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Case not lining up in station one

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If you can move the shellplate enough to affect the position of the case, it's possible that the shellplate is too loose.

My only other suggestion is to follow the adjustment procedure for the slide cam. For some reason I had trouble understanding that and had to go through it a couple of times.


Edited by cohland
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How about we just paste that "txt" file right here to save everyone an unnecessary step:

Per Nimitz:

After a case is inserted into station one, when I run it up to the resizing die the outside edge of the case hits the die and won't insert ....

I've checked the case feed arm and readjusted is several times to ensure the case is being pushed all the way into the plate which it is

Once I run up the case to the bottom of the die if it doesn't go in I can back it down a bit and with my finger push the top of the case "in" toward the center of the shell plate & the case goes right in

I've also discovered that if I push down on the shell plate at station 4 (the opposite side) as I'm moving the case up, many times the case is now lined up and goes in without issue ....

Also if I push real hard on the top of the triangle piece (case feed arm?) the next case or two usually goes right in ....

So, something appears just slightly out of alignment or is worn but I have no idea? Anyone have a clue before I call Dillon?

It sounds like your shell plate has too much play, you would need to tighten the center bolt some. Also, with a case in station one, raise it fully, loosen and retighten the die so that it centers better in case it is also contributing to the alignment issue.

Edited by RDA
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Agree with the shell plate being to loose.

Tighten the shell plate bolt to where the plate will not spin. Do not try and cycle the press.

Tighten the shell plate set screw.

Now, loosen the shell plate bolt 1/16" at a time at the end of the allen wrench, checking for the shell plate to loosen. When you can spin the shell plate with ease, you have found where the shell plate should be adjusted.

This will keep the shell plate from tipping, and ensure the cases enter the die vertical, instead of canted.

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Some of this has been said already but here goes.

1. tighten shell plate until it just turns freely with some resistance.

2. Adjust cam slightly forward just a hair,

3. Keep the face of the cam clean. I use a qtip with a cleaner on it like gunscrubber.

4. loosen die and lowder ram then tighten.

5. Take a look at what lube and how much you are using on your cases. The slightest residue or gunk on the cam will stick the case to it as it retracts.

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