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from an Email:

To our GADPA Family,

You are receiving this email to inform you about a decision that the GADPA Board of Directors has made about the future of our club. As of October 27th, 2014, the Greater Atlanta Defensive Pistol Association is discontinuing its affiliation with the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA).

This decision was not taken likely. Due to irreconcilable differences with IDPA Headquarters/Leadership, GADPA is perusing a exciting new direction. Matches will continue under the GADPA banner (Both indoor and outdoor ranges). These events will now be GADPA matches, not IDPA matches. GADPA will continue to deliver the quality you have come to expect. Please be patient while we make this transition.

This decision is made with the best intention for our club. We realize this may not sit well with some of you. However IDPA in Georgia will continue under other clubs. We realize there will be several questions and we ask for your patients while we address those concerns.

We appreciate your understanding and we look forward to serving you in our new direction.


GADPA Board of Directors
Capel English
Rhett Crutchfield
Mark Gallo
Eric Mandus
Brett Hanus
Matt McKee
Ken Murano

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yep saw it all over fb.i like that they call out hq as their main reason. hope everyone who shot the recent match had a good time!

sadly they should have spelled patience and not multiple people seeing the doctor.

Edited by rowdyb
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When HQ tells shooters/clubs that if you don't like it... don't let the door hit you in the *%# on the way out... you might expect some shooters/clubs to opt for 'the door". Clubs prosper (and provide a place for shooters to shoot their shiny toys) by putting on interesting and challenging matches that appeal to their customer base. When organizational restrictions begin to significantly interfere with that, what benefit does a club receive by remaining a member of that organization? The club has to pay to be there. The organization takes the club's money, it doesn't deliver any. Why would a club pay to be forced into restrictions that their members/customers/shooters don't want, which then begins to dwindle the number of shooters who actually pay to keep the club in operation?

I have heard that this may not be the only club to opt for this course of action. I'm wondering how large the race to the exit doors might ultimately become. For all the Kool Aid drinkers out there, when the largest, most veteran, club in the State of Georgia says "the heck with it", you do have to wonder just how serious the members dissatisfaction actually is.

Edited by GOF
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Isn't GADPA like the host of the GA state match? That's gotta hurt.

GADPA state's match was one of the best in the country and a must attend if you were looking for a technical match that would really test your skills. This is going to be a big loss for IDPA. I just hope GADPA continues to put on that one big, must attend match of the year.

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For all the Kool Aid drinkers out there, when the largest, most veteran, club in the State of Georgia says "the heck with it", you do have to wonder just how serious the members dissatisfaction actually is.

Wondering when the apologists will show up to try to explain this away.

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That last part seems unlikely. Without a sanctioning organization and widely known and understood rules, it will be tough for them to attract attention to an outlaw shoot. I know of one successful off the wall event in another game; BPCR's The Matthew Quigley Buffalo Rifle Match, familiarly just "The Q." But that seems a one of a kind phenomenon.

Isn't GADPA like the host of the GA state match? That's gotta hurt.

GADPA state's match was one of the best in the country and a must attend if you were looking for a technical match that would really test your skills. This is going to be a big loss for IDPA. I just hope GADPA continues to put on that one big, must attend match of the year.

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That last part seems unlikely. Without a sanctioning organization and widely known and understood rules, it will be tough for them to attract attention to an outlaw shoot. I know of one successful off the wall event in another game; BPCR's The Matthew Quigley Buffalo Rifle Match, familiarly just "The Q." But that seems a one of a kind phenomenon.

Isn't GADPA like the host of the GA state match? That's gotta hurt.

GADPA state's match was one of the best in the country and a must attend if you were looking for a technical match that would really test your skills. This is going to be a big loss for IDPA. I just hope GADPA continues to put on that one big, must attend match of the year.

You just described most of the major 3 Gun matches around the country. They seem to do fine despite going it alone.

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Thanks for that link to the match advisor! I live in the Tampa Bay Area. Would like to find close matches if possible, but if it's a little further and shows promise, I would try to get to some that were a hike away.

I feel somewhat the same way with USPSA vs IPSC. USPSA is a track meet with accuracy being secondary. IPSC stages tend to be more technical requiring accuracy more than USPSA matches. The most recognized top shooters are the Bianchi Cup shooters. That is first and foremost accuracy.

