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3 Gun Nation Classifiers

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Looks like fun to me. For most of us mere mortals, travelling all over the country to shoot a bunch of majors isn't in the cards. I see classifiers as a way for the average Joe to see where, within a defined set of parameters, his skills stack up. I cant see how thats a bad thing.

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I am not much of a "classifier" lover. In handgun matches I do far worse on classifiers than on field courses. Not sure why.

Up here in MN we have the MN3GunGroup that puts on smaller 3-gun matches and we try to cater our matches to the newer 3-gun shooter. Several of the people that have gotten involved in the sport in the last year have commented about how nice these classifiers would be so that they could see how they compare against other shooters across the country. It does seem that there is a lot of shooter interest in this.

As a side note I remember that classifier or skill type stage at the BRM3G and thinking back, I found that stage to be one of the more memorable stages I have ever shot. I liked it!

I guess I am on the fence about this topic and will keep an open mind on the idea.

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I copied this from post #25

I personally don't like the idea of 3-gun classifiers.

I certainly don't want to shoot a classifier at a major match! If I'm paying "the big bucks" of a major match I want unique and fun stages not cookie cutter, run of the mill stages.

The only way the Classifiers will get any foundation of credibility is for them to be included in the Major matches. My guess / sugetion (even though I don't like it ) is for 3Gun Nation to make a firm request that one of the 3GN clasifiers be included in the events sponsored by 3GN.

That would not be bad - IF ! - it was an extra stage to the match posibly ran by voluntiers from 3GN. They could use the stage with a sign up table promotion for 3GN So that way the match gets one more stage ready to go with voluntiers to bring the targets set it up and run the stage. The Proverbial Win -Win. the shooters get one more stage to fill the wait before a stage that would normaly cause a back up. The Paper GM/M would have a feel good stage to pracitce for if they wanted to. The shooters that arn't comited to spend the kids collage fund to attend events out of state would have a score & stage to measure up to.

I attend a bunch of events, But my kids are grown and older than most of the shooters beating me at the events. Hell I have shirts older than many of the shooters beating me at events.


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The classifiers should just be there to shoot . At any Major match. Video them. Take times off there. Easy as pie and 3GN gets free easy video. I mean they are like 20n seconds. Just do it and go. New thing. No freaking RO, not nonsense. Just shoot them and go. If you don'

t want to, don't.

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Wow Jamie! Thats one of the best trolls I have seen you post! :)

Cost. That is what it will boil down too. Administrating classifiers will cost money. Running a classifier at a major will cost money, more than you will want to spend. Means mandatory joining another organization and dues, and paying for each classifier you submit. All for a feel good result that will tell you only where you rank in speedy stand and shoots, nothing about how good of a 3 gunner you are.

No thanks....


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Maybe 3GN is going to take them mobile. Binging the classifier wagon to your state twice a year just like that Mobile hearing aid truck at the grocery store. New shooters that don't go to big matches do seen to enjoy a way to set goals and see their progress. Obviously moving up the club match scoresheet helps but so does this.

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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If you're going to have classifiers then a mandatory one should be the 50yd dash. Athletic ability is much more a part of three gun that any of the pistol sports, any classification system that ignores this fact will fail to establish an accurate system.

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If you're going to have classifiers then a mandatory one should be the 50yd dash. Athletic ability is much more a part of three gun that any of the pistol sports, any classification system that ignores this fact will fail to establish an accurate system.

I think we all can agree that having large space requirements for these classifieds would exclude some clubs. If you look at the classifications of the other popular shooting sports they only really cover the weapon manipulation skills and some of the major shooting skills required of the sport. I'm sure these 3 gun classifieds will follow the same shape because 3 gun is so diverse.

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I agree with Bryan, I shoot against the best guys enough to know where I stand. But I have run this past several regulars at my club match and they all want to do it. I asked 5-8 of my regular club match shooters and not one of them said no.

I saw some of the stages at St. Augustine and they looked pretty simple and straight forward. However, I already know targetry will be a problem. No way the club will go for shelling out $$$ for 15 of these particular MGM targets or 25 of this etc.

