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625 trigger stop


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Hey folks,

I need some assistance. I was working on a trigger on a 625 the other day and noticed that the pin that goes insided the rebound block spring (trigger stop) was missing. My 610 has one and I looked in the S&W parts book and noticed that it was shown in one exploded diagram but not in the another.

In my case the gun never had one or someone launched it into a low earth orbit when disassembling the rebound block.

Anyway, I put the gun back together without it and the trigger work felt fine.

My question... Do I need the trigger block? Is this pin, or lack of it, going to bite me in the butt later on?

thanks in advance.


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From what I know, (very little) missing the "pin" trigger stop is not a problem. If I find one in my revos I usually toss them anyway. I would rather have an eraser glued to the trigger for a stop. They will work for a while but after a while I lose them too. I don't know the best glue to use. I guess I could do it right and have one tapped into the trigger with an adjustment. Just my thoughts. rdd

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The "trigger stop rod, part #5306" in my S&W parts diagram serves as an overtravel limit, and helps (some) in the trigger pull, mainly on the single action pull.

It's not essential to the safe operation of the revolver, but is one of the features that make the 625 a "target model" as opposed to a "service model" revolver. At least that is what they taught me in S&W Revolver Armorers classes, back in the day.

Without the pin, a sensitive trigger finger should notice some overtravel of the trigger, after a single action pull. How important this is depends on the user. If the pull feels good without it, I wouldn't worry. However, YMMV

A pistolsmith should be able to make you a replacement. Normally a section of drill rod, small enough in diameter to fit inside the rebound slide spring, is cut to fit the required length. This is a individual measurement, depending on your revolvers trigger and rebound slide.

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The factory internal trigger stop doesn't do much anyway. I almost always fit a new one (fashioned from drill rod), which actually functions as a trigger stop in DA mode. Properly fitted, it prevents thumb-cocking the gun (which is fine for my purposes).

I have noticed that some of the Performance Center external stops (on the back of the trigger) are not very well fitted, and still allow an unacceptable amount of overtravel.


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