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USPSA 3-Gun Nationals 2005

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Bruce Gary was not able to be at the match due to being sent to Berlin for work.

Jerry Miculek won Open. Taran Butler got top Tactical. Kelly Neal grabbed 1st Limited. Angus Hobdell took HM by default because he was the only HM shooter left standing after Pat Kelley DQ'd.

Forum member TMC (Todd Crow) snagged 13th in open. Yours truly bagged 28th in open in spite of 3 trashed stages. Forum member Outerlimits (Butch Massoni) was 29th in open. Forum member Eric Lund (bear1142) grabbed 4th Tactical.

Mike Voigt had a really bad stage that took him out of the hunt for match winner. He was distracted by the Shooting USA situation and when they called him to the line for stage 6, he wound up starting the stage without his speedloaders full of slugs and was unable to put more than one slug on each target as a result. Because two hits were required, he darn near zeroed the stage. Ouch!!

I did not get away with any other scores as it was getting dark and I had to book.

The rumor mill has it on good authority that the 2006 US3G will be held in Bend, Oregon in August at the COSSA range.

I am unable to upload any of my photos because the highspeed connection at my hotel blocks my FTP transfers. I will get them online tomorrow night after I am home.

I hope this is enough detail for all you info junkies out there. BTW, the match was a blast, the weather was great and the new scoring and multi-gun rules were a big winner in Vegas.



Edited by George
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How many Nationals (3-Gun or otherwise) have the staff NOT posted results for?  A guy would think that the folks who own the software would be able to...use it.

None this year until this one. Give 'em a break; they had a lot of extra stuff to tapdance to. Its only 7:30 p.m. out there right now. I imagine uploading from the range is just not possible, and besides that the stats staff is probably busy figuring out who won what for the awards ceremony, and that's a MUCH higher priority.

Be patient: we'll see results.

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they had a lot of extra stuff to tapdance to

Yes they did! The match was smoothly run from the competitors standpoint, but I know some folks working it and they did indeed have their hands full. As a competitor, I found it hard to do anything other than keep up with my shooting requirements. I am sure i had the easy part of it.

The match staff did an excellent job and even though the schedule was a tad optimistic (one hour per squad, per stage), it by and large worked out. 225+ plus competitors across twelve stages in 2.5 days is nothing to sneeze at when you consider the fact that everyone is sportin' a lot more than a lil' ole' P-Shooter on their hip ;-)

BTW, the RO staff was a great bunch overall and I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and getting RO'd by forum members Brian Hanna (BDH) and Troy McManus (mactiger).



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Wow! I got 13th! I'm stunned considering my rifle went single shot on stage 10, I took 200+ seconds and 3 mikes on the flashers. The gas block moved forward after about 10 shots, wierdest thing you ever saw. I didn't notice until I finished.

I just checked the results and I was 63rd on stage 10 getting 11 points out of a possible 160. Ah what could have been! Next year........

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I am unable to upload any of my photos because the highspeed connection at my hotel blocks my FTP transfers. I will get them online tomorrow night after I am home.

If you use the system at www.uspsa-photos.org to post the photos, they will be uploaded via a web page form which uses Port 80 (the same one used to browse the web), so the port will not be blocked.

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I just checked the results and I was 63rd on stage 10 getting 11 points out of a possible 160. Ah what could have been!

Todd, you didn't have any other real big problems and it's not about being perfect, it's about being consistent and not too bad overall. You notice how Jerry messed up the curve for most everyone else except Matt in Open. Just don't look at the percentages and it feels great.

I didn't know you got fubar'd on 10 too! You did kick some serious heinie on 12 though! Not too bad elsewhere either amigo. Nice match!

BTW, didya'll hear about Jerry's miracle popper? Stage 7 has a popper that triggers a set of movers that are disappearing targets. He takes a shot at the popper and turns away intending to ignore the disappearing targets and moves on with the stage. The popper is still standing when he looks around at the end of the stage. They start talking about it and it suddenly goes over from the wind and the movers slowly roll across and he just stands there and watches them present and disappear. He took the stage as it stood and wound up 7th on it. What happens in Vega's, stays in Vega's ;-)



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Last year there were 211 shooters, 18 DQs, This year there were 227 shooters, 9 DQs. Much improvement. Better rules, better understanding of multigun and better shooters and ROs. I think Mr. Bruce Gary and all the folks who helped with this process need some thanks for their efforts.------Larry

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Stage 1 was the coolest stage at the match with the best RO's ever!

my $10 is in the mail right berkim?

BTW, I've got lots of digital video of our squad but don't know how to put it up on the web, any ideas?

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BTW, the RO staff was a great bunch overall and I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and getting RO'd by forum members Brian Hanna (BDH) and Troy McManus (mactiger).

And always great to put forum handles with real names and faces! Glad you enjoyed it! ;););)

BDH - CRO Stage 6

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This shoot was awesome. Great stages, Great RO's, Great weather, can't think of a single complaint.

I shot on squad 17, and this being my 3rd 3-gun match, learned a lot from every other shooter on the squad. Very helpful group of people. Got to see some awesome shooting displays.

Lots of room for improvement in my shooting, but all of my weapons and gear functioned perfectly. Can't wait for next year.

Brian Payne

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What? No Stage 1?  I'm shocked.  Wasn't it the coolest stage there?.  no bias showing at all... :)

I take it you were one of the RO's? Were you the Brian Enos look-a-like or were you the heavyset guy that kept shouting at us? :P

Lol... I was the dumb looking dofus.. Enos look alike? Maybe the hat.

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