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In no certain order:

Bell's Two Hearted Ale (Michigan)

Three Floyd's Alpha King (Indiana)

Broadripple B.C. Anklebiter Barley Wine (Indiana)

Samuel Smith's Old Tadcaster Porter (England)

Fat Tire (Colorado)

Sam Adams Boston Lager

Coor's Original


Miller Lite

Bitburger (Germany)

Peroni (Italy)

Guiness Extra Stout



Beck's Dark

Pilsner Urquel(sp?) (Czech)

Old Milwaukee(sp?) Light (best party beer, period)

Anchor Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (seasonal)

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I'll second the recommendations for Pilsner Urquell, Guinness, and Bittberger.  Not on the list that I love are;


Killian's (I know it is cheap sh*t but I like it!),

Negra Modello,

Red Stripe,

and I haven't met an Oatmeal Stout I didn't like.

But BigDave, Coors?  Really?  Isn't that kidney filtered beer?  I guess I will have to cut you some slack since Killians is a Coors product ;)


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No Dutch Beers? Come on man, gotta love the beer from over here

BTW, I live in the centre of the Beer universe (in Holland, next to Belgium, England and Germany -which alone has over 1600 breweries-) and I don't drink any.

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I got a good laugh when I clicked on the Like forum to see the thread titled "beer." lol.

I'm known to drink a bit of beer myself. These days, I pretty much enjoy anything Mexican - beer or Tequila. Best canned beer - Modelo; runner up - Tecate. Best bottled beer - that's a tough one Modelo or Pacifico... tough to call. Tequila - of course Herradura and Silver Patron. Best quality per dollar ratio - Hornitos Sauza. But just recently a (Mexican) friend (she stocks over 50 brands of Tequila at her restaurant) introduced our neighborhood to a new contender - Mico - for $20. Probably hard to find in most neck's of the woods. We got our local liquor store to stock it, and they go through it like water.


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Okay guys...I don't see many Pacific Northwest Micros on this list.

Sooooo....when you are in Bend for Area 1 or for the Race Gun Nats go to downtown Bend to the Deschutes Brewery and taste some REAL beer.  They have a lot more variety on tap than they distribute in the bottles.

Portland, Seattle etc all have more breweries in them than you can possibly hit in one day and remain sober.

My faves though are not available anywhere but the Palouse River Brewery...located about 20 feet from where I type.  At least three flavors are on tap at all times all hand crafted and brewed in small batches.  I am the head brewmeister, cook and bottle washer (well, I keg but when I did bottle I washed them).

Currently on tap are a porter, an alt (similar to Alaskan Amber) and a red ale.  

Speaking of which...my glass is empty....



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Let me help you out there Kimel.

Great beers from the mighty Northwet:


- IPA - Hands down the King of NW Microbrew

- Blue Heron Ale is very good from time to time

Mc Tarnahan's Scotch Ale

McMenamin's Faves:

- Terminator Stout

- Hammerhead Ale

Montana Beers:

-Black Dog Brewing - They're all good

- Aviator - Same story


Imports I have an affection for:

Bass - fresh and from the keg.  Don't buy bottled....

Spaten - Same as above.  NEVER buy bottled Spaten.  It blows. Fresh kegged Spaten is absolutely succulent.

Kronenberg 1664 (sp?) - Europe's answer to Bud.  I actually like it.

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Ahhh...I agree with that list and would add:

Montana Brewing:

Moose Drool

Powder Hound

Hales Ales:

Moss Bay Extra

and Kilt Lifter (Pike St I think).

For a mega micro the stuff from Widmer and Alaskan (Juneau...not really PNW but close enough) is good as well.

Red Hook wasn't the same after Bud bought them.  The ESB lost "something"...not sure what.

Heading wayyyyy south there is Stone Brewing in San Diego.  Arrogant Bastard ale is worth buying just for the bottle but it is good drinking too.  I give a lot of Arrogant Bastard to deserving people.  



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My favorite beer is COLD, but warm is pretty good too.