I certainly would take the same position as GAPDA if I was told if I didn't like it there is the door.

Edited by Jaxshooter
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That last part seems unlikely. Without a sanctioning organization and widely known and understood rules, it will be tough for them to attract attention to an outlaw shoot.

Tell that to nearly all of 3gun.

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3 Gun is a lot of fun. And, it does exist without a large infrastructure. The drawback is that 3 Gun is geographically restricted. Not every range has the room to safely run rifles past 100 yards, and a lot of ranges can't run it. Many of the ranges that can't are those located in major metropolitan area that would otherwise have a potentially large shooter base.

I see this in my home state of Florida. Pistol matches proliferate. Within a 2.5 hour drive of my North central Florida home, in any given month, I can shoot: 2 ICORE matches, 5 IDPA matches (with maybe a 6th if they sort current range problems out): 3 Steel Challenge matches; 4 USPSA matches (and a couple of Cowboy matches). We run out of weekend days before we run out of matches... and that only covers the area from 1-10 to Orlando.

But, I don't know of a single 'true' 3 Gun match. There are one or two, every now and then, that might have 100 yard targets, although most offer 50 yards max.

The problem with making 3 Gun truly big is real estate. Most clubs just don't have enough to hold a decent 3 Gun match.

Bless those that do. But, if you want a lot of participation from an urban shooter base it's gonna have to be pistol. IDPA's 'business plan' depends on that, and they just screwed the pooch on their business plan. A snowball has started downhill and I don't know if IDPA can stop it before it flattens Joyce's airplane.

Edited by GOF
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GADPA did indeed host The Georgia State IDPA Championship this past weekend and results are now posted to the IDPA Web Sight. There are other non-GADPA IDPA matches in the State, but GADPA Clubs host about ten matches every week in the Atlanta Metro area. I'm sure that IDPA dropping our match from Tier 4 to Tier 3 was one of the straws. Just a note that I have yet to see anyone from "Headquarters" grace our doorsteps, but then I've been shooting GADPA for less than three years. I have no idea how much it costs GADPA for IDPA affiliation, whether that provides insurance for our events or what the arrangements are. BI do know that from comments at the past three State Championships overheard from visitors that GADPA State has been one of the more challenging every year. I'm sure we'll hear more from our BOD in the near future about GADPA plans and directions, but I for one will continue to shoot and support the one I came to the dance with.

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I only joined IDPA because one GADPA match I hit required it. I'm from out of state but work in Atlanta and the GADPA matches I can hit every night of the week are as good or better than the ones I run at our club.

My take...IDPA is a sanctioning body, GADPA is a community. Going to go renew my GADPA membership now....

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I for one am super happy about it. I love the GADPA matches but found myself a few years ago drifting away to shoot 3gun, and USPSA. I really miss all the guys from GADPA but didn't enjoy shooting IDPA with all the stupid rules, the most recent rule changes were the final straw and I haven't shot an IDPA since.

I truly hope GADPA puts together a more common sense approach to defensive shooting, because I really think that is what a large portion of the shooting community is looking for.

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I am another GADPA/IDPA member that joined IDPA through GADPA 3.5 years ago. As stated above GADPA host many indoor matches every week, and one outdoor match Jan-Sept plus the state match. We consistently have 70-100 shooters each month at our local outdoor match, and 25-35 shooters at our weekly indoor matches. That's not to mention the number of new shooters we have each month. We have become one big family that travel to many state matches, and squad together. I'm not sure what the future holds, but knowing GADPA, it will be good!

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I'm unfamiliar with what the cause was for them leaving, but our club has been quite successful in member retention and growth, before and after the the newest rendition of the rulebook. We've hosted 2 sanctioned events this year. One being a T4 event and another being a sanctioned BUG match.

All that being said, next month our club will be holding a trial PASS match. I've read over the rulebook and I'm liking what im reading. It looks to be a blend of both USPSA and IDPA. I'm not entirely familiar with USPSA, so I'm unsure as to which sport PASS most resembles.

From the sound of it, the guys/gals of Georgia will adapt and evolve and be a better club for it. Best of luck to them.

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