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Would E3 work for a 180grain minor load


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I have worked up some bunny fart loads for Minor for .40 and .45 with e3.

180 plated/jacketed, 3.6 grns of e3 @ 1.135 OAL

180 coated, 3.0 grns of e3 @ 1.135 OAL

For .45 ACP:

230 plated/jacketed 4.0 of e3 @ 1.220 OAL

230 coated 3.6 of e3 @ 1.220 OAL

These work in my guns with stock recoil springs, you may have to vary the .45 loads a tenth or 2 either way to get them to operate yours.

Edited by bowenbuilt
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Timely thread. I'm just getting into .40 and since Clays is nowhere to be found I jumped on 10 lbs of e3 to get me through. Looks just like Clays, meters just fine.

I picked up some of the SNS moly coated 140gr and 180gr lead bullets but kind of felt like I was groping in the dark for starting loads. The 140 gr bullets grouped real nicely for me at 3.2 or 3.4 grains (out of an old Glock 22) and were very comfortable. I loaded several intervals of 180 gr bullets but they were probably closer to major PF, I wasn't sure if it was safe to go as low as Craig's 2.4 but I'll have to give that a try. All other things remaining equal, I'd rather save the $15/1000 and shoot the 140s if I can find a nice minor load.

No chrono data for the 140s but if I get some I'll share.

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Craig has an unusually fast barrel and is using plain cast lead. Coated bullets chrono about 35 to 50 FPS slower than plain lead. I think you will find the 180, 3 grn load more to your liking as far as recoil is concerned but that will be something you will have to decide. Good luck and be sure to let us know what you find.

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Craig has an unusually fast barrel and is using plain cast lead. Coated bullets chrono about 35 to 50 FPS slower than plain lead. I think you will find the 180, 3 grn load more to your liking as far as recoil is concerned but that will be something you will have to decide. Good luck and be sure to let us know what you find.

Both my KKM Barrels are way fast according to my chrono. readings. I don't remember the velocities off hand and my notebook is down stairs but the average of 10 shots gave me 131 PF. Just play with it up and down till you get what you want. I'm using small mag primers too since that's what I had stocked up kinda during the panic.

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