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Sig P320


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  • 4 weeks later...

I see that you are starting to find these now, still curious if anyone has shot one and what your thoughts were. Have played with one and it seems like something I could really like but would definitely like a range report!

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I just bought one but won't be able to shoot it until next weekend. The trigger is pretty nice, it seems more like a Steyr M9/L9 trigger than a Glock to me. It comes with an injection molded kydex paddle holster but it was nice of Sig to include it and it fits very well. I shot my FS P250 in a couple of matches but had to have a kydex holster custom made for it. The 320 fits in the same holster because the P250 and P320 frames are identical.

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I was fortunate to be at Sig when one of the staff came out during a league event and brought one along. It was one of the first off the line before they were released to the public.

Not being a fan of poly handguns, I thought they did a great job with this. The trigger is vastly improved over the look alike 250. but the similarities end there as there is little that interchanges beyond the grip modules and magazines. I just might pick one up for competitive events. Never warmed to the Glock beyond having carried one for a short time with my department.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought one but won't be able to shoot it until next weekend. The trigger is pretty nice, it seems more like a Steyr M9/L9 trigger than a Glock to me. It comes with an injection molded kydex paddle holster but it was nice of Sig to include it and it fits very well. I shot my FS P250 in a couple of matches but had to have a kydex holster custom made for it. The 320 fits in the same holster because the P250 and P320 frames are identical.

Range report?

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  • 1 month later...

So I've read some magazine reviews, but does anyone have any personal range time with the P320 yet? I'm interested in your opinion. Would like to get a firsthand report on the trigger, function, etc.

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Latest thread by preeminent Sig gunsmith Bruce Gray on Facebook:

" Ironic: My reputedly unusual triple-discipline skill set as successful gunmaker, trainer, and shooter has led me to embrace some basic assumptions about the relationship between the pistol, technique, and performance...or more specifically, the relative lack of a necessary relationship. After all, I shoot groups daily from every one of the hundreds and hundreds of pistols we work on here at Grayguns, and I watched my USPSA Production Gold Team mate Dave Sevigny take a stock G17 out of a box and win a World Championship with it. I would tell you that it's not all about the gun. Well, that was Friday morning. After spending the weekend driving our modestly set-up P320 in intense fundamentals training with my friends from Clackamas County S.O., I'm not so sure. I haven't trained for the Steel Challenge in 12 years, and I was never very good at steel anyhow. A 9.64 Roundabout out of me would have been unexpected in 1995. But on Saturday, cold, with a new pistol I'd never seriously run before? Unbelievable. In demo after demo all weekend, the P320 would do anything I wanted it to, mindlessly and unerringly. Must be the gun? I like it, and it likes me."

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  • 1 month later...

I bought this pistol this week and got to take it out today for a 200 round break in. Ammo is expensive so don't look for me to out more than that through it on one range trip. I have never been a sig guy, but this felt good enough in my hand that I had to try it. After shooting: I absolutely love it. Grip angle points naturally for me (I've always had to fight the G34), trigger is fantastic (very short and crisp, around 5.5 lbs), and it is very accurate. If I had the mags, I wouldn't hesitate to put it in local competitions as early as this coming weekend. I'm already as accurate with it as my trusty Glock, that's with a 3.5 lb connector and Dawson sights. Even though the trigger is a tad heavier than my Competition glock, it's so crisp and solid it really is easier to shoot than the spec sheet suggests.

Again, I'm no pro shooter (USPSA B classification, decent local 3 gunner), but so far I absolutely love this gun (own G34, went through M&P Pro and FNS Longslide before selling to fund this purchase).

The only knock: the extended slide release sits right where my thumb rides, so the slide doesn't always lock back (100% my fault, locks back when right thumb was off the release). It is my understanding Sig is already working on a new slide release that extends forward, not back. A lot of people have this problem with extended glock releases as well, so not a huge deal. You could overcome with training, but once they come out with a slightly altered release it should be a mute point.

If you have the funds and like the feel of the gun in your hand, don't hesitate to give it a try. Comes with a holster and two mags. I've written Sig to see if I can get some 20 rounders for it to get it in the three gun game (they make 20 rounders for the 226, I feel this shouldn't be much of a stretch). If not I need one of you guys to come out with some extended basepads.

Again, great gun in my opinion. And although brand new, mine has been 100% reliable.

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  • 2 months later...

