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If you woke up one day in a fantasy world where money was never a concern and family never took any time, what shooting sports would you try to master or even take part in?

How much would you shoot and travel to do it?


Oh, I would keep shooting IDPA but would dive into IPSC limited to keep myself humble. I would shoot 30,000 rds. per year minimum.

I would also shoot a ton of Trap because I dream of winning anything at the Grand American (never been). This would be on top of traveling to every Sporting Clays major in the world.

You never know somebody's got to win the lotto

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Okay...first thing would be to wait until 0200 and then call my boss at home to tell him I won lotto and I would never darken the office door again.

Then I would call him back at 0300 because he probably thought the 0200 call was a dream and besides...it would be fun. :)

Then I would build my wife a nice, not huge, just nice, log home somewhere out in the sticks "off the grid" but with some manner of broadband internet access. Land would have a nice stream and a nice pond on it for fishing. Primary criteria would be that a rifle fired in any direction would not hit anything that I didn't own.

For myself I would build an enormous shop with dedicated rooms for reloading, woodworking, machine shop and brewery.

I would also build my own range with multiple bays and hire a staff to pick brass and set stages for me. But I would still do all my own reloading because I enjoy doing it.

Oh...and a private airstrip.

I would then spend the rest of my days brewing, flying, building guns, reloading and enjoying the shooting sports I already participate in as well as adding a lot more of them to the bag of fun.

I would also participate in many worthy philanthropies both as a donor and an active person. Junior Hockey, Big Brothers, etc.

I might shave and I might bathe now and then. Being known as the crazy man up in the woods does have its advantages.

My goal would be to run out of heartbeats and spending money at exactly the same time. My estate (real estate, guns, etc) would be left to my neice and nephews (I have no kids so no, not dissing the kids).

I suppose it would help to actually buy lotto tickets eh? :P

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I would buy a large amount of land in South Texas and even larger amount somewhere in Montana or Wyoming. I would have an outstanding range both places that could host about any shooting event thinkable. I would tinker with benchrest. I am really into accurate rifles. I would spend the off season (Feb.-Aug.) traveling the country shooting IPSC. The rest of the year would be spent hunting on one of my places. TX"moneybags"AG.

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the possibilities.

Buy alot more ammo. Yes loaded ammo so I did not have to mess with it. Spend every day at my private range practicing. Then I would want to hit all the major matches I could get to in my private plane.

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Don't forget others. After I bought the Ferrari, Ducati and Shelby Cobra, and built the dream house on the dream range, I'd sit down with a conference table full of lawyers, accountants, CPAs, shooters and ballisticians. I'd form a legal foundation with two missions: One would be to promote the shooting sports and provide seed money to build and improve ranges, provide RO training, etc. The money would go to any sport not aided by the NRA.

The second mission would be legal: The foundation would hire bright, aggressive lawyers right out of school. Their mission would be to go after politicians, bureaucrats, law enforcement and other officials who abuse their station and power to prosecute or persecute legal, law-abiding citizens who exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. Their job description: Make sure the client is right. Make sure the official is wrong. Only then, go after them hammer and tongs. Impoverish them, get them prosecuted and thrown in jail. Make an example of them. Make such an example of them that even their own relatives will disavow ever knowing them or associating with them.

Any wonder I wake up each morning with a smile on my face?

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The first thing I would do is fly to Russia and find a MIG-29 pilot, whip out a huge wad of cash, and tell him your only job is to try to make me puke. Then in my best "MXC- Captain Tenneal" voice, I would jump in the back seat and shout "Let's go!"


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I often think that the $5 I waste on the lottery ticket is worth it to dream this little dream, and I have thought about it alot.

I would not have my own range, but would try to be as close to a really good one as possible. I don't want to deal with the up keep. maybe make a big enough donation to someones range that they wouldn't mind me using it all the time, and not putting in a ton of work time.

Then I would get THE BIGGEST motor home I could find and turn it into the traveling gun room. I would look on the USPSA website and just decide that I am going to to shoot this match or that match, or maybe take a week and get instructuion from one of the top GM's. I would, of course, like to make GM in the process, but I wouldn't turn it into a job. Probably wouldn't even do the point series deal. Just shoot when and where I want to, and how I shoot is how I shoot.

More than anything I would just enjoy myself, instead of always feeling rushed.

Ahhh, to dream the little dream.

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I would build a mega shooting facility that made PASA look like a bump in the road. There would be matches and shoots in every discipline every day and evening.

I'd hire full time ROs to be there any time the range is open (membership only).

I'd hire ROs and other range staff to run the matches. No more whining about people not helping.

I'd hire various youth organizations (like Boy Scouts) to shag brass and paste targets. This would help their groups financially and help introduce more kids to shooting sports.

I'd buy my own movie studios, record labels, and tv networks so that performers who wanted to be vocal about their beliefs, but were afraid to buck the pseudo-liberal establishment would have a place to work without fear of reprisal or loss of career.

