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38 supercomp issue


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I am having issues with bulletsbeing too loose in the case. I am not belling casemouth at all. Using MG 115 CMJ .355 dia over 8.8 n350. Load is compressed so when seating myguess is that on more loose fitting cases the bullet is creeping out before being crimped. My COL Us all over the place amd I am having to use a very heavy crimp

Edited by wooddog
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I am using a 1050 which I just switched over to to super comp. previously I was loading this same load with the same sizing die in my 650. I switched over to make my life easier since rhe 1050 was set for.223 so figured swap toolheads and not have to switch anything else other that case feed parts

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Die is correct and sizing as far as it can. Also, am using brand new Starline Brass. I am perplexed because I have a batch of ammo I loaded a year ago from the same batch of brass, bullets and sizing die which did not have any issue. The crimp is normal, and all bullets tight. Only difference is that I loaded those on my 650 and these on my 1050.

Edited by wooddog
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take a new case out of the box and see how the bullet fits, can you seat the bullet by hand? If not then the case is being made larger somewhere in the loading process....I would guess the powder funnel. You can run run through the sizing die and test that, if it is fine then run throung the powder die and test that...just a process of elimination....

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Purchased an Undersized die but did not work but... I figured it out. Its the plunger die for the swage station that is stretching the case. I removed it and its all fixed!

Called Dillon to let them know and although the guy ha d not heard this before he said just turn it in a frill and take off what is needed. Simple and done!

That was driving me crazy

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