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IPSC World Shoot XVII, Florida 2014: FAQ

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Just driving home from the match. I was there on Saturday and Sunday (just a spectator) and mainly watched production.

I know this is probably a stupid question, but what is the significance of the shoot off? It's definitely fun to watch. This was the first big match I've attended, so I really didn't know what was going on?

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Maria Gushchina finished 25th with 83% of Eric's score... Yikes !!!!! Christine Burkhalter was second and USA's Julie Golob was 3rd.

Hilde Nakling (NOR) took Standard Lady ahead of Tori and Randi

Karla Blowers (AUS) takes the Open title ahead of Martina Sera (CZE) and Kaci Cochran was 3rd.

Karla Blowers is one heck of an Open shooter, glad for her but not surprised at all. Hilde Nakling, wow she shot great too. Tori was doing her thing as well. Maria Gushchina, I want to see how she did overall, with all the competors scores.

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The shootoffs is just a "fun" thing now. The local officials run it and there are awards given out at the ceremony but they do not confer Presidents Medals or change any other results.

In the long-long-ago, the match was just to settle who was in the shootoff and the winner of that was the Chief Cheese, but not so much anymore (hence the "Top 16" distinction at US Nationals-- that was the shootoff group)

(btw, on the Nils stage our squad specifically asked if reloads from a pocket were OK and the RO said as long as they came from behind the applicable equipment placement line)

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Jethro must have DQ'd on Stage 6. Probably broke the 90 degree.

I'm really interested in this. At least up until the last two days he was in the lead by a nice margin.

Jethro beats Nils on stages 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 24

Nils beat Jethro on 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25-30

Going into the last day, Nils was leading by 4 stages!

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Well run match.

The stages failed due to the one trick pony of the "over the top" swingers.

Lots of Low ports, and over the top swingers.

Would have been a lot harder match if the No Shoots, half targets, fast swingers, and the rest of the low ports were left in.

I think the Florida open was much harder than this match.

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Great pic, tells the story. I would have heard STOPPPPPP!! And been watching from that stage on, if I was to quick to pull the gun like that.

I will tell you the only call on a upper class shooter was Area 6 2013 in St Augustine on Shane Coley and it was a 180 break, during a reload while he was moving to his left near the start of the Stage. It was a tight stage that way and he was not the only one to receive that same call.

Edited by a matt
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Here is Max either on or past the 180. I think he is past it but then again the Super Squad rarely gets DQ for stuff like this.attachicon.gifimage.jpg

I was the fat guy in the hat. It happens so fast they may just get away with a little as you have to be 100%. I had 30 people (out of over 1000) get that close and sent nobody home for it. One guy I should have sent home for it (hindsight), Max wasn't him. Find some pictures from the other side where they went up the line. Lots of people getting really close over there. Two went too far.

He did have a 1.39 first shot on an up-range draw with a unloaded chamber. Pretty much a blur.

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Here is Max either on or past the 180. I think he is past it but then again the Super Squad rarely gets DQ for stuff like this. image.jpg

I've been drinking, so I'll try to say this as nicely as possible "get a "...." life"

First, 180 follows the bay, not fault lines, so it's impossible to know where 180 is from a picture that doesn't show the whole picture.

Second, the guns still in the holster, and his body looks to be still twisting.

Third, ever RO ive heard talk about 180, usually say they have to know for sure. They're not looking send somebody home for 181.

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I haven't been drinking but I'll still be nice too. "Quit being a .....". If you have a question about where the berm was or have another opinion on the matter just state it. Keep the insults. If you will note, Matt even comments that it was close. In the pic the gun has cleared the holster. Not much but it has cleared. The rear berm does appear line up with the rear fault line from what I can see. Matt could certainly say for sure.

Without benefit of being able to review vid to make calls calling 180s in the moment is freaking hard. It is what I struggle with as an RO. Still it is a fair question if he broke the 180. Here is a link to the full vid.

Edited by Neomet
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Here is Max either on or past the 180. I think he is past it but then again the Super Squad rarely gets DQ for stuff like this.attachicon.gifimage.jpg

One guy I should have sent home for it (hindsight), Max wasn't him.

Game, set, match! Bitch less, practice more. Quit being a monday morning quarterback. The actual RO is saying I didnt then or now (after seeing pics or video) think it was a dq. So I could careless about anyones comments.

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When you post up videos and post pics of a guy and say "I think he is past it" and "I would have heard stop" your tainting a years (actually more like a careers) worth of work/accomplishment on a borderline call at best. And regardless, it doesn't matter. To say it's a fair question.....why? The scores are in, the trophies have been delivered. What can be gained, changed or learned? Let it go. Max is the World Champion and after looking at the picture and video, deserves to be it.

Edited by jrbet83
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It isn't tainting it. Nobody is accusing Max of juicing or changing scoresheets. It is simply a wow that was close or maybe over. Nothing being gained. Nothing being taken away. It is interesting simply because of how close it was or how on replay/freeze frame it looks like he was past.

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This is why I'm not sure about videos used by RO's, he was so fast it would have taken video to maybe call? That's kinda why I say no video. But my last DQ I would have paid to be able to use it. But it's done and so am I, good night all.

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That stage was set pretty square to the bay. The bays there have a lot of vegetation so it's not exactly easy to call off the back line.

As to not wanting to call a 181 you are correct, for the draws you would have to visibly point to the right of that fault line to get me to stop you. Max got his hand on the gun before he passed 180 but he was turned before he cleared the trigger guard. Again, close but not a DQ.

I took the time to turn the other way as I would not want to have an RO call me on a 181 but I am no where near a world champ.

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This is my gripe with stage designers. Why start facing up range? What does it bring to that stage other than a DQ trap?

Well, the uprange start is both common and traditional in action shooting. It utilizes basic competition skills. It's not a "DQ trap" - the competitor knows exactly what's expected and has (should have) practiced the movements.

Looking at the picture in post #211 I don't see a muzzle pointed anywhere uprange. It seems pretty much vertical at that instant, and he's in the process of turning, so by the time the gun started to get to horizontal it would have been pointing toward the target area. We shouldn't forget that this is a highly practiced and competent competitor, and his movements are well-rehearsed.

Isn't it about time to stop beating this one? The range officials, who were there, didn't see a need to call it as a problem - why are we?

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