I'd buy a strip of Illinois big enough to travel all the way across their stupid state and still be on my own private property so I could get to the western half of the United States when I wanted.

I'd contribute enough money to libertarian candidates (regardless of their parties) so that good people could actually get elected to national level offices.

I'd pay for full hour, prime-time infomercials for NRA and other RKBA groups on television.

I'd start private schools that taught silly things like reading, writing, arithmetic, freedom and liberty.

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Nothing, for me, would change.

I shoot when I want to already. Those times when other obligations cross over shooting opportunities don't bother me. It helps to maintain my interest in the shooting sports and the act itself. As someone who is self-diagnosed OC and also suffers from a short attention span, things are quite nice just the way they are. I might go so far as to build a pistol range on the back of a piece of property I might own someday, but that might be as far as I'd go.

There are a number of things I think I'd like to have. But, when I take a moment to reflect on what I do have and am able to do without other consideration, I find that I am content. I like that.

Yeah, the grass may be greener on the other side, but that grass sitll needs mowed. ;) Besides, the lawn I have suits me just fine. :)

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For me this would be easy! First off, get the heck out of CA just as fast as possible! I don't know yet where I'd go. Thought about it a lot and haven't come to any real strong possibilities. My wife wants to go to Texas, so that's a possibility.

Kids would go to the best private school I can find. By that I mean one that actually teaches and doesn't indoctrinate.

I'd have my own private range where I don't have to set up and put the steel away every time I want to go shoot! And it would be big enough to host matches. That makes 12 big bays.

I'd buy some guns that I can't have here! There are several on the list. I also have a collection that I'd like to flesh out cause I can't afford to right now.

Reloading? HA! I'd be buying all my practice ammo. And it would be loaded to my specs. Match ammo I'd still load :rolleyes:.

Money would be donated toward the PAC's that actually do a good job of protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. If enough can't be found, I'd start my own. Hire aggressive new lawyers to go about it. And real good conservative thinkers.

I'd set up a trust fund for each of my kids with enough money that they'd be set. But with enough rules around it that they'd have to act like adults when the time comes. They need to show their upbringing, dontcha know :huh:.


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Oh yea, and a fleet of RV's to go to all sanctioned matches and tournaments. They'd have all the amenities for living civilized at the ranges while at the match. Water, basic first aid, etc, for the shooters and staff. And have the fastest possible wi-fi for all who want to check scores on the web while at the match. (And to spread the word about the range upgrade and legal defense programs.)

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Just as a start: I'd purchasing a 2500 acres of private in the Montrose/Grand Junction area of Colorado with National Forest on 3 3/4 sides of it. At least 600 acres of this land would be heavily infested with a very prolific population of prairie dogs! There would be a landing spot for Eric's jet ride!

Wouldn't want to waste money or time on a trophy home so I'd have a small log house - 2500 sq ft. Just a few of the auto's parked in the 10,000 sq ft all inclusive shop/garage (the play area!) next to the indoor shooting range would be (gotta have some priorities here):

1 Bugatti Veyron 16.4

1 Saleen S7

1 BMW 745i Luxury Liner

1 1970 AAR Limegreen Convertible Hemi Cuda

2 Hemi Superbirds

7 Premier pro-steet custom choppers made by JJ, OCC, others

1 H2 with a set of 42's with a mac daddy stereo system in it...grocery getter

Places I'd frequent to catch some sun would be:

Clifton Beach, Cape Town, South Africa

Copacabana, Brazil

Crete, Greece

Datai Beach, Langkawi, Malaysia

Fraser Island, Australia

Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Kuta Bali, Indonesia

Larvotto Beach, Monte Carlo, Monaco

The Maldives Islands

Natadola Beach, Fiji

Negril and Hedonism, Jamaica

Paradise Beach, Mykonos Island, Greece

Paradise Island, Bahamas

Patong Beach, Phuket Island, Thailand

Phi Phi Island, Langkawi, Thailand

Tenerife, Canary Islands


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Now that my cable modem works again, my stuff list: A house on enough acreage that I can shoot out back. The garage/workshop/reloading area shall have a back bay door that opens on my pit --- so I can shoot steel from inside when it rains. Definitely more classes and more matches and more practice. Tourbus to travel to the majors with. Tourbus would be equipped with a driver/caddy/reloader/purveyor of fine food and beverages for my pals and I. Tourbus would also be equipped with a massage table and resident masseuse.

As to the Time: I'd visit my siblings/nieces and nephews and extended family in Germany more often. I want to drive cross country and back visiting as many states as possible. Car of choice might have to be one of the big Benzes for that journey. I'd want to persue covering the Olympics for someone.....

Hmmm, the second half of this list is looking more doable, apart from the car....

