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new rule book?


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Now that the rules have been posted, I would LOVE to see a version with change tracking enabled! Keep the hardcopies clean and final and even a clean and final version of the pdf. But a pdf showing what's different would be awesome! :)



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It's up now Jim. Don't know if they were updating when you looked but it's there now.

Hm. When I download it from the link, 9.1.4 and 9.1.5 are still incorrect, so I don't think it has been updated on the website yet.

Unless someone else has gotten a newer version?


As I've PMed to Troy, Appendix D4, section 21.3 also has some issues---you can't see all of the writing in the box on the right.

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Another thing. The BoD approved practiscore late last year as a second "scoring program", meaning we could use it to produce official match results. (It's currently used as a data gathering system with data being exported to ezwinscore for official scoring.) Ken Nelson is positioning practiscore as an official scoring system with the ability to upload match results and activity reporting directly to uspsa.org, bypassing ezwinscore altogether. Doesn't 9.11.1 need to be updated to include practiscore alongside ezwinscore as a USPSA-approved "scoring" program?

Edited by wgnoyes
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Another thing. The BoD approved practiscore late last year as a second "scoring program", meaning we could use it to produce official match results. (It's currently used as a data gathering system with data being exported to ezwinscore for official scoring.) Ken Nelson is positioning practiscore as an official scoring system with the ability to upload match results and activity reporting directly to uspsa.org, bypassing ezwinscore altogether. Doesn't 9.11.1 need to be updated to include practiscore alongside ezwinscore as a USPSA-approved "scoring" program?

The USPSA web site also needs to be updated to show Practiscore as an approved scoring program. Right now it only lists StageScore and USPSS.

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Thanks Troy. I just downloaded it myself before reading further down this thread and the color diagram on the inside back cover (illustrating scoring examples) is clipped off on the right.

I fixed that.

I also have a summary to post, just need to make sure it's "clean".


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You mean word for word? They shouldn't have been; we wouldn't want that. Rather, the intent of a given ruling should be reflected in changes made in the new rulebook. Are we sure they weren't? Look at a given ruling then look at the affected rule in the 2014 rulebook. Is the intent of the ruling not reflected in the new rulebook? (I don't know one way or the other; I'm just asking.)

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