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Plated bullet tumble


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What factors would lead to tumbling in plated bullets? What should I look for/watch out for? Started using plated bullets recently after a long stint with coated bullets. I had bad results with a batch of Berry's a few years back.



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Crimp is a big culprit! The plating is very thin so if you use too much neck tension, it digs into the plating and some can deform the latter portion. Also, if it's a heavy bullet and you don't have it going fast enough to stabilize (depending on your barrel), that can cause problems also. There are many factors but the neck tension seems to be the most popular with tumbling issues related to plated bullets.

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Solid 147 Raniers tumble @2% from my Springfield 1911 with 3.8 to 4 grains of WST OAL 1.15 and 1000 fps. Bad group. Going up to 4.2 did not help and the case is full. The hollow points do not tumble and have a good group. Same .376" crimp with both. Same seating die settting gives 1.13 OAL. Keep us posted.

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