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4 July

Went to Peacemaker and helped Team Peacemaker shooters with pistol practice, footwork, and starting / stopping. Explained my "Haul Ass" drill which was well received. Left tired and beaten.

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5 July

Peacemaker USPSA competition in the morning & Peacemaker Steel Challenge in the afternoon.

Both sessions went well with some slowness and missing targets, which added to the slowness.

We had 50 yard standards at USPSA this weekend which was... humbling. Yikes!!

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6 July

3 Gun practice in the tactical bays with a Team FNH shooter, practicing for the upcoming Colt 3 Man 3 Gun event in PA. Good time although, really burned out by the time I was done after 3 days in a row of being on the range ALL DAY!!

Rifle headshots at 50 yards on 4x IPSC targets, dump the rifle and grab the shotgun. Shotgun slugs first at 50 yards (I sucked at that) then loading birdshot and shooting steel advancing to a 25 yard line, dump the shotgun and draw the pistol. 25 yard pistol shooting around a barricade on mini poppers.

Times for both of us were around 60 sec per run with mistakes here and there.

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11 July

I showed up at the range earlier than usual to help a friend get a faster draw, and she was pretty successful.

Moved down from about 1.5 sec to 1 sec live fire at 7 yards into the A zone with only a few tweaks to body position & technique.

Then I moved on to shotgun reloading strong & weak hand for 3 Gun practice, and wow do I suck?

Yes I suck. Strong hand 12 rounds loaded, 6 shots fired in 15 sec. MUCH better than I have been previously, but I need to get to around 12 sec.

Same drill weak hand was 18 sec as my best time and I'd like that to be down to 12 sec as well.

Time to get to work - I'll be doing this drill every time I go to the range!

Edited by Moltke
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12 July

Shot IDPA in the morning had a couple serious mistakes and came in 2nd place behind my arch nemisis.

Next time Sheldon, next time...

Then we did some 3 Gun practice together using a VTAC barricade and it would pathetic how much I suck at positional / barricade shooting.

But it was good to know that I suck so I can correct it.

Also did the shotgun reloading drill with similar times for strong & weak hand.

Can't wait for next Friday!

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11 July

I showed up at the range earlier than usual to help a friend get a faster draw, and she was pretty successful.

Moved down from about 1.5 sec to 1 sec live fire at 7 yards into the A zone with only a few tweaks to body position & technique.

You are awesome, thank you! Now I just need to live- and dry-fire until I can consistently nail that 1 sec draw into the A zone at 7 yds.

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17 July

Went to Peacemaker to dope my borrowed gun & scope from a good friend.

Zeroed 1.25" high at 100 yards, according to match should be dead on at 200 yards and match the reticle.

Initial testing proved true on 300 yard steel, still not comfortable with it but I'm going to shoot it as-is for now.

Then took a friend to a pistol bay for some rapid fire close range pistol shooting on the move.

Exhausting day.

Edited by Moltke
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18 July

Went back to Peacemaker and blasted a plate rack with my shotgun all morning.

Tested chokes and with my light bulk pack loads from Walmart on a plate rack at multiple distances - CYL knocks down plates out to 15 yards, MOD knocks down plates out to 25 yards. I have actually decided not to shoot the Light MOD choke anymore and use a MOD because I'm tired of not knocking over steel.

After the testing, I shot on the plate rack some more with my shotgun doing my new standard shotgun drill. Walking, shooting & loading, yay!

Finally in the afternoon I shot some long range steel targets from a prone position, supported and unsupported, and it was a mess. Without match grade ammo there is no point to practicing long range shooting on anything smaller than a torso sized target. Also confirmed what I continually believe to be true - magnified optics is cheating.

Edited by Moltke
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19 July

Shot the 3 Gun match at Peacemaker, first course of fire racked up a dozen penalties and it blew the match for me. The stage called for all shooting to be weak hand / weak shoulder / weak side and I ran the pistol part going one for one on all targets getting ready to tear it up with the shotgun - then went on autopilot as soon as I picked the shotgun up & started blasting with my strong side shooting. So a dozen shots later I had 240 sec of procedurals... craptastic.

The rest of the match was a strong / good performance including the 500 yard rifle target, pew pew.

Edited by Moltke
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Next time don't forget to smear peanut butter or something similar on the left side of your rifle and shotgun stocks before you shoot a stage like that. If you transition to your long guns and get a face full of deliciousness then you will remember that it shouldn't have happened and will transition to weak wide before the procedurals start flying.

I am only half joking. If you thought it would be a problem again you could put some medical tape or something on your stock to remind you in the event that you mounted it the wrong way.

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Might work in a pinch but those wouldn't be as easy to attach and could be less comical.

Maybe a liberal coating of grip tape on the left side of the stock. If your cheek starts bleeding then you know you mounted it wrong. I like to think of myself as a problem solver...

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Next time don't forget to smear peanut butter or something similar on the left side of your rifle and shotgun stocks before you shoot a stage like that. If you transition to your long guns and get a face full of deliciousness then you will remember that it shouldn't have happened and will transition to weak wide before the procedurals start flying.

