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A question for tub mag shotgun folks


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Hey guys I'm sitting here watching 3 gun nation and I have a question regarding shotgun extended magazine tubes, A lot of shotguns have magazine tubes extending up to a foot or more past the barrel.

My question is if your magazine is that long why not get a longer barrel to at least match the length of the magazine?

I run a Saiga 12 and absolutely love it. Please pardon my ignorance when it comes to tube fed shotguns.



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Also keeps the weight lower in the front.


Another idea: Lots of us have a 18”-24” barrels from back in the day when you did not run the longer tube. Just a few years ago it was common for more matches limit you to 8+1 in the gun at any time (in Limited or Tac Op class). Seems the “load all you want after the beep” is a relatively newer idea.

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I think a lot of those short barrels are from the 8+1 max days where the barrel and tube were flush with the 21-22 inch barrels. Those who had the guns simply added a longer tube. I personally like the longer barrel and the one thing I don't like the beretta 1301.

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If you were to build a shotgun from the ground up and choose a barrel length for current classes (~14 round tubes) what length would you go with?

In my mind, I see getting in and out of ports and small spaces being irrelevant, as the tube is the length that it is. Weight may be an issue with overswing, but how much weight does a barrel really add compared to a loaded tube? Just curious what people think may be the new ideal length.

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I have the RCI 12+1 on my 24" barrel 930.

It's a good thing I don't mind an ugly gun, because it's the albatross of the collection. The mag tube is waaaay past the barrel and the whole shotgun sits at least 4 inches taller than the Mosin next to in the safe.

Edited by BitchinCamaro
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