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Of all the stuff that gets posted on the hate forum, they all seem so insignificant when compared with cancer. One of our more pro-active local shooter and forum member Ron Durham has been battling cancer for the last few months. Now the cancer has spread to his lungs and liver and he's too weak for chemo. That just f-ing sucks.

Not to sound like a liberal, imagine what we can do with cancer research if we put in the amount of money and manpower we are using in the fight on terror in Iraq.

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Of all the stuff that gets posted on the hate forum, they all seem so insignificant when compared with cancer. One of our more pro-active local shooter and forum member Ron Durham has been battling cancer for the last few months. Now the cancer has spread to his lungs and liver and he's too weak for chemo. That just f-ing sucks.

That's right - Cancer does suck.. What a waste for All of us when someone is taken before their time.

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I survived, other BE members have survived, so let us know how we can help. Its okay to be mad at the disease (as I still can be at times) but we just have to deal with it and 'together' we can BEAT it.....

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Oh crap! I can remember discussing things with Ron Durham here. We may not always have agreed --- but I was glad that he was in the sport and it was apparent that he cared about it's health a great deal.

When we were at the Nationals this year, Steve Anderson remarked that it would be cool if they'd just build another four stages a day, and if the match went on indefinitely that way. Here's hoping that as part of his next life, Ron gets to shoot such a never-ending match. Rest in Peace,

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  • 4 weeks later...

I went to the funeral of my aunt Annie yesterday, she didn't survive lungcancer :( we sat down with our family reunited, remembering her strong and weak points.

Today, my shootingbuddy, the man that introduced me into this sport in 1998, tells me he has to undergo serious surgery because of cancer.

I looked into his eyes and saw fear...and he's right...

I've tried to chear him up, I urged him to think the positive way...but these are just words.

It's strange how joy (over Spooks attendance at the WS and SiGLady's birthday) grieves itself and varies

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Thx Spook for your support, he's one of our NPSA-seniors, he and I had a deal about travelling to the first 2005 match in Amersfoort (your home-range) in my new Carrera.

I guess I have to travel alone, but...after surgery and treatment in Maastricht I'll take him to the next oncoming match, no matter what!

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Top of my hate list.I lost several close people to that scurge of mankind.I work at a major cancer research center and I cannot understand us spending the billions we spend on other stuff amuseing ourselves and allowing this to go on.I watched a strong young woman complain and analyse her rooms hvac problems then melt to helplessness when her husband visited on the weekend for affection,she's gone now.On Christmas day the pathologists said she'd understand if I didn't want to ride the elevator with her newest subject that left us that hour.Yep,Top of the List.

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