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Production Nationals


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The guy who did this took your raw work and improved it significantly.

The current format you are using really takes away from your product.

Then I'll stop doing it.

BritinUSA did a lot of hard work on the videos. With all the "helpful" criticism of his work, who would blame him for not doing it any more?

The guy who stole his work didn't do the work, he just polished it some. Anybody can do that. HE should go to the matches and spend all his time there for a week, then put the work up, then have someone else steal it and take credit for it.

Todd, if you think you have a better idea, YOU do it.

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The guy wasn't trying to take credit for it. He referenced the source and even had liveshots in the title. I am not advocating the action but once it was pointed out that the owner didn't approve he took them down.

No one could belittle the hard work that goes into this, but given an opportunity I did just want to mention that the only time I ever use QuickTime is for the liveshot videos. As soon a I am done I remove it from my computer because my feelings towards Apple seem to mirror Paul's feelings towards Google.

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My idea was in the part of my post you chose not to quote.

Often there is an opportunity to leverage an initially negative situation into a positive outcome. This could be one of those times.

Perhaps there is an opportunity here for USPSA to take notice and fund video of the national level events so that it could be posted on the USPSA site or even potentially bundled into a match video that could be offered for sale (as in download, don't make me buy a dvd). Maybe something the 2016 administration can look at.

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I spent ~ 15 creating copyrighted work for profit. What that individual did to Paul was to steal his work -- plain and simple. Would any of you be ok with someone stealing your work product, and then placing it somewhere where folks could use it without compensating you for it?

This is the kind of nonsense that makes folks like Paul want to hang up their cameras -- and who could blame him? It's a ton of work -- and he's doing it for free. I certainly wouldn't expend the time, energy and cash required to cover the Nationals.....

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Wow... Just wow. Here I figured people who want to advance the sport would want to actually advance the sport. He referenced where he got the video from for good sakes. Even uspsa put it on their Facebook page, trying to advance the sport, and had to take it down. Either someone wants to advance the sport or they don't, make up your minds.

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My idea was in the part of my post you chose not to quote.

Often there is an opportunity to leverage an initially negative situation into a positive outcome. This could be one of those times.

Perhaps there is an opportunity here for USPSA to take notice and fund video of the national level events so that it could be posted on the USPSA site or even potentially bundled into a match video that could be offered for sale (as in download, don't make me buy a dvd). Maybe something the 2016 administration can look at.

This is a good idea.

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I spent ~ 15 creating copyrighted work for profit. What that individual did to Paul was to steal his work -- plain and simple. Would any of you be ok with someone stealing your work product, and then placing it somewhere where folks could use it without compensating you for it?

This is the kind of nonsense that makes folks like Paul want to hang up their cameras -- and who could blame him? It's a ton of work -- and he's doing it for free. I certainly wouldn't expend the time, energy and cash required to cover the Nationals.....

Then stop doing it.

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The guy who did this took your raw work and improved it significantly.

The current format you are using really takes away from your product.

Then I'll stop doing it.

Why do you even do it if you

a. don't make money off it.

b. apparently don't care if people watch.

c. clearly don't care if people find it difficult.

I would think the increased exposure might be helpful. It certainly has the potential to increase the exposure for USPSA, but maybe you don't want that......

Edited by motosapiens
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Over 67,000 visitors to my site last year, over 25,000 so far this year. Only two complaints from people who could not view the videos, one was using Chrome browser which is a closed system and does not provide any plug-in that can view .MOV files.

The videos are recorded on an iPad, there are two Apps that I use, one allows the video recording to be done in a lower resolution and frame rate that reduces the file size significantly, the other is an FTP program that offers 'smart updates' which are needed to ensure that a video does not show on my site until it has finished uploading. The iPad videos are stored in .MOV format, there is no option for me to natively record in .MP4 at this time, that may change in the future but requires a change to Apple's Software and the associated Apps.

Android devices do not support .MOV format, they do support .MP4

Android devices can view the videos fine with MX Player or VLC, the Android device that I bought to test this function already had MX Player pre-installed at the factory. Which is a testament to the fact that so many people use that software and makes one wonder why Google does not build in support for .MOV into their Android OS.

