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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Last night I was sitting out late on the porch sipping a little Jameson and reminiscing... about the old days at Second Chance. And for whatever reason, my mind drifted to Richard Davis and his trivia questions.

I remembered - I got this one right away - and felt fairly proud of myself because I hardly ever got any of his questions.

PLEASE DON'T GOOGLE IT! (That would be super lame.)

What is the most amount of change you can have and still not be able to make exact change for a dollar?

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Ok, no duplicate coins, only face value counts... $114.19 :devil:

Kennedy silver Dollar

Susan B dollar

Sacagawea dollar

Liberty $20 coin

Golden Eagle $5, $10, $25, and $50

1 .1/2 Dollar

1 quarter

4 dimes

4 pennies

Edited by GuildSF4
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3 q

4 dimes

and 4 pennies

That's it.

If you had a one dollar coin you could make exact change for a dollar.

Miranda - PM me - let me know what I can send you (if you happen to have a book) - some Slide-Glide perhaps?


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