OTOH, beer is a marvelously complex beverage with far too many nuances to try to compile a list of "best". Many of the small brewery beers are absolutely excellent (Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Fat Tire, Pete's Wicked, Yuengling Porter) some of the big names are great (Guinness, Bass Pale Ale). There's no point in comparing microbrewery beers that are not widely available. Tastes are too varied and recipes too subtle. I've had a lot that were outstanding.

Several years ago while I was in Guelph, Ontario for a week I had opportunity to spend a day on a microbrewery tour. They loaded us on a schoolbus and spent the entire day driving us from brewery to brewery where we had opportunity to sample their wares. Very near to heaven.

When I have the time to brew my own (been spending too much of my time shooting lately) I firmly believe that no commercially available beers are superior to mine. Sometime I'll have a big party and invite you all over to test that hypothesis. There is great advantage in being able to adjust the recipe to be exactly what you want it to be.

For those keepers of useless trivia...Did you know that the famous and widely used statistical procedure "Student's t-test" was originally developed by a man named Gosset? His day job was with the Guinness brewery in Dublin. He published under the pseudonym "student" because his contract specified that inventions were the intellecual property of Guinness. The statistics were just his hobby and he thought everyone should have access to his work. I tell students in my statistics class that I find it highly amusing that his job was brewing beer and his hobby statistics, while my job is teaching statistics and my hobby brewing beer. I think he had it backwards.


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I was introduced to "Mac's Gold" in New Zealand and it was excellent. Goes with the fields of sheep. So many I couldn't count them. I kept trying but every time I tried to count them I kept falling asleep.

Lot of sport shooing going on there. Great companionship on the range and in the pubs.

Drank "Kiwi" in the 50's in Japan not great but was cheap at Happy Hour. Amoung the little folks in the vill' I drank Asahi, Kirin and Nippon. The best was Kirin on tap.

I noticed that no one has mentioned "33" in The Nam called "Bomdebom". It was supposed to have formaldehyde in it. But in The Nam I was fearless and didn't give a rat's behind.

"San Miquel" in the Phillipines was lousey.

What about "Lone Star" in Texas or "Iron City" in Pittsburg?

They both would wet your whistle and who cares if you use them to chase Jim Beam, Jack Daniels or Wild Turkey. (Boiler Makers)

Drank "Castle" in South Africa and it was great!

"Barlow" around Philly is OK and inexpensive but you had to bring the bottles back for the deposit. The local beers around Wilks Barre suited me just fine. Remember "Ballentine Ale"? It was real good when it was real cold but got skunky like "San Miguel" when it warmed up.

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BDH - Unfortunately, the last (and only) time I was at the Broadripple BC, they were out of the Porter.  From what I've heard, it should be on the list, but I didn't add it b/c I've never actually sampled it.  I need to get back there, its only 2-3 miles from my house.  

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Hey Doc, if you get back here, (NZ) look me up!

There are a few good 'boutique' breweries here, but once the product gets any recognition the big breweries buy them up!

One to look out for is Monteith's Black, a nice smooth dark ale, and the locally brewed Guiness is superb, hate to say it, but better IMO than you get in Dublin!

Steinlager has won too many medals to list, they were asked not to enter some major comp after winning it 4 years straight.

Agree with you Pat, too long ago to recall the names, but had a ball with various Canadian beers in Vancouver.

If you get to London around Xmas, look out for Fullers ESB, (extra special brew). Its only available for a month or so, or was. Its about 1060 OG I think and really good for warming those cold bones after standing in a que (line) all day!


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"Mico huh?  I bet I can find that somewhere near downtown Tempe."

Tops Liquor, on the south side of University just a bit west of Mill Ave. Put it in the freezer...


I still may prefer Hornitos, by a slight margin, in the dollar for quality category. (Hornitos is about $24.) But it's definitely worth checking out. And, the woman who recommended it KNOWS her Tequila.


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These days, I pretty much enjoy anything Mexican - beer or Tequila.  Tequila - of course Herradura and Silver Patron. Best quality per dollar ratio - Hornitos Sauza.

 BE - I happen to currently have on hand, all 3 brands mentioned (I prefer Gold Patron thought!)  Ahhhh - Tequila - LOVE that stuff!
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