I have made numerous changes to software and functions within my web-site as new technology and software have become available. The issue of MOV vs MP4 has not been resolved and is not something that I can do easily as it currently requires a conversion from one type to the other, doing that on my server would slow down responsiveness for everyone and I can't easily do it on the iPad when I am at the range as there is very little time between shooters.

If a method of natively creating MP4's becomes available on the iPad along with all the other video options that I need (resolution, frame rate etc.) then I will update my site to use it, as I have updated the site numerous times in the past to make it work better with mobile devices. Converting the 5000+ videos from .MOV to .MP4 is a whole other issue.

If I post them direct to YouTube from the range then it could take hours for them to show up depending on server load at YouTube (so it won't be live and I will be inundated with questions about why the videos aren't showing up in a timely manner).

Videos can be downloaded and copied from YouTube as well, there are web-sites that do that, so to the people who say that I have not protected the videos, there is very little that can be done to prevent people from downloading stuff from the internet. If Google with all its money and resources cannot prevent people from copying videos from YouTube then I am not sure how I can do so.

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If Google with all its money and resources cannot prevent people from copying videos from YouTube then I am not sure how I can do so.

a. Why do you care if you're not making money from it?

b. This incident makes it appear that your videos are pretty easy to copy now. How is that different from youtube?

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If I post them direct to YouTube from the range then it could take hours for them to show up depending on server load at YouTube (so it won't be live and I will be inundated with questions about why the videos aren't showing up in a timely manner).

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fwiw, I wasn't suggesting that paul use youtube instead of his own site for live uploads from the range. it makes sense to do it the fastest way. I was asking about his objection to having the compilation video posted on youtube, where it would attract attention to USPSA and also to his own work. It seems that if you're giving away your work for free, and someone offers to help you give it away better and publicize it more and increase the exposure for yourself, and for USPSA shooting (in particular making it more visible and accessible to people that don't currently shoot USPSA, but might be interested if they knew about it), it would make some sense to take advantage of that, but perhaps I don't understand all the subtleties of the situation.

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I don't always agree with Paul, but I think ya'll are full of crap. It doesn't matter if there is money made or not, they are his vids to do with as he wants. If you want vids done another way buy you a camera and get hopping, but don't steal or condone stealing and then say it is OK because no money is involved. And if you have all the answers to how vids should be shot and displayed, get to and quit trying to tell another man his business. Maybe ya'll can find someone in the classifieds to badger about their prices. Damn

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Thank goodness I was able to view the youtube vids before the killjoys pulled them ......

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

so you're ok with people ripping off the work of others without compensation ...?

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BritinUSA you don't owe anybody any explanation about anything. Your service is a great contribution to the sport and is well received. I as well as many others greatly appreciate your time and effort. The videos are awesome and nobody for any reason what so ever should touch your content without your approval.

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Thank goodness I was able to view the youtube vids before the killjoys pulled them ......

so you're ok with people ripping off the work of others without compensation ...?

Be fair. Saying someone ripped him off adds a connotation that the person maliciously took his video and used it for his own nefarious ploys. The truth is whoever did this very likely expected this to be received positively by Paul and others. They credited him in the description at least (never saw the video). They didn't benefit from it themselves, only did what they likely thought was a service.

Also, they probably never saw this savvily produced infomercial:


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From what I can tell a free service was improved on by another person also for free, and all of it was released to whomever wanted to see it for no charge. I don't get what is being stolen here? Who is losing in this and how are they losing anything?

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If permission was asked it might have been granted, but the original videographer doesn't want his vids on youtube because reasons that he deems fit. Someone might be losing control of his property by posting the vids on youtube.

Jake, if you made something and wanted it presented in a certain way, would you want someone coming in and taking it and changing it without your permission, even if it wasn't to be sold? If you say yes, I don't think I would believe you. Even though liveshots is a free service to us, someone has put plenty of money and time into it, so free to produce, it ain't.

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Travel and hotel costs for Production Nationals were over $800, for the World Shoot it was over $2K.

Assuming the video and photos can be used to broadly promote USPSA you should be added to the match staff.

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