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Hopefully the headline got your attention.

Me and my father where playing a mental game, what would happen if POTUS showed up to a 3Gun match? I like to help time and spot at matches, set targets, I don't even mind staying late to tear-down from time to time if my back doesn't hurt to badly.

Just thinking of the logistics if I were POTUS and wanted to go to a 3Gun event, would secret Service need metal detectors? I mean it's not liek people are hiding their guns, so could we get rid of those?

If I were to try and help tiem a stage and SS got in the way, would that be considered RO interference and justify a reshoot? Would it be bad form to tell SS to get their guns out and make them participate in the match, I mean they had better be good shots, so this might inspire trust in them, maybe, I'd hate to find out I ( remember I'm POTUS) I'm a better shot then they are.

Just something to think about, lol.

Edited by t1nm4n
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If it was a cold range, SS would have a fit.

Think SS would have to follow that rule? Would make sense since LEO's of all types generally follow it, that would be funny to watch them get disarmed just like everyone else.

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I know this would piss a lot of people off, but how about making the NRA responsible for training all citizens in standard pistol and rifle marksmanship? You could opt out, but if you took the course and passed with good results you would get your license to carry. It would be a national CC permit that is renewed bi-anually. Make all firearms legal that are semi-auto regardless of magazine capacity. Then if the states opt out of the NRA program, they have to create a program that is at least as good or better than the Federal (NRA) plan.

Then, if you are a shop owner, or someone who needs a firearm for work, you would be trained by LE in your area on tactical uses of your firearm. This would be an annual test to confirm you know what you are doing with your fire stick/pistol.

As POTUS, I would also promote USPSA/IDPA/NRA matches so that as many folks in our country would get into these sports. This would actually promote even MORE shooting and safety too. I think inside of ten years you would have a well armed citizenry properly versed in the manual of arms of their respective firearms. Less people shot accidentally and more people shooting in general. I am never surprised when I take an anti to the range. They almost always have a good time and become a pro-gun person rather quickly.

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It's just in the name of silliness, but can you imagine showing the president (or any anti-gunner really) how to run an open gun and turning him loose on a few 32-round field courses? How could anyone not have a huge smile on their face when they finish shooting their first match?

If nothing else it kind of shows how important it is to be a good ambassador for the shooting sports, with everyone we meet. We need all the allies we can get these days.

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Jimmy , you've got to get out of California. Make the NRA responsible for all training? Renewed bi-annually? Must be something in the air out there. :roflol:

I would just think it a hoot to live in a country where people have to learn it almost as a rule for citizenship. Too many times I have heard people poo poo guns then I ask if they have ever fired a gun , and if so what type and where. Most have not, and those that have didn't seem to have been introduced to guns in a very positive way. I have taken anti-gun people out with a shotgun and a box of birds/launcher. They usually go home with a smile and a bit banged up.

Yeah, I guess I'm just romantic about living in a well trained society.

Edited by JimmyZip
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