I am only half joking. If you thought it would be a problem again you could put some medical tape or something on your stock to remind you in the event that you mounted it the wrong way.

You are brilliant

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  • 2 weeks later...

25 July

This past Friday I went to the range and did some testing with my own shotgun (accessorized competitive 3 gun shotgun)

Slugs at 50 & 100 yards on paper, open sights, with the low recoil slugs I've been using all year to get some actual data.

Results were disappointing -

From a bench with a precise point of aim using open sights, I'm shooting 3 inch groups at 50 yards. Sweet!

Then at 100 yards I'm shooting a 10-12 inch groups using the same gun, ammo, sights, etc. WTF.

My first thought was "wow I suck" even though I the shooting seemed perfect.

Then someone pointed out to me that rifled slugs through a choke swage down a bit so the farther they fly the less accurate they get.

I'll continue to test this as time goes on with other ammo's and chokes, but is anyone else getting similar results?

Really makes me re-think what level of accuracy I want in my slug shooting because 12 inches at 100 yards with open sights seems terrible.

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26 July

Colt 3 Man 3 Gun team championship in Topton PA. Shot with Chris Rhines & Todd Sindelar, crushed it. Came in 9th place against some very good teams and won a $500 gift certificate to Xtreme bullets. Awesome weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

13 - 18 August

I took this week off work to dedicate it to a vacation & the 3 Gun Nation Midwest Championship, and it was a great time. My wife and I left Wednesday for Nashville TN which was a great trip and then made our way to Rockcastle on Friday. Somehow the drive home was hours longer than the drive there... stupid GPS.

Details & video coming soon.

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3Gun Nation Midwest Breakdown of this video (thank you Christine for shooting it and Kevin for editing)

Stage 1 Problems

Makeup shots with pistol

Holding shell carrier while running

Watch out for 180

Makeup shots with offhand rifle

Stage 2 Problems

First shot out of the holster was a miss

Makeup shots with pistol

Holding shell carrier while running

Fumbled shotgun reload

Makeup shot with shotgun birdshot

Stage 3 Problems

Shoot 1x for close range rifle

Need a throw lever for moving it to 6x for long range

Makeup shots with rifle on long range

Need to optimize the gas system for the rifle it still jumps too much

Watch out for 180

Visualize the game plan more

Makeup shots with pistol

Makeup shot with slugs

Stage 4 Problems

Shoot 1x for close range rifle

Makeup shots with offhand rifle

Holding shell carrier while running

Target order needs to be more aggressive

Makeup shots with shotgun birdshot

Unnecessary wandering / moving around

Makeup shots with pistol

Stage 5 Problems

Execute next action faster, don't pause to think

Load shotgun faster

Load shotgun faster

Makeup shots with slugs

Load shotgun faster

Makeup shots with shotgun birdshot

Visualize the game plan more

Shoot 1x for close range rifle

Makeup shots with offhand rifle

Need a throw lever for moving it to 6x for long range

Get steady on a barricade for multiple rapid shots

Makeup shots for rifle

Stage 6 Problems

Makeup shots with pistol

Movement was hindered by muddy slippery conditions

Target order from box 2 should have stuck with larger targets and gone to plate rack last

Makeup shots with pistol

Reload the pistol higher??? It was a fast reload...

Trust my shot calling

Shoot 1x for close range rifle

Need a throw lever for moving it to 6x for long range

Makeup shots with offhand rifle

Stage 7 Problems

Load shotgun faster

Don't fire the shotgun dry

Load the shotgun faster

Visualize the game plan more

Shoot the shotgun faster

Load the shotgun faster

Unnecessary wandering / moving around

Lost round count with reloads & targets

Don't fire the shotgun dry

Load the shotgun faster

Stage 8 Problems

First shot out of the holster was a miss

Target order needs to be more aggressive

Movement was hindered by muddy slippery conditions

Gamed it like a little wuss by taking misses on the long range steel but came out ahead because of it

Placed 64th and happy with it, and now I have a laundry list of stuff to work on. If anyone has anything to add then please do.

Edited by Moltke
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Ready for death by a thousand cuts?

Stage 1:

Pistol looked very good. I am sure you aren't happy about a couple of misses on steel. If that was me I would chalk it up to trigger control but regardless you looked like you were doing everyting right from a movement and shooter perspective. Well done!

Could you see that fourth rifle target from the same position where you took the first target? It looks like you could have saved a few seconds by taking the first and fourth targets from the same location so you didn't have to set up again. Also, I think you have the same problem that I have when it comes to trusting that if you get one good sight picture on those short range rifle targets that you really can just yank the trigger twice fast and get good hits. It something I hope we can practice before next month. Nice looking shooting on the move.

I agree about the holding the shells. At first I though that wouldn't have been a big deal but you likely could have moved a bit faster in between those two bays.

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On St 1 - the rifle targets 1 & 4 were not visible from one position where I picked up the gun, though I wish they were, thats why I blasted the two close targets while I moved those 2 steps. Also I saw my sights for every shot with the rifle instead of just ripping two rounds off from one sight picture, which is why there were makeup shots.

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