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Man I am so glad someone brought this up..... I dream about this all the time, and yet dont play lotto or even care if I ever end up a millionaire. I am perfectly content to live the life I have, it has been wonderful to me and I love life a bit more every day, but we all gotta dream right........

I would not have a home so to speak, I would have a compound. It would be basically 100,000 acres minimum. It would be located in a part of the world that was always green, yet never rained. It would have highs of 80 and lows of 55. It would have a couple small ponds, 1 big lake, and a couple winding rivers/streams/cricks. On my compound would be a 250 bay range so that I could properly host every World Shoot to every happen, which would all take at least a month to shoot. No one would ever mind though since entry fees would be a smile and a hug from the ladies. I would also pay back to the competitors whatever wages they lost in the month it took to shoot the match. They would also be able to stay in any suite they chose from one of my 37 on site 5 star hotels. The compound would also include massive homes for everyone I ever liked. Dad and Mom would be tended to hand and foot and my 2 beautiful nieces would never know what it was like to work for some a_-hole boss. Big Dave, tightloop, Smooove Johnny B, ShooterGrrl, JimmyB, all the Brits, and anyone that ever was kind to me could live their permenantly as long as they promised to shoot as much as they want. We would all run gold plated and diamond encrusted Brazos Open guns and Winchester would load all the ammo we could ever shoot and then some.

When we werent busy shooting/drinking or having sing a longs we would play off road bumper cars in brand new shiny Hummers. As soon as they got scratched or didnt shine, we would roll them off a cliff and riddle them with belt fed machine guns.

Everyone that lived on the compound with me that has kids would be presented with another gold and diamond Brazos for their little ones. I would hire a group of former Maxim and Playboy models to work as RO's for our daily matches of various disciplines, IPSC, AP, Skeet, 3 Gun, IDPA, ICORE, Steel Challenge or whatever new shooting sport we dream up.

I would own not less than 20 motorcycles all set up different ways, and a variety of cars. My 2005 Mercedes SL600 would be reserved for when I'm "slumming it" and would drive my more valuable cars most other times. I would also have my own 5 lane freeway surrounding the compound so that I can drive whatever speed I like without fear of tickets.

I would also declare the compound a seperate country where abortion and any attempt at gun control is punishable by death. There would be no taxes and everyone would live in beautiful harmony sipping from their bottomless glasses of whatever they so desired.

Anyone who sought freedom from gun control and the oppertunity to shoot everyday would be allowed to live on the compound for the admission fee of a smile, and a hug from the ladies. Moreover none of us would have "real" jobs, we would do whatever we wanted and I would foot the bill for everyone. If someone desired to have a job outside the compound they would be allowed, but it would not be nessecary for financial reasons.

There is a lot more too, but i'll stop before I take up any more valuable space here in the Enosvere

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Steel Challenge




3 Gun

Hi-Power Rifle



Second Chance (is that still going? If not I'd start it up again)

Clays (Skeet, Trap, DTL, ZZ's)

Anything else I've missed off that includes pulling the trigger in competition.

Plus I'd hold the JimmyB invitational shoot on my island, $10,000,000 cash prize, the stipulations for entry being that you aren't allowed to shoot (or even have a gun) for a year until the week before the competition.

It would bring a certain competitve desire to the match. :P

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Here's my question: The stuff is all very nice. How would you spend your time though?
:lol::lol::lol: You have to ask!

Yes. Time spent working --- most likely gone. Are you going to fill all that time with shooting? For how many years until you burn out? Ever wanted to learn a foreign language? Travel? Build something? Take up karate or golf or any other skill that will take lots of time to master? Dig deep --- you may learn surprising things --- even one's that are possible around work....

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I wish I was as content with what I have as you are. I should be, but I'm not. You should consider yourself blessed.

We're blessed!

Sorry thread drift...on

Consider the schoolkids in Baslan (Ossetia) were bandits rule and take small children for hostage.

We should oppose against them!

At least we have Freedom of Speech in the Enosverse.


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Are you going to fill all that time with shooting?

Nik, run back a take a look at the partial list...the entire world would be a playground. Shooting would definately be on the calendar of things to do but it would be a shared priority. I don't know if I could ever get burned-out trying to smooth bore the rifling out of few varmit rifles each year... :P

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Steel Challenge




3 Gun

Hi-Power Rifle



Second Chance (is that still going? If not I'd start it up again)

Clays (Skeet, Trap, DTL, ZZ's)

Anything else I've missed off that includes pulling the trigger in competition.

Plus I'd hold the JimmyB invitational shoot on my island, $10,000,000 cash prize, the stipulations for entry being that you aren't allowed to shoot (or even have a gun) for a year until the week before the competition.

It would bring a certain competitve desire to the match. :P

I've really enjoyed all of the replys, but JimmyB really said what I was wondering about. What would you shoot? Have you been itching to win a Bianchi Cup?





Try to be the next Ed Mcgivern?

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