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The difference between me and being


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...is the fact that I did stupid crap and the shooter(s) in front of me didn't do any stupid crap or a lot less than I did. I could be a "better" shooter by just shooting "smarter" / more patiently.

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"...I could be a "better" shooter by just shooting "smarter" / more patiently. "
With heavy emphasis on "...more patiently." Welcome to MY little shooting mental world! Every time I slow down, I score big. I just frippin' need to remember that AT ALL TIMES. Don't feel all alone here on this matter. B)
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I get a lot of help from my "friends" on slowing down and shooting faster... My problem is when I slow down, I SLOWWWW DOOOWWNNN. How do yall get to that happy medium? It seems that when things are really clicking, I'm seeing in slow motion, and when I just slow down - I do the same thing I was doing fast only slower? This is making my brain hurt!!!! :blink:

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What Kills me is to shoot behind a open shooter. I shoot limited and I just cannot shoot as fast as an open shooter of the same class. But that doesn't keep me from trying!!! :o

If I can keep my mental game on on course, I can usually shoot slower which usually means better scores.



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...is the fact that I did stupid crap and the shooter(s) in front of me didn't do any stupid crap or a lot less than I did. I could be a "better" shooter by just shooting "smarter" / more patiently

I hear your pain Eric. Sounds like I wrote that :o i would add that actually executing according to plan helps quite a lot :P

I just finished an eight stage 3 gun match scored time+ where I wound up doing some real stupid crap and throwing at least 75-80 seconds away on 3 specific dumb mistakes (penalties). If I had just shot more carefully and not made the 3 mistakes, I would have moved up 4-5 places in my class even with the same lackluster performances on most of the stages that I didn’t incur time penalties on.

Out of the eight stages, IMHO I performed poorly on four, so-so on three and well on only one. I do have the satisfaction of one stage in the mid 80% range where it all went like it was supposed to, gun floating, things happening on their own with no conscious thought. It is great when it happens, it’s frustrating when it doesn’t, but it is always fun.

What I have to remember whenever I make stupid mistakes in stages is that I am only beating myself with those mistakes and it is up to me to execute properly in the future. It really is true that steady, error free performance will almost always pay off.



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Don't forget though, the targets duck and weave - at least when you shoot at them. It's hard to see 'cause they're fast. That why we find ourselves looking at the targets when we need to be looking at the sights.

Now, if I could only get myself to watch the sights......


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