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1,000 round mark for VersaMax

T Bacus

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Crossed the 1,000 round mark with my Versa Max Tactical today. That's 1,000 rounds since I bought it in April without any cleaning or maintenance, just lubed before each match or shooting session. The gun has had no malfunctions of any kind so far. The gun is stll stock except for the +1 tube extension bought from Galco Manufacturing.

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Crossed the 1,000 round mark with my Versa Max Tactical today. That's 1,000 rounds since I bought it in April without any cleaning or maintenance, just lubed before each match or shooting session. The gun has had no malfunctions of any kind so far. The gun is stll stock except for the +1 tube extension bought from Galco Manufacturing.

Did you modify the lifter designed to eat your thumb?

I have a Versa Max in my safe not yet fired, wondering if the lifter should be fixed?

Edited by Ken Shoot Fast
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I have not modified anything on the gun yet. I got a minor lifter bite when i first got it but then modified my technique to help prevent it. I use the load 2 method and after inserting two rounds you just need to move your hand and thumb back to the rear slightly before pulling away from the gun. Problems arise when you try to pull your hand straight up from the gun with the end of your thumb still in the tube. Blood and cussing galore!!

I will be getting some minor work done over the winter, rear sight, welded lifter, mechanism smoothed somewhat for easier loading.

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If you run the extended lifter i would suggest removing the inner shell release spring. We have realized that using both springs with an extended lifter can cause feed functioning problems. My versamax wouldnt run at all until i removed the inner spring. Now runs smooth as glass.

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I'm around 2k now since June. Simply put, this gun runs. I'm not interested in changing that by welding the carrier. I have however, smoothed and polished all the edges and that includes the slot. This thing comes out of the box with some sharp corners.

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When is Remington going to sell spare lifters so we can have them welded?


I ordered a couple with other spare parts in April, it took about ten days.

I have not found a site that sells the parts to Versa Max, where did you get them?

Direct from Remington.

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Copied from the Owners Manual:

How to Obtain Parts and Service

From Remington Arms Company,


To Order Parts:

To order parts please visit Remington’s

web site @ www.remingtonpartsstore.com

or call 1-800-243-9700. For additional

information on service enhancements,

upgrades, repair, additional barrels, and

specialty parts visit www.remington.com.

To place an order or for additional information

on service enhancements, up

grades, and additional barrels, please

call us toll free consumer service number,

1-800-243-9700, Mon.-Fri., 9:00 AM-5:00

PM Eastern time.

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I only have a few hundred through mine and it has run great so far. I would never be about to load this thing without the lifter welded though...I think it's worse than my Benelli. I thought the weight was going to be an issue but it's not bad...my M2 (24") is 8.3 lbs and my VM (22") is 8.9 lbs.

Glad to hear that everyone else is having good luck with there VM shotguns also.

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The inside of my gun looks like crap, so much fouling that it's hard to see the parts! Still, I'm going to just keep lubing it until I experience my first malfunction, or until I send it out for some work. I found a box of Winchester AA Light Recoil loads at work, took them out on the range and ran all 25 with no problems.

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I love the light AA's, especially when others are using them. I see too many people using light loads and having trouble dropping plates, either at distance or hard set plates on Texas Stars and the such. I use Remington Nitro 27s exclusively. The extra 100 or so feet per second combined with a LM choke means I never worry about hard set plates.

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