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Pastor Hunting Trip


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I personally heard the following true story as told by pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Ca. The message was: Leading by example, the mistakes that leaders make.

A pastor and his deacon were driving to their annual hunting spot to find the area posted "No Hunting". The pastor said to the deacon "let's go ask the farmer on the other side of the road if we can use his land to hunt on since we have driven such a long way to get here". The deacon, knowing the farmer who owned the land said "I know that farmer, he is one of the meanest human being that I have ever met, he will never let you hunt on his property! The pastor was determined to ask the farmer anyway despite the deacons protests. As the deacon waited in the car the pastor walked up to the farmers house, spoke of their annual hunting trip and the problem of the posted property. Contrary to the deacons report the farmer was very gracious and gave the two men access to his property and made the following request: "I will allow you to hunt on my property, and I would like you to help me out with the following problem". You see that old horse that is tied behind my barn? He is in constant pain and need to be put down, but I have had him for so many years that it is just too hard for me to shoot him". Could you please shoot him so that I do not have to do it myself?" The pastor said, "of course I will help you out."

It was then that the pastor decided to play a joke on the deacon. As the pastor arrived back at the car he said to the deacon, " I should have listened to you!" "That wicked farmer cursed me up one side and down the other." "I'll show him what I think of his nasty attitude." At that the pastor ran to the back of the car pulled his rifle out of the truck and ran around the back of the barn. The deacon, visibly shaken, followed the pastor to the area behind the barn where the pastor proceeded to blow the horse away. It total shock the deacon suddenly ran back around the barn and out of sight as the pastor fell to his knees laughing uncontrolably. A few moments later the pastor suddenly heard, BOOM, BOOM.

The deacon came running around the side of the building and said: " I just killed two of his cows, lets get out of here!"

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