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Guns don't kill people...


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I saw this bumper sticker today on I-80 near Berkeley:

Guns don't kill people

Drivers with cell phones kill people

The driver got into the exit-only lane ahead of me, accelerated past most of the stop-and-go traffic in the 580 lanes, then slammed on the brakes and cut back in to the 580 lane across the solid white lines, cutting off another car. But he didn't have a cell phone. He also had a firefighter sticker.

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BAHAHAHAHA!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That guy's doing people a public service... making 'em realize how good it is to be alive. ;) I don't do stuff like that, but I do drive... uh... with spirit. A speed limit is a suggestion.

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A speed limit is a suggestion.

That's what I thought, until I was one more ticket away from loosing my license.

I just tell the cops that driving fast keeps me from falling asleep behind the wheel. Some truth there actually. :ph34r:

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I think those firefighter stickers are lame attempts at avoiding tickets due to "professional courtesy." Sorry, there ain't that many firefighters in all of the U.S. compared to the number of stickers I've seen in CA.

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