Honestly, I don't know how I want to work the actual stages into matches. They may be simpler than my usual club match stage as far as number of props and targets but I can just fling stuff all over the range, eyeball it, and go "Yep, thats good enough". The idea of measuring the distances between 10 knockdown plates arranged in a V is not appealing to me.

I'd like to do this for my shooters, but I'm a one man show. Heck I still have to pay match fees even. I'm not sure it's worth my personal time and energy to take out a stage and plug in one of these classifiers. Especially when they will be no real performance metric gained from them. Yes the top guys will for the most part be at the top but when you don't shoot your rifle any distance, load your shotgun, move, etc? Being able to rip 8 shots at clays on a stand from a static position and shoot 4 paper targets doesn't make you an expert 3gunner.

Is there anyone already up and running with the 3GN Club series? As much as I'd like to be tarheel we don't have near the volume of shooters and smaller clubs doing this?. A versamax to give away to my group of shooters would be a really nice prize, I just don't know that I can pull it off without making myself crazy.

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Tyler, talk to Greg Brown up at Bluegrass. He took on the 3GN club series last year as a pilot club, and is doing it again this year. It looks like we're getting an opportunity to shoot a classifier this Saturday at the match.

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Oh and FWIW since I'm the MD and get to pick the classifiers I'm going to practice the crap out of them before the match so I can be the first paper gm in 3GN if the club ends up becoming part of the series. :devil:

You will be the only GM. The highest rank is called Expert.

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The problem I have with this is I don't want to be a slave to 3GN or a classification system. I dont want to have to use someone elses rules. I dont want to require my participants to be members of 3GN to shoot my match. I dont want to have to pay 3GN a fee for them to maintain classifications. The problem in my mind is to many people are trying to turn 3gun into and IPSC/ USPSA type of system. Most of the people that want this are the type of people that need a card or score to tell them how good they are. The classifiers I watched are in no way a good representation of 3gun. It is a good representation of people trying to make 3gun like ISPC. All of the things that make 3gun what it is has been removed in the classifier videos. What I envision happening is a bunch of "paper experts". We all know that is what will happen. Why are we trying to change our sport? What are we missing? Changing things to make them better is usually good, but changing things just to change them or to make them look better on TV is dumb. I wish 3gn would have stayed on it's original course of being at major matches and bringing attention to what we were doing. What makes this sport so great is every match is unique. We have different matches with different rules that require different skill sets. A friend and I have been running a match at Blackwater/USTC/ Academi for about three years. We run a four stage match that are usually true 3gun stages. The time out for our monthly Is 200 seconds. The average time per stage is probably around 100 seconds. If we were to add a 15-30 second stage to satisfy 3GN, we would cause all kinds of back ups and logistical nightmares.

I am not against 3GN. I really appreciate the attention they have brought to this sport. I think they have grown our sport, and have brought in sponsors that may have not gotten involved without them. I just wish their push would be to enhance what we already have rather than try to change it to what they believe is best.


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Why are we trying to change our sport?

I don't think anyone is trying to change your sport.

You and your match can keep doing exactly what your doing now and simple sit back and enjoy the benefits of having a national TV series bringing the sport to more people which brings more people out to your match and all the big outlaw matches which in turn brings more sponsors to the game which in turn puts more $ on the prize table without you ever having to even so much as go to the 3GN website.

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Tyler, talk to Greg Brown up at Bluegrass. He took on the 3GN club series last year as a pilot club, and is doing it again this year. It looks like we're getting an opportunity to shoot a classifier this Saturday at the match.

I was going to try and make it, I'm looking forward to hearing how the classifier goes.

Oh and FWIW since I'm the MD and get to pick the classifiers I'm going to practice the crap out of them before the match so I can be the first paper gm in 3GN if the club ends up becoming part of the series. :devil:

You will be the only GM. The highest rank is called Expert.

Paper Expert then, I stand corrected.

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