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A question for all of you LEO's out there...

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I stopped by the local hamburger stand for lunch today, and a sheriff's deputy walked up behind me. I was trying to make small talk while our orders were being made. I noticed that he was carrying a Glock (from the mag basepad), and asked him what model...He said it wasn't a Glock, it was a SIG P22...I'm thinking, that ain't right, but whatever...So I was asking him how it shot, etc., how much time did he have at the SO, etc. He had 20 years with the local PD, and only 2 years with the SO...I suppose I got him interested in knowing exactly what he was carrying, so much so that he had to unholster and find out that it was indeed a G22...

My question is this: How many of you LEO's, with the possiblilty of your life (and my life possibly) in the balance, know what weapon you are carrying and how it functions? Answer truthfully....

I find it disturbing that someone can be mandated to carry a sidearm for their chosen profession, and not even know what they are carrying. Is this the norm? Is this what the "Protect" in "Protect and Serve" means?

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I shoot with one of the better shots on the local Sheriffs Dept. and from what he tells me about some of them, they shouldn't be allowed near a firearm. Their qualification requirements are horrible and a lot can't even qualify with out some "pencil" assistance.

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Out of all your stories that is the most unbelievable. Did that really happen? Nobody carries a gun without knowing what they carry. Do they?

This is absolutely true....I asked him what Glock it was, and he told me it was a SIG....I had already looked at the mag basepads...NO JOKE.

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I find that story a little odd. Maybe he carried the Sig for all of his City time and only carried the Glock for the last two years. Maybe he was elderly and forgot? Even though lots of cops are not "gun" people, the majority of them would certainly know what kind of pistol they were carrying.

In my experience, the majority of Texas DPS Troopers, Agents and Rangers shoot pretty well. Maybe not according to our USPSA standards, but when compared to LEOs in general.

As for me, I really didn't care much about pistols or shooting until I made Ranger in 2004. Prior to that, I shot twice a year just like everybody else. I carried the issued Sig 226. But, once I made Ranger, I was able to carry 1911s and that started to change everything. First a Kimber Pro CDP, then three different Les Baers. The game changer was a Wilson Combat CQB in 38 Super. It was so fun and easy to shoot that I started to practice some and shot my first USPSA Match in March 2008. Thanks to some really good folks at the Tyler Good Times Shooters, I got hooked and started shooting more and more matches.

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According to what he told me, in the 20 years at the local PD, they had changed sidearms 5 times, but had not changed since he had been with the SO.

Personally, I don't care if you changed once a year, or once a month, you should know what you are carrying.

If he was elderly (which he was maybe in his mid 50's), and he can't even remember what sidearm he's carrying, he shouldn't be allowed to carry a sidearm...not to mention what else he could or would forget in the course of duty..

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I had an encounter with my local PD about several years ago. I asked him about his gun and he said they issue him a Glock but he had no idea what model, He said he was not a gun guy and never carried it outside of work. In fact, he did not take it home with him. It stayed at the station. I found it odd.

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I had an encounter with my local PD about several years ago. I asked him about his gun and he said they issue him a Glock but he had no idea what model, He said he was not a gun guy and never carried it outside of work. In fact, he did not take it home with him. It stayed at the station. I found it odd.

Geez, did he carry the bullet in his pocket? :goof:

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I had an encounter with my local PD about several years ago. I asked him about his gun and he said they issue him a Glock but he had no idea what model, He said he was not a gun guy and never carried it outside of work. In fact, he did not take it home with him. It stayed at the station. I found it odd.

Not odd at all. I was a Police Firearms instructor for my PD for 7yrs. As long as it goes bang when you want it to and doesn't when you don't, most don't care who made it.

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For too many in law enforcement, their sidearm is just a piece of the uniform, not really different from their ticket book. I knew the department armorer from a neighboring town. He told me about the crap that many officers let slide. Still when the department issued revolvers, on guy dropped off his rig for a periodic inspection, holster and all. Upon removal of the S&W from the holster, he found a French fry stuck between the cylinder and top strap. Other stories relate to masking tape around the spare ammo, since it no longer stayed in the belt loops. Obviously from days gone by.

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Not to offend LEO's...but maybe he rode a desk. Or had some duty which basically made him inert. The only reason he even had a gun is it's part of the gear. I've seen this happen.

He was no desk jockey, he was driving a new county issue Chevy Tahoe, decked out with lights.

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Obviously we would want all of our Cops to shoot like we do (or think we do), but many don't and never will. Thankfully, most will never have to either. Just the same, I'm glad they are out there roaming the roads, helping deter crime. Because, just maybe, the dirt bags aren't reading this thread and think all cops are Tactical Operators....

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I have been in and around one type of shooting sports or another for most of my life. I have found LEOs from various departments and organizations to be no better nor worse than most folks at large save for some basic firearms instructions. Let's not turn this into a bash the cops because they know little about firearms thread. I'm sure we would all like for them to be GM to the last person, but that is but a dream.

To the OP, I would gather that you would not find anyone LEO, or other wise who is on this forum who could actually answer your question. This is after all a shooting sports forum :devil: .


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