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How often should a CZ75 be cleaned?


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I was thoroughly cleaning my guns after every match. Realized these guns don't mind being dirty and I was wasting cleaning supplies and time. So I now wipe it down, wipe off the feed ramp and relube the rails and add a drop of oil on the trigger return spring after each match. The one thing I do clean thoroughly after each match are my mags. They are the weak link to any guns reliability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure that not cleaning your barrel for that long will be good for your pistol

I kinda tried couple of "most known" cleaners - and I got to tell you that most of your cleaners/clp will not get out all the leading.

Then I used this thing- and the barrel got al lthe dirt/hard leading out


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yeah but CZ gets dirty after 10 rounds?

Bad deal ti buy it that often...

Having seen his (kneelingatlas's) CZ collection, that sounds about right... :)

As for me, I pull a bore snake through my barrels before every range trip or match. I field strip them for a better cleaning and fresh lubrication every 1000 - 1500 rounds.

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the military taught me the same thing... i am still in and clean my 1911's (dont own a cz yet ;)) lightly every 2000 rounds or so unless they start to slow down, but i do keep them oiled so they dont rust. I clean the outside pretty well, especialy where sweat can accumulate and cause rust. I also do a pretty decent wipedown before a match and run a boresnake. I shoot quite a bit of flat base roundnose bullets that can lead a bit.

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Cleaning?? What is this cleaning you speak of? ;)

The only guns that I clean regularly are my 1911's in the hopes to reduce malafunctions. The glocks and CZ's get a detail strip maybe once a year. Otherwise I just boresnake, wipe feedramp, brush the magazine area, and wipe off and regrease the rails.

Edited by himurax13
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Ho no- I clean the gun " basic" evey time I shoot

I brush the body and on top of safety/sear/hammer with hoppe's 9.

miror clean the barrel

clean with Hoppes9 the slide as well.

Oil the rails with good oil

after 500 rounds - break it apart and clean every spring seperatly

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I shoot 300 rounds a week for practice and about 150 rounds once a month for the match. I do a field strip clean and lube, including bore snaking the barrel, the day after the match. Included is putting a little CLP in the sear box area and then I blow it out with air and wipe it down. I always use some kind of light grease on the rails. Currently using Ballistol for CLP and Cuda Lube for grease.

This is also when I do any proactive part changes. Today I put in an 11.5# main spring in my Shadow.

This way, if I'm going to have a post maintenance failure, it's during practice. Having 900 rounds through the gun usually means I put it back together right.

I do a detailed strip and change most springs once a year. I'm still trying to get a definitive answer as to whether the CGW TRS is really more reliable than stock. I dry fire over 1000 trigger pulls a week.

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The only time I've ever "had" to clean my CZ was after running about 700 cast lead bullets through it. Eventually there was enough bullet lube gunk in the chamber that the slide wouldn't go into battery.

Aside from that, boresnake when I remember and liberal applications of FP-10.

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