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If one is an SO, are they required to do so if asked?


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once in a while the local matches do not get enough people to volunteer to SO, even though there are plenty of them in the crowd. there is a discount for working as one.

If no SO's come forward to SO, and without one or more the match will not go forward, can they be asked to do so??


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I'm not that familiar with IDPA however I would think it is a voluntary position within a match.

My suggestion would be to ask for SO's and if none step forward ask them to help by name. If they still don't step up, cancel the match. By calling them to help by name, when they refuse and you cancel the match, they will walk away with a bullseye on their back in the eyes of the other folks who didn't get to shoot the match.

Sorry to sound like a hardass but they took the exam, earned the title and then don't want to help. I call BS!


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Why would anyone even set-up a match without having SOs scheduled ahead of time? Trying to grab SOs out of the crowd and putting them on the spot seems a little presumptuous, or at least very disorganized.

The old saying seems to apply here..."Lack of planning on your part does NOT constitute an emergency on my part."

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But Bill, I think it depends on the local situation. Granted matches I go to are only USPSA but it's the norm to walk in to registration and ask if they need RO's or for the MD to ask if anybody wants to RO. Usually it's the same guys at the various matches each weekend and we all seem willing to help each other out.

Personally, I think if it comes down to an MD threatening to cancel a match because he can't get a few RO's he may need to reevaluate his operations. i.e. look in the mirror.

I think calling somebody out by name and putting the blame on them for not helping so they have a bullseye on their back is a bit much. Not every RO wants to RO every match he shoots.

Edited by Sarge
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We have this problem from time to time. Nobody HAS to RO/SO. If we are short people will step up and help. Sometimes it sucks being the volunteer all the time. But it's not that hard, and even if I'm the SO, I trade off to others in the squad quite a bit.

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I don't shoot idpa but Which ever game you like and you Are trained SO. RO I don't see the problem,someone took hours to give you a match to go to so asking for help just keep timer is a small task,most on the matches I shoot are one to three hours away.I am not going to drive there and not help.

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It's a volunteer sport.

You do it or don't. You cannot be forced to perform as an SO. They can't take your birthday away.

I'm an SO, but if I'm not registered to work but they need another SO, I will generally step up.

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I have NO problems helping out at a match (SO, teardown, whatever...) but I much prefer to know about it ahead of time. The MD at my "local" affiliated club likes to reassign shooters to get an experienced SO on each squad. This generally works out well. We also switch duties within the squad as needed.

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If no SO is around, tag the youngest/fittest guy in the group as Timer Monkey for the day! Even on a bad weather day we have enough SOs to run 6 or 7 squads since the non SOs run the clip board. I wanna take the test but I'm not sure with my speech. I can do everything in our little group even if some of them outrun me to positions.

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Can't make someone do it.

At my home range, we usually have nearly 20 people available to SO at club matches, making it pretty much a non-issue.
But there is a nearby range where we'll occasionally attend matches. They don't have a surplus of SOs - relying on people to volunteer as squads are forming.

We may have half a dozen certified SOs in our group, but the whole reason we go there is to shoot as a group - something we don't often get to do when we are putting on our own matches. So only one or two of us will officially volunteer to SO - with the others just falling in with the squad.

Kind of a long way of saying that sometimes those certified SOs may be there just to hang out with friends, etc. Hell, maybe their hung-over and just not wanting the responsibility that morning.

I'd say that if you don't have enough people volunteering to SO, it's time to start working on getting training for some more SOs who will do the job.

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I am pretty much retired from SO or RO after a number of years behind the timer.

I will take the button or the scorecard for a while in short term relief but I will not work at it all day.

I will not take an e-score device, I have seen too many scores lost by willing helpers with five minutes instruction.

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once in a while the local matches do not get enough people to volunteer to SO, even though there are plenty of them in the crowd. there is a discount for working as one.

If no SO's come forward to SO, and without one or more the match will not go forward, can they be asked to do so??


I believe what he was getting at was if a SO accepts the discount for the match or the match fee is waived and they don't step up and SO for the squad.

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But it's not that hard, and even if I'm the SO, I trade off to others in the squad quite a bit.

+1. I personally prefer NOT to be the sole RO/SO for a squad, but I'm happy to split the duties with one other person. That gives me enough time to focus properly on my own shooting. Of course I'm not an IDPA certified SO anyway, so whatever.

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But it's not that hard, and even if I'm the SO, I trade off to others in the squad quite a bit.

+1. I personally prefer NOT to be the sole RO/SO for a squad, but I'm happy to split the duties with one other person. That gives me enough time to focus properly on my own shooting. Of course I'm not an IDPA certified SO anyway, so whatever.

Couple good points there. IDPA certification is not required for your typical club match, don't know the rule for USPSA RO but I think at local matches anyone can write the scores down at least. The S.O. and scorekeeper thing is not hard if you have help that allows you time to enjoy your shooting & relax & drink / pee / reload / etc.. If it is just you then the s.o. job can really really suck, particularly on miserable hot days or if you have to also play squad nag for pasting and etc. If you have plenty of help then the job can be fun and rewarding.

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