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Reload Standards


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Isn't there a rule 'bout 2x< calibre hole goes as a miss....???????????? ;)

You are thinking about the pre-14th edition rules.

We have gone from twice the bullet diameter not being scored.

The rule was applied to appearing/disappearing targets. Twice diameter was ok on an appearing target, but scored as a miss on a disappearing target.

By the 14th edition and with the 2004 revision, this rule no longer appears.


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We shot this in the local match this weekend.

I took home 87 points in the match (Limited). Steve (Open) tore it down pretty well...even with some fumbling...122 points.

I did a reshoot after the match for some practice. 93 points, with me forgetting that the second part of string 3 was freestyle...starting to shoot it strong hand ...then remembering...and letting the time expire.

I can get off all the shots. I will likely shoot the string with a solid pass before the reload, then get what I can after that.

I'll try to play with this some more this week.

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Isn't there a rule 'bout 2x< calibre hole goes as a miss....???????????? ;)

You are thinking about the pre-14th edition rules.

We have gone from twice the bullet diameter not being scored.

The rule was applied to appearing/disappearing targets. Twice diameter was ok on an appearing target, but scored as a miss on a disappearing target.

By the 14th edition and with the 2004 revision, this rule no longer appears.


TNX for the reminder...still stuck in old rules some times...

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Shot it cold (1st thing in practice) on Thursday afternoon. 100 points on the 1st run, 99 on the 2nd.

Thanks to BE for his book and the forum which are both priceless resources. I couldn't understand why I was missing shots that I'm totally capable of making. After doing some specific searches of the forums and rereading PSBF, I realized what was happening and was able to let the shooting just happen. I was letting tension creep in and not letting my vision drive the shooting. I was letting the par time pressure me into rushing my shots.

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whooohaaa, 100 pts in PD? Robbie, is that you? (My standard line in such case, sorry.... :) )

Do this: Shoot it 10 times in a row. What is your highes score? What is your lowest score? What is your average score? In a big match, I expect to shoot my average score, minus match jitter points.

My highest was 75. My lowest I am too embarrassed to list here. My average was less than 60. I also noticed that, on average (!, not for *highest*), I loose points by reloading on string 1, 2 and 3. But I'm only an A....


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Alan (9-major caspian) and myself set this stage up this weekend (X2). Results varied from frustrating to cool.... ;) My first run out was a 92 and the last run out 112 with a lot of variance between. Alan did better....damn dots!

Wanting to get the most out of this stage we found ourselves stationed at the 25 yard line running this string over and over..... :angry: taking notes and deciding that a second day would be in order.

During both practice sessions I realized that stage was really challenging! Kept telling myself to watch the front site through each shot....watch the front site/call the shot! Even had thoughts about slowing down enough to grab 5 A's.....Right :lol: Those thoughts didn't last long.

Knowing that I couldn't do this (back off the gas) I decided that the second practice session would require more concentration....had a couple of 27 point runs on the 25 yard line. Lessons learned...maybe! Secrets to pass along....slow down, carry a good cadence, nail the reloads, and watch the front site!....Its EZ :P

$.02 B)

Ivan...there's never enough time - its life in the fast lane! BTW... there has been no choice except to get used to the rain here on the East Coast....hope you bring a windshield wiper for that open blaster next week!..catch you there.

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Jake, we ran it with about 3ft. between the targets. Since if will likely be the automatic turning targets that they have used in the past...that would seem about right.

I drove down to the range and ran it again tonight. I was in a bad mood and tense as hell...I got off all the shots, but had two mikes on the center target. No vision.

My plan at the match will be to shoot Alphas before the reload, then accept a little less vision after the reload.

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We shot it at the club this past weekend, thanks to Hopalong. (He's likes evil course design.)

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Our whole squad handled it about like a monkey having intercourse with a football! :wacko:

I have no idea what our scores are since the match results aren't up yet and I couldn't add them up at the time because of the tears in my eyes. :lol:

It is quite the challenge, it would seem. Good luck to those going to the nationals.