I handled the P320 right after shot show and was impressed, but wasn't ready to test the waters just yet. I recently had the opportunity to handle the P320 full size and carry models and was so flipping impressed for the second time that I bought them both on the spot! I put 200 rounds through each gun. They shot incredibly flat, so I don't want to hear any kool aid drinkers talking about the high bore axis of a Sig. The recoil spring weight in both guns is superb and function every piece of crap ammo I could choke into the breach. Even my bunny fart rejects. The guns had zero failures, shot incredibly accurate and were absolutely amazing. I had several people approach me wandering what I was having so much fun shooting and of course everyone wanted to shoot it. I was more than happy to accommodate their requests and every single person that shot it was pretty pissed off because they liked the things so much they said they were going to have to go buy one. Men and women both shot the gun and the reaction by both sexes was the same. These things are shooters! The trigger is 7 lbs. Period. You can measurer all over the trigger and get pulls off of a lyman digital trigger pull gauge as low as 5 lbs at the very, very, very (get the idea) button of the trigger! The trigger, for me, smokes anything else out there striker fired. The frame size in medium is PERFECT and the trigger reach is right on the money. I was so impressed with the P320, I have sold EVERY Glock I own, except my 19 which I am keeping for personal sentimental reasons and my M&P. It's seriously that good. I am going to say that the P320, to me and in my opinion is better than the 1911 for what I need. Yes. I am that impressed. I have shot just about everything under the sun. Sig, M&P, the XD's, Glock, STI, CZ, blah, blah etc....blah, and this thing is something special.

The trigger for carry and home defense is perfect. For competition it may be a little heavy. I have taken the gun apart, studied every spring, contact surface, pin, nook and cranny and have some pretty good ideas on how to get this thing in the 3 lbs range for a gaming gun. The P320 carry I'm not going to touch, but the full size is going to have a slick trigger when I'm done.

I am predicting that if people can get over this Sig high bore axis crap and oh sig has QC issues and every other anti-Sig complaint you hear on the net, this gun has HUGE potential to overtake Glock and SW in the shooting sports. It will take some good sponsorship and very visible marketing to make that happen, but this gun speaks for itself. This is the gun SW wanted to build and the gun Glock should have built. Yes the Glock wins for simplicity of design, but that in and of itself is it's own achiles heal.

The frame is incredibly solid and easy to stipple the crap out of. For $40 bucks you can have a tear your skin off grip monger and for another $40 bucks you can have a stock frame for carry or home defense. Pretty awesome ability.

The sights work very, very well. I have heard that the p226 uses the same dovetail as the SA XD on the front sight, therefore you may be able to use any fiber optic front sight designed for the XD on the P320???? Just a ponder.

Natural point of aim on the thing is unbelievable! The dang thing just lines up. Conversation over. Next.

I just can't say enough good about this gun. The only "bad" thing I have to say about this gun is that trigger work may be very difficult. It's not like a Glock where if you have a dremel you can make something happen. This gun is designed with a very interesting combination of mechanical levers, geometry and spring tensions. Trigger/action jobs will take way more than just visiting a website on the internet and dropping parts in the gun. On the flip side of that coin, I think way too much emphasis is put in to having a super light angel hair pixie dust trigger. Bob Vogel and Dave Sevigny are my case in point.

Anyhow...the gun is awesome. I couldn't be happier, and the Damn thing sells for right around $600 + or - $50. No brainer. I am really happy for Sig. They just hit a grand slam home run in game 7 of the world series in the bottom of the 9th from 3 runs down for the win. In the past I was very quick to recommend a Glock to every single person that asked me what gun they should buy. It's simple to use. No mechanical safety to screw up under stress. Accurate. Reliable. Easy to maintain. Cheap. Those days are looooooong gone. Sig P320. One. Awesome. Pistol.

Hey Sig, if you're listening, you've got one hell of a pistol here. Don't screw this thing up by offering it in diamond plate rainbow bright periwinkle platinum plating with engraved girly swirls. Leave it alone. Market the crap out of this. Make 20 round mags. Get some shooters. Throw this thing in 3 gun, USPSA, IDPA and steal challenge etc... Donate these things to prize tables. Get some Police and Military contracts so the mall ninjas will buy these things because they like to make internet videos. Work with Bruce Gray to develop a competition spring kit so the trigger junkies will have an Apex like kit they can spend $100 on because it will make their gun better. That is a very small recipe for watching this gun potentially become one of your greatest successes.

