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The 2015 Bushmaster Tarheel 3-Gun Challenge

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I'm in. Mr. Sole a question was raised by some of the other shooters that I know will be shooting this match regarding the increased amount of shooters compared to last April. With the increase how will that affect the prize table, with 225 shooters initially and now an increase it appears that you will have a huge undertaking on this for sponsors. I appreciate all that you do for making this a well ran match with a deep prize table, hope all works out logistically. (Better get some more porta potties)

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Rob, may I ask what entry number you were? I was 5067 and have no idea if I should be seeing an invoice or not. I did not receive the email that you did but it say "invoice to be sent".

I am number 4980. There are people in the 5000s squadded already that is what has me worried that my invoice got lost in the internet somewhere.

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Rob, may I ask what entry number you were? I was 5067 and have no idea if I should be seeing an invoice or not. I did not receive the email that you did but it say "invoice to be sent".

I am number 4980. There are people in the 5000s squadded already that is what has me worried that my invoice got lost in the internet somewhere.

Gentlemen...this registration is less then 48 hours old and the event is in 5 months out...I am certain things will work out. This is not our first rodeo. We are making the effort and planning to spend extra range fees cost and staff cost to hopefully let everyone that signed up experience this event. So please don't get to concerned with invoice numbers and such.

We have a outstanding title sponsors and numerous others have reached out for us so I think the prize table will be in line with others we put together...

Our goal is to have all 350 plus folks that have signed up experience a great event. Adding the Thursday/Friday segment is not a easy thing to do and adds more cost..,but we want to do what we can to get folks into the event. Many folks like the option to shoot the match on a Thursday and Friday which gives them the weekend off. At present there are 150 plus slots open on the Thursday and Friday segment.

Call or email me if you have questions.

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Email sent Charles. I realize it's only 48 hours old but when the email says we have to pay within 48 hours or lose out spot I get a little worried when I didn't get my payment info email yet. I am sure it will get worked out. Just didn't want to lose my spot. Thanks.

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I'm still in the "waiting for invoice" boat. When I registered for the Freedom Munitions match in SC (also run by Charles and crew), I seem to recall my invoice taking several days, and I was among the very first registrants. (#5020 on this one.)

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Lagenator, I am 5026 and haven't received an invoice. I am not worried about it. I think Charles will get all the details sorted out. He is trying to accommodate as many as possible. It is a great match, I had a lot of fun last year.

I've got the leave days to use...so I volunteered for the Thu-Fri crew.

Curious how the prize table(s) will work. Separate for each group?

I'm also fighting the temptation to change my TO to HI and run my Garand. Because PING!

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Curious how the prize table(s) will work. Separate for each group?

I'm also fighting the temptation to change my TO to HI and run my Garand. Because PING!

I would assume the prize table would be exactly the same, just maybe broken up more to add for the extra shooters. I don't think they would run 2 prize tables for each group depending on what days you shoot. I would think they guys shooting Thursday Friday would just have to wait until Sunday to find out their placement overall and get to walk the tables.

I say make the jump, one less competitor in TO for me then :devil:

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Curious how the prize table(s) will work. Separate for each group?

I'm also fighting the temptation to change my TO to HI and run my Garand. Because PING!

I would assume the prize table would be exactly the same, just maybe broken up more to add for the extra shooters. I don't think they would run 2 prize tables for each group depending on what days you shoot. I would think they guys shooting Thursday Friday would just have to wait until Sunday to find out their placement overall and get to walk the tables.

I say make the jump, one less competitor in TO for me then :devil:

But how many folks who shoot Thu-Fri are going to just hang out til Sunday afternoon, vice going home? especially non-locals?

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This might make it hard. I live 4 hours away and planning on shooting Thursday / Friday, so I might drive down early Thursday morning to shoot, stay the night, shoot Friday, and go home. Then make a day trip down and back Sunday for the prize table. Got to calc costs but I think its going to be the cheaper option to do it like that then stay all those days in a hotel.

Edited by Moltke
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I was 5024 and one of my friends was 4952 we are both in paid and squaded. Looking forward to this match! Coming up from Florida, these natural terrain matches ROCK. I left a lot on the table last year and plan on getting a little revenge this year.

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Due to increased demand for this match, we have expanded the match schedule to allow competitors to shoot Thurs/Fri (April16-17). This has created an addition range fee, which we will absorb...This is our best attempt to have as many folks experience this event as possible.

Awards Ceremony:

  • The prize table will be supplemented to cover extra folks.
  • The awards ceremony will be held as planned on Sunday (April 19th), so if you shoot Thurs/Fri, please plan to have someone walk the prize table for you or we will contact you and pull a prize for you. If you are out of town we will ship the prize to you at no cost.
  • Bushmaster/Remington Outdoor Company will cover the match fees for 4 junior shooters they will be selected via random drawing ...go to this link to read more http://tarheel3gun.com/2015-bushmaster-tarheel-3-gun-challenge-announcement/support-for-junior-shooters/


Any questions email or call me...info below.

Edited by csole
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A couple questions, maybe dumb ones, We'll see...

There are 9 stages, I assume we shoot 5 on day one and 4 on day two?

Is there a Morning/Afternoon schedule? or do we shoot one on, one off like BRM3G, 1-off-2-off-3-off etc? Or are we shooting as an example 1-2-3-4-5 on Saturday and 6-7-8-9 on Sunday, shoot stage, move to next and shoot?

I suppose it really doesn't matter all that much, but I like to know.

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A couple questions, maybe dumb ones, We'll see...

There are 9 stages, I assume we shoot 5 on day one and 4 on day two?

Is there a Morning/Afternoon schedule? or do we shoot one on, one off like BRM3G, 1-off-2-off-3-off etc? Or are we shooting as an example 1-2-3-4-5 on Saturday and 6-7-8-9 on Sunday, shoot stage, move to next and shoot?

I suppose it really doesn't matter all that much, but I like to know.

We use half day format

Morning groups you shoot Morning (7am-1230ish) 5 stages

Afternoon groups you shoot Evening (1230ish to 5pm) 4 stages

This schedule is TESTED and well liked...you are not stuck at the range all day to shoot 4-5 stages..Remington Outdoor Group will have several side matches along with other sponsors. You can also take some time and watch other shoot.

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A couple questions, maybe dumb ones, We'll see...

There are 9 stages, I assume we shoot 5 on day one and 4 on day two?

Is there a Morning/Afternoon schedule? or do we shoot one on, one off like BRM3G, 1-off-2-off-3-off etc? Or are we shooting as an example 1-2-3-4-5 on Saturday and 6-7-8-9 on Sunday, shoot stage, move to next and shoot?

I suppose it really doesn't matter all that much, but I like to know.

We use half day format

Morning groups you shoot Morning (7am-1230ish) 5 stages

Afternoon groups you shoot Evening (1230ish to 5pm) 4 stages

This schedule is TESTED and well liked...you are not stuck at the range all day to shoot 4-5 stages..Remington Outdoor Group will have several side matches along with other sponsors. You can also take some time and watch other shoot.

So if we are on the AM on Saturday, we would be PM on Sunday. I can deal with that.

Next question, How do we know AM or PM?

Are the Squad numbers the giveaway? ie. 11, 12 , 13, 14, 15 are AM on Saturday and 1PM on Sunday? so 16, 17, 18, 19 are PM Saturday and AM Sunday?

Again, I don't suppose it matters all that much, I do admit to liking the half day format, a little hectic, but then there is time off to rest and also maybe watch other stages or even sight see.

Thank you

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