Anxiously awaiting the nationals results to see the scores on a wide range of shooters.


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wasn't sure if I should tack on to this thread or start a new one???

Was just e-mailed me this question...

how many mags will you carry? Can you pick one up and reuse it? I only have 4 = 3 - 140's and 1-170, which has always been enough for myu 28 supercomp. But that makes one short if I don't pick up any for that stage. Should I try and get another one?

My response...

I was just pondering this question myself. I'll have 5 on me total. If I were you I would not worry about getting another mag at this time for the nationals because it will be untested. I would suggest you do what I've been doing in practice which is have 2 fully loaded mags that I start strings with and 2 other mags that I don't top off to reload with. I would use one fully loaded 140mm to start @ 25, 20 & 10 yards (picking it up between strings) and your 170 mm to start @ 15 yards. Just remember to not be rushed on the line. Make sure you have everything the way you want it prior to assuming the start position.

If conditions are bad (mud or dew), I would most likely ask someone in my squad that was way down in the order or had already shot if I could borrow a mag as a just in case (worst case scenario). If you borrow a mag, you can be relatively sure that it'll work in your gun if it works in the lenders gun.

Any other advice?

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And if necessary a pocketful of rounds to reload a mag with. I can't imagine any RO not accomodating you for a couple of seconds while you stuff more orunds in one of your mags....

Also, it's max 15 rounds before the reload (all strings combined) so I'd almost think that you could that many rounds in one starter mag, leaving three that could be downloaded for the reloads....

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How many mags do you usually bring to a match? It seems as if I have never had the need for more that the 4 in Open, although my experience is much less than anyone on here (less than 1 year). And before anyone says anything, it is 38 supercomp!

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Shoot 40 S&W STI in LImited & 38 Super STI in Open. I bring at least 6-8 mags for limited, 8 for L10 and 7 for open (2 170mm, 4 140mm & 1 carry mag for prone) PLUS extra factory STI & grams base pads, grams springs & followers.

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I shot it today, dropping the mags on carpets. It can easily be done with two 18-round mags, picking up the dropped one. I'll shoot it with four or five on me in Barry in case a dropped one gets dirty.

I shot it cold, as if it would be the first stage of the match for me Monday afternoon. I thought the high-round-count string was pairs follows by pairs, so I aborted my first run and started over. 114 points, getting in every shot, Limited. 12 A, 13 C, 1 D, 1 M. Later runs I had trouble getting the last shot in because I was taking more time for better hits. I stopped practicing the 15 yard string because #1 it messes with my mind and #2 I'm reasonably certain it won't be pairs followed by singles in the match.

I had to rush the 25 and 10 yard shots after the reload to get all the shots in. I'll really need to nail the reloads (and transfer) to have enough time.

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This is a stupid Q that I might start under rules as well:

Is it a reload if you remove the mag and shove it back in? How far must you drop it or the gun?

Not really a dumb question at all...at least I don't think so...I asked something similar recently.

I asked:

Q: We shot the reload standards at the local club this weekend.

What do you do when the shooter goes for their reload...blows it (gets the mag to the gun, but not quite in the gun), then just fires the one round that is in the pipe?

Do we ding shooter for attempting the reload, but failing?

A: I'd give him one procedural penalty for not making the required reload before he fired a shot. (Since he only fired one shot, then it's one penalty). If he didn't seat the mag, he didn't make the required reload.

Looking it up...I found rule 8.4.1 (14th ed.) It states a reload is replacing one source of ammo with another.

So, it would seem that you cannot just remove a mag and shove it back in because that is not replacing with another source.

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Damn some of you guys get carried away with the mags. I now have 2 170's and 4 140's. I only use 2-3 mags a match. If you need that many mags either slow down and hit what you shoot at or practice the reloads. 90% of the match only require the big stick and maybe the 140 on a reload or 2.

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