I'm sure there will be some flaming here, especially from people who have never shot one or inspected one, but this is what I know. These guns are awesome enough to push me to sell every gun in my safe except my 1911's, and I don't like selling guns. After shooting these things though, I see no reason to own anything else. Period.

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Yeah, I won't be surprised to hear that we've ordered about 4K of them for my Department.....everybody I talked to, who has shot it, was impressed. Personally, I hate shooting the P226 DAK we are issued. But, it has NEVER failed unless I caused it to, by loading empty brass for failure drills. They are battle tough.

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I picked up one a couple of weeks back and plan to shoot it in Production and 3 Gun next year. It was quite nice being able to sell my previous production gun and have enough money to easily buy a primary and backup gun along with the rest of the accessories needed to be competitive.

Most who shoot the gun mention two primary positives right up front: the trigger and the accuracy.

In the accuracy department I am happy to report that unlike many other popular polymer guns if you buy a P320 you will not be looking for an aftermarket barrel.

The gun shoots. During my first range day I did some a couple of simple off-hand groups at 7 yards with the P320 and my ACCU bushing equipped CZ SP01 Shadow. Other than the point of aim (about two inches high) you will note that I have no problems putting rounds in the same place and for me it is easily as accurate as my CZ (see picture below showing 5 rounds on each).

The trigger is very good out of the box and it's feel is pretty unique. it has a distinctive two-stage feel. The first stage is very light and smooth. the break is very crisp and short and the reset is also exceptionally short. Definitely less travel than my Glocks and a much better break and reset. One of my favorite undocumented features of the trigger is that it works exceptionally well for dry fire. Once you pull the trigger releasing the striker you aren't left with a dead trigger. Not only does the trigger spring still function to return the trigger to it's normal resting position but pulling the trigger again gives you a nice audible and tactile "click" where your shot would normally break and you get another click at the position where the trigger reset should be. Essentially then for dry fire purposes you can use this gun like an SIRT pistol to practice trigger pulls to your heart's content. This video might give you a better idea of what I am describing.

I know that Bruce Gray and some others are hard at work on further improving the trigger for competition work and we should see some interesting things early next year.

The modular frame is a nice feature as well. I have been running mine with a large grip frame module which positions my trigger better than where it was when my CZ was in single action. I also love to play with different modifications and the fact that I can get an entirely new grip frame module for around $40 is a huge selling point for me. I plan on having several different grips with varying levels of stippling and grip tape so I can use whichever texture will be most appropriate for that specific match or activity. For example my dry fire grip frame right now is pretty much stock to keep the wear and tear on my hands from long dry fire sessions to a minimum whereas I have some aggressive grip tape that will be on a grip frame used mostly for competitions.

The positioning of the takedown lever is also convenient as I have started riding my weak hand thumb on it giving me a sort of Production legal thumb rest.

As for sights I can confirm that the cut is the same as the P226; however, since the rear dovetail is shorter in the back the P226 Warren and Sevigny sight hang slightly over the back.

The Heinie sights for the P226 work great and don't overhang. Dawson makes some front FO sights that should fit but I haven't put the Heinies on paper yet to know what height front I will need.



Edited by alma
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I got one a couple of weeks ago and I have to say I really like it. I have the PPQ and the VP9 as well and shooting them all side by side, if I had to pick one it would be the sig. The triggers on all three are so close it would hard to pick a winner based on that aspect alone, but the modularity of the Sig is very intriguing. The Sig does not have the back straps like the other two but it feels better in my hand. It ate everything I fed it from factory loads to my reloads, 124gr to 147gr, accuracy was great with everything I had.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Hey Sig, if you're listening, you've got one hell of a pistol here. Don't screw this thing up by offering it in diamond plate rainbow bright periwinkle platinum plating with engraved girly swirls. Leave it alone.

God I hope they don't do this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Here's the Sig P320 Robert Burke (The Sig Armorer) and I did.

Work Done:

Robert - Bead Blasted Slide/Trigger/Adjustable Sight work (XD Adjustable Rear/Stock P Series Fiber Optic Front)

Tactical Texture - Texture work

Here are some better pics of the finished product:



The finished product is pretty much perfect for me, but I might have to try cutting 3 coils off that recoil spring like alma did just in case!

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