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EAA witness Mag with hennings base pad and grams kit ?


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so i have a few mags with the hennings base pads and grams kits , i have 1 mag that works flawless, the second runs ok if i only load about 18 in it and the 3rd doesnt feed for crap, all same mags, all same grams springs followers ect.. now my question is i was told the followers need to be tilted to the right, by bending the spring under the follower to achieve this ? will this help the mags run smoother, mind you they are pretty much new less than 250 rds each mag so fitting 21 is difficult and almost impossible right now.. any thoughts

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no, stock mag but as an other member pointed out to me they were aftermarket mags with the triangle T on them not the K40 mags causing the issue, so im off to get new mags in morning and all should be fixed, the mags work great with stock springs and basepads i upgraded to the grams springs and followers which is causing an issue, now i have 2 mags i have no use for great ! lol

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Well, extra mags are great for barney and dry fire, so its not a loss=) I have an old one (i bought them not thinking that there was a difference), so i saved the gram internals and basepad and will be using them for dry fire.

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