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Bag or not to Bag

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The reason I ask is that it seems to be a point of Contingent with some of the shooters in the area. Such as it takes longer when you bag and unbag your gun, or you get teased for doing it. I myself bag between stages, my gun stays cleaner, I'm less likely to jar it out of the holster, and I just feel the gun is better protected in the bag. What's your thoughts?


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I personally prefer to carry the gun holstered from stage to stage. As far as keeping it clean, shooters connection was giving gun covers away at several matches this year. They are great for rainy days or if you just want to keep the dirt off.


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When done properly and cooperatively, bagging takes no longer than holstering. But the anti-bagging Range Taliban always seems to be able to make it take as long as necessary to prove that bagging slows down the match.

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I don't see any problem with a squad RO wanting to bag, so that they are free to work. Forgetting dust, if a person is so afraid that their gun will fall out they need a new holster.

I like Chuck's support of the sport, but does anyone need some extra 'gundoms'. He forgot about the other 15% of us and they don't work for me. B)


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I bag, but I'm usually laden with camera or cameras. The gun scratches the cameras, and I don't want a motor-drive camera knocking a gun out of the holster. (Bad for gun, camera and my ego/reputation.)

I just make sure I know where the Safe areas are, and bag and unbag without adding to the ROs workload.

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I wear it to the match, unload when I get there to play, load it up and wear it home at the end. I have not been bothered by guys that want to bag and unbag at every stage, it's cool if they want to....but.... I have noticed a few who like Patrick try not to bother the R.O. and go to the "safe" area to take care of this chore, and they never seem to return to help. Safe area ghosting. That gets old quick! BTW I am not saying Pat does this at AT ALL, I just am using his example.

P.S. I NEVER have empty mags in My carriers! That way help is just a speed load away :D KURTM

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I was RO'ing a guy this summer and he insisted on going through this elaborate un-bag and re-bag ritual for a pretty beat up STI.

I asked him why he didn't just unbag in the safe area, shoot, and re-bag in the safe area. His answer "because my holster keeps letting go of my pistol so I don't feel safe walking with it".

Uhhhhh huh...."Please consult your rulebook sir, chapter 5, especially the part about holsters."

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I run a small, local USPSA match. We shoot indoors. Our range is also a business & time is money so we are limited by time to the extreme. How?:

6 shooter squads

1 squad per hour every hour from 3PM to 9PM

4 stages (one is a classifier)

That breaks down to:

4 stages/60 min. = 15 min. per stage

15 min per stage/6 shooters = 2.5 min. per shooter for a given stage

That's 2.5 min to prep the shooter, shoot, range clear, score, tape & reset movers. (minus time to read stage descriptions).

Accordingly, we do not have time for or allow bagging, walk throughs, or brass pick-up. It may sound harsh but it works surprisingly well. If it were an all day match out door, bagging might be OK, but it would not work at our match.

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