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Quad loading brick wall


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I started 3 gun back in January and bought some AP custom quad loaders. I was seeing great jumps in reload times (especially after I had my lifter welded), but have recently seemed to hit a wall. I took some videos trying to see where I could gain some time. I found some, but can't get my hands to move fast enough reliably to fill the voids. I'm consistently getting 3-3.5, but whenever I go faster I can't do it without feeling uncontrolled and usually end up with shells everywhere. More practice will hopefully bring some faster time, but I still can't see it being that much faster and still maintaining control.

For those of you quad loading, what are your normal times? What are normal times for the pros? I'm sure there are some guys out there with some really fast time.

Tried posting a link to a youtube video, but said I couldn't since I'm a new to the forum. I'll post it when I'm able.

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Did you open up your loading port?

As for times I think anything at or below blow 8 in 6 seconds is good. One round per second used to be the old standard. 4 Seconds is very fast. A few pros are under 4 on YouTube videos but not sure whether it's something that they can do at a match reliably without the benefit of multiple takes.

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As fast as i can rock 8 rounds ( now under 6 seconds ) i've decided not to run quad in matches unless it's with a standing load , anything not on the move. For me it wasn't the speed that I found to be the problem it was the amount of attention i had to pay to the loading process while moving that I didn't like. Whereas with dual loading i can move and load and keep my eyes up looking at where i'm going

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I opened the loading port last month, then just did some more yesterday. It's odd though, when I see other people load certain shotguns, the shells seem to slide in with much less effort than mine? Is this just me, or do some shotgun models come with wider or more funnel like loading qualities? And possibly easier to depress lifters?

Basement loading times are 8 rounds in 3 seconds right now. I agree this isn't the same thing as match reloading, but it can be quite close when I have the right mindset. Then again, sometimes I just completely fumble the reload. Not helping is that I started in January and out of the 5 matches I've done, all but one have been in rainy and fairly cold weather. This doesn't do much for hands when trying to guide shells in at any sort of fast rate.

I went searching through YouTube and found some fast ones, but not many pros showing quad loads besides Jesse. He got 12 in 4.5 seconds, that's insane.

I practice walking around when I do it sometimes. Maybe it's time to incorporate something else to make it more relevant to match loading. Any ideas?

Thanks for putting that up on there, Alma!

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Here's my loading port. I wouldn't mind taking off more, but how much is too much? Like I said, I just opened it up a bit more and we tried reblueing, but obviously it's not holding up well even against a single loading practice haha

I was just watching some videos and people loading benellis just seem to glide shells in instead of more of a shove. I'm shooting a mossberg 930 by the way.

I'll just shoot for even more consistency than I'm at now. I can do 3.5 no sweat, start feeling the push though when I'm trying to beat the 3 second par time. Im sure there are people out there who have broken the 3 barreir controllably, but I can't see myself getting there.


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It looks like you can still come down a bit towards the port. Also, you can do a lot more to bevel that leading edge. Aside from being able to Gen low into the port that is definitely the most important angle for a successful initial load and not getting round #3 hung up.

For consistency I would recommend making sure that your practice includes a good chunk of loading going 80% top speed or less. At full speed it's sometimes hard to feel allows of the little intricacies and resistance that let you know where you are slowing down or dragging. If also helps to program your muscle memory doing your best and most consistent loads versus whatever you are doing at full speed.

You are loading faster than me at this point but one small thing that I am experimenting with is using my thumb to slightly push out the first set of rounds drop my hand on the way to the port. It seems to give me fewer issues with hanging up my second set while loading the first.

Keep up the good work!

Edited by alma
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I'll dig into it a bit more. I'm a little hesitant of going too deep with it, but I've seen some pictures of people taking off a lot more metal than I have. Catching is the one thing that still gets me somewhat often, it'd be nice to not have that issue as much.

Thanks for the tips! I'll try giving that pushing out with the thumb technique a try. I can see where that could help out a bit. Maybe that'll be the key to a 2.5 second run!

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You flip the gun over like I do, and I dont think opening up the loading port makes an enormous difference in time when quadloading this way. Yes i think having it opened helps fumble factor a lot, but it didnt help me go any faster then when mine wasnt opened up. NOW what did help was having the shell latch polished and tuned... that knocked real time off because it just makes the shells slide right in for me.

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I'll for sure be taking off a bit more of the sides. I should also take off more plastic on my forearm. I occasionally hit the front of my second pair of shell on it while throwing the first pair in, then they're all tweaked sideways so it take a second to get them straighten out.

I didn't even think of the shell latch! I can see polishing it, but how do you tune it? Do you have a picture of yours?

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I opened the loading port last month, then just did some more yesterday. It's odd though, when I see other people load certain shotguns, the shells seem to slide in with much less effort than mine? Is this just me, or do some shotgun models come with wider or more funnel like loading qualities? And possibly easier to depress lifters?

Basement loading times are 8 rounds in 3 seconds right now. I agree this isn't the same thing as match reloading, but it can be quite close when I have the right mindset. Then again, sometimes I just completely fumble the reload. Not helping is that I started in January and out of the 5 matches I've done, all but one have been in rainy and fairly cold weather. This doesn't do much for hands when trying to guide shells in at any sort of fast rate.

I went searching through YouTube and found some fast ones, but not many pros showing quad loads besides Jesse. He got 12 in 4.5 seconds, that's insane.

I practice walking around when I do it sometimes. Maybe it's time to incorporate something else to make it more relevant to match loading. Any ideas?

Thanks for putting that up on there, Alma!

If you are timing your self from shot to shot and can load 8 in 3.0 secs you are loading faster than the same routine and getting 12 in 4.5.

Just for a number lets say it takes you .5sec to dismount and remount the gun.

Your load 8 avgs, 2.5 or 1.25 per 4rnds

Jesse's load 12 avgs 4.0 or 1.33 per 4rnds

Your actually running faster but he will beat you on any course that he can complete on one load sequence.

If I'm not seeing correctly some one line me out.

Brad Metcalf

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Once my pinky heals up from an unfortunate "trying to haul ass" practice shotgun loading incident, I'll load up 12 shells and see if I can run the numbers. I may be able to beat him in a YouTube video, but I'm very sure if you put me and Jesse in the same room, he'd whoop me. Even the pressure of just recording myself can throw me off my game, I couldn't imagine what that situation would do to me. Who knows though, maybe if he makes it out to the North West Multigun challenge this year I could convince him to go a reloading round with me haha

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I would say at this point your practice efforts are better placed toward other efforts. 8 in 6 seconds or less and your not gonna have trouble at a match. The difference in trying to knock off a half a second or so on 8 shells is a waste as that time could be used for other things that save much more time. It's like horsepower on a car you can get to a point easily then every little bit costs a ton after a point. One who can do a consistent 8 in 6seconds on MATCH conditions will not be loosing a match because of loading

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I would say at this point your practice efforts are better placed toward other efforts. 8 in 6 seconds or less and your not gonna have trouble at a match. The difference in trying to knock off a half a second or so on 8 shells is a waste as that time could be used for other things that save much more time. It's like horsepower on a car you can get to a point easily then every little bit costs a ton after a point. One who can do a consistent 8 in 6seconds on MATCH conditions will not be loosing a match because of loading

^^^^^^. THIS. ^^^^^

Loading fast is a good ability. Not needing to load fast because you don't need makeup shots is an even better one.

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I do put plenty of time into other things, I practice reloading all 3 guns and do plenty of dry firing. Why I got fast at this in the first place though is because it's completely FREE. I'm 20, paying my way through flight training and classes. Getting all the equipment/guns, travel costs, ammo for the match, and match fees push my financial limits for now. Going up and practicing shooting would be awesome and a great use of time, but I don't often get to. I have a little shooting reserve fund usually used for ammo, but I invested it in much needed gear. So for now my practice for shooting usually occurs at the actual matches themselves. If practicing shooting was an option though, I'd completely agree with you on it being a better place to spend time, but it's not for now.

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People actually have watched the video besides on here? I actually made a YouTube account just because I couldn't figure out a different way how to put it on here haha. Where on Facebook could I find it?

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Not much a a leap, but tonight I'm .20 of a second faster it looks like. I guess 3 seconds wasn't a brick wall after all haha

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