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Oversized Mag release button

Red Ryder

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Do I need to get an extended drilled mag release or normal length drilled mag release to use the STI paddle button? Will the grip get in the way or a will I have a problem ejecting the mag on a table start stage?

Edited by Red Ryder
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Often, table starts are unloaded.

Either way, unless you slam the gun against the table, you shouldn't have any problems.

The believe you need an extended release, but that will probably depend on your grips and if they have been relieved around the mag release area.

Edited by Trent1k1
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I use that button on my Trojan for SS. Works great.

BTW- You can drill &tap the stock release or get the extended one. I have done both.

Does the grip panel get in the way of this STI extended button?

I use a VZ grip panel with a cutout so it doesn't but maybe on some grips some trimming would be required.

Edited by xdcr
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