoy at matches: 1) Have a raffle for a nice custom gun, either a one-off custom gun that a sponsor built for the match, or money goes to charity. 2) Throw a few random prizes in a number of the welcome bags! 3) Stage guns, or side stages where sponsors can demo gear. JP and AR15.com were nice enough to let people shoot some of their stuff on the sight-in range, that's a great way to sell stuff.

I would try and shy away from discount codes being used as large prizes, while they may have a large "cash discount value," the intrinsic value is typically far less.

All that said, keep it in perspective. 95% of people will choose to shoot a match for it's fun and fair factor, not for the prize table. I would say that at a 3-gun match, if I place in the top 10 in a division of 150, I would hope to walk away with a prize valued at atleast match entry fee and ammo cost.

I hope it will be easier to gain some sponsor support next year with all of the positive feedback this match is generating!

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First time in attendance, it was a hell of a match.

Big thanks to the RO's for keeping their spirits through the undesirable weather, considering they also shot in the worst of it. I think they are the ones that can make or break a match for a competitor and I truly appreciate all the hard work they put in.

Also big thanks to the Loganbills for putting it all together. The stages were challenging and well balanced, the schedule was on time and the staff ran like a finely tuned machine when it came to stage malfunctions. You can tell there was an incredible amount of effort put in.

My only complaint was with some of the more challenging targets providing a completely random outcome inconsistent with a shooter's abilities - and that's not even a complaint really, more of an observation.

I also feel like the prize table will continue to grow with the reputation of the match, and agree that it's up to us (shooters) to help make that happen. Already looking forward to next year!

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