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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Barrel polish (hood and external)


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I picked up a used p-01 and the previous owner applied some thing like cerakote to the barrel exterior on the hood and the lugs and the length of the barrel. It's a grey color. Not sure if it was intended as a finish to make a slightly tighter fit our if they want to have it more stealthy for concealment? I dunno.

What are your Opinions on removing the coating (some shiny spots are showing through after a couple hundred rounds)?

I'll attach a picture later.

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Good input guys. I didn't realize the P-01 had a coating since I'm used to my 75B and TS barrels. I see that CZC polishes the barrel hood on their fancy top-end SDP's but I wasn't sure if anyone had any bad experiences trying to do the same? I should take out stock in Dremel according to all of us do-it-yourself-ers on this forum (and in this industry)!

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