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New loader question


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In a previous thread, I figured out my load numbers for E3 powder and MG JHP 180. I just found about 100 Zero round nose bullets and was wondering if the same load used for the MG JHP 180 would produce about the same PF. Would be used for practice rounds not competition.


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I found that the MG jacketed bullets run 25-40 fps slower than copper plated bullets. I think the brass jacket on the MG being harder and stiffer does not form into the rifling as easily and make for more resistance and blow by than the softer copper plating on the Zeros. I have never used Zero's but I have used Frontier copper plated bullets.

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Are the Zero's plated? Mine have all been jacketed. When I tried these 2 manufacturers the same bullet design (JHP) and weight gave me pretty much the same power factor. (Round nose may be a little different though compared to JHP.)

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Are the Zero's plated? Mine have all been jacketed. When I tried these 2 manufacturers the same bullet design (JHP) and weight gave me pretty much the same power factor. (Round nose may be a little different though compared to JHP.)

I am not sure if Zeros are plated or jacketed. My Frontiers say on the box they are jacketed but I picked a couple of them up from the ground after steel target impact the copper looked thinner than paper and much of the jacket was gone while my MG's where much thicker and and the full jacket stayed attached to what lead remained. I should not have assumed that the Zero's had the same jacket as Frontiers.

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