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Clays powder for 40 s &w sti edge


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I am new to reloading and a newbie here. I have bought clays and now I have found that it is a fast powder and can cause pressure problems for major so I was told it is great for minor loads and training. I am using a sti edge stock barrel 5" and a 12 lb wolff spring and aftec extractor. I need to load to 1.180" oal or higher due to feeding problems. Components are cci 500 small primers, 180 gr tmj truncated cone and once fired brass from my gun before the tune up. What happens if I start with the min load as suggested in the books with clays? I understand that with increased oal the pressure drops, so will the min load ( I believe it states around 3 gr on the Hodgdon site and 3.3 max and I think it was tested in a 4" barrel) be enough to send the projectile down the barrel. Do I need to go below the min load data due to the longer barrel.

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The easiest method to gauge how much changing the powder drop will affect the velocity is to basically assume that each tenth of a grain in powder will result in a 20 fps velocity change. So take your major load velocity and subtract the amount of fps to achieve the desired minor PF. Then divide that fps delta by 20 and that will give you the number of tenths the major powder drop needs to be reduced by.

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I tested some clays in my STI edge the other day. They were right at 4.4 grains, 1.2 COAL, 180 grian Berry's. This was a major load with minor like recoil but the accuracy was poor compared to my other loads. However, 4.4 grains of Clays showed zero signs of high pressures. I know some people that have gone up to 4.7 grains before running into pressure issues.

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I used Clays all last year in my XDM using 4.3 grains and range pickup brass. Hate to admit it, but during the heat of the summer, I had 4 kabooms!! Scared the crap out of me the first 2 times, and I decided, never again. I switched to Ramshot Silhouette and absolutely love it! Major load for me is 5.8 gr, 180 gr MG at 1.135 OAL.

I do load .40 minor for my son to compete in Production with 3.1 gr Clays and 180gr MG. Seems to work great.

As for the brass, I question using the range pick up, but it's economical. BTW, the only thing that ever happened to the XDM 5.25 Comp was a slightly